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quant PT

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Everything posted by quant PT

  1. I use a PC at work and MACs at home. I have a G5 I bought in December of '03 (using it right now) and I have not had one problem with it. On the rare occasion that something locks up, you just do a force quit and everything is OK. I also have a 2 year old mac laptop - no problems there either. My work PC's are another story. I am on my third laptop in 5 years. I also have changed out 3-4 hard drives in that time as well. My work (PC) laptop rarely leaves its docking station, but my Macs get used daily by my three sons, so I know my Macs are exposed to a tougher environment than my PC. Like anything new, there is a learning curve, but it is very short. Once you get used to a Mac, you'll love it.
  2. I'm surprised Bill Dance isn't endorsing it!
  3. See this link for the Palomar, that would be my choice. I've never had much luck with clinch knots either. http://www.bassresource.com/fish/knots.html I've used some of sufix's other lines but not siege, but it should be pretty tough line. Do you retie often? Also try 12 or 14# or braid since line visability isn't a big deal on buzzbaits.
  4. Welcome to the forums!
  5. Welcome!
  6. Get some more stories like this one and you could be the next Jerry Clower!
  7. What ever happened to country music where they sang about drinkin' whiskey, fightin', cheatin', prison etc, and they had personal experience with what they were singing about? Most of the country music now is pop music with a steel guitar and a fiddle. Not that the artists are not talented, but could you imagine what would happen if you put David Allen Coe and the singer from Rascal Flatts in the same room together?
  8. The black lab is Lola she will be 2 in November - she is finally starting to calm down. The lab chow mix is Chief she's 8.
  9. Talking Heads - Psycho Killer
  10. Don't feel bad. I spent $1200 0n a stray kitten that my wife ran over with her SUV. That was about 7 years ago and we still have the cat. He's a good cat but he wasn't even ours when my wife ran him over (he's ours now!). One question? How many Curados and Crucials could I buy for $1200?
  11. Terminator T-1 is the best hands down.
  12. Country musician and actor Jerry Reed passed away from emphysema this weekend. He will be missed. ?
  13. US Kids makes some of the best junior clubs. They make a 9 iron with a special grip that forces you to grip the club correctly ( I believe its called a training club). I would buy one of these and a US Kids putter and let her start with that. You may find some US Kids clubs on ebay as well. Their clubs are sized for every 6" of height and are color coded ( the girls clubs are in girl colors like pink, purple etc.). Lessons are very important. Kids never like listening to their parents , and most parents are not qualified to give golf advice. If your Daughter starts off with bad habits they will be very hard to break. Ask around to find a club that has a pro who is good with juniors. Call your local AJGA ( American Junior Golf Association),and they may be able to point you in the right direction. My son is a very good junior golfer so I have been through all of this and would be glad to help you any way I can.
  14. I get it! ;D ;D Seriously, there are certain people out there who absolutely live to pass laws like this. If it is true it is very misguided. And DON'T think it can't happen here. Would a tuba qualify as a blunt instrument?
  15. Sounds like Ted Nugent needs to take a trip to Switzerland.
  16. Looks like there is a Horton Posse starting. Here is a picture of him with my son.
  17. Hilarious
  18. Timmy Horton and Shaw Grigsby. I met both of them at Clarks Hill and they seemed like great guys. Both were easy to approach and took time to let me take pictures of them with my kids.
  19. I have three quantum Energy PT's and have no complaints.
  20. Over is the only way to go. The third option for the extremely lazy is leave the roll on the floor or on top of the tank. This method usually goes hand in hand with multiple empty rolls laying around, cars up on blocks in the front yard and a sofa on the front porch. ;D
  21. quant PT


    and enjoy the forums!
  22. x2 If you were asking everyone's opinion, why would you limit the colors we could choose from. You eliminated all of the black colors. But if you still what my opinion that's probably the only one I'd use.
  23. I fish terminator spinnerbaits a lot. IMHO they are very well made baits that have produced well for me. I am not familiar with the red series, I use the T1's. I especially like the titanium wire. If the red series is the same quality as the T1, you can't go wrong buying some of them. If not, buy some T1's.
  24. My son outfishes me 10 to 1 and it has nothing to do with line. ;D Enjoy fishing with your son.
  25. Thanks for all of the kind words guys. I had my wife read what everyone wrote and she started crying. This isn't just the best fishing site on the net - its the best site on the net period!
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