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NOVA Angler

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Everything posted by NOVA Angler

  1. You make fishing sound so stressful. Relax bro!
  2. I like Power Pro fine for heavier lures such as SPRO Frogs, but when it comes to lighter stuff, Fireline is way better.
  3. Maybe not. I was fishing with one of my reels most of last year with only one brake on and didn't realize it until I took my reel apart over the winter to clean it. I didn't have any problems with it this way.
  4. That's what she said.
  5. The creeks are better but still stained for the most part. Aquia (mouth) is fairly clean and the grass is thick but the bite was hit or miss their Sunday. Some people caught good ones but others got skunked. Definetly not as hot as it was this time last year. Inside the creek the bite is better. Mattowoman is stained but again the bite was hit or miss. Saturday it was hot but Sunday we saw very few keepers caught. I remeber last year seeing 10-15 boats sitting in the grass outside Smallwood. Sunday I saw one or two. I think it's still early.
  6. I live in Ashburn and would be happy to meet you somewhere local to help you out. Quality fish have been scarce for me around here recently, but I manage one here and there. Many of the ponds in Ashburn are heavily pressured. I can meet you one evening this week if you'd like. PM me and we'll work out the details.
  7. Sent you a PM Steve.
  8. I'm using the Yellow Rocket Fuel and it seems to do the job nicely.
  9. Do I put grease on both sides of the washers or just one side?
  10. I definetly make a birds nest. How many layers depends on how bad the seat is when I get in there and how bad I have to go. No way I'm sitting in another mans pee.
  11. That's where I did it. About a 3/8 inch behind the line tie.
  12. I drilled and filled one of my old XCalibur XR50's with super glue yesterday. I used quite a bit of glue in the hopes that the rattles don't break loose. I'll report back after I fish with it.
  13. That's the confidence boost I was looking for! Thanks!
  14. Here is the spinnerbait I bought today... http://www.terminatorlures.com/spinnerbaits/t-1_red_series/ I'll give it a try when prefishing for tournaments to see if it's something worth using come tournament day...
  15. We all know red crankbaits are very popular this time of year so I was curious if anyone throws red spinnerbaits with success in the spring? I picked up a red Terminator spinnerbait today to try out. I guess I'm looking for a little confidence booster.
  16. http://shop.proreelservice.com/ I didn't have access to a drill press to make the pin punch tool so I bought the pliers from here. I received them today and have already pulled the pin on one of my Curado B's. Worked like a charm. Make sure you support the spool shaft as shown in the pictures from the link J Francho provided.
  17. Leo215, Welcome to the forum. There are a number of guys who fish from the bank on the forum. If you stick around for a while, I'm sure one of them will show you the ropes. -Rob
  18. It's the law. Be glad he didn't write you a ticket. You didn't have a leg to stand on. I agree with Burley. You're lucky you didn't get a ticket. I'm not saying I agree with the law, but that's another story...
  19. I recommend upgrading your grammar before you upgrade any rods. Seriously, you'll get more replies if people can comprehend your sentences.
  20. I've had a few run ins with Game Wardens the most recent being last year on Beaverdam Creek Resevoir in Ashburn. My buddy and I were out fishing on the resevoir last spring in my gheenoe. My buddy only fishes once or twice a year so he decided to chance it and not buy a license. Sure enough, we got checked and he got a ticket. Otherwise they were really nice guys. We had a 6-pack of beer which they pointed out is another no-no but they just asked us to keep it hidden so nobody else saw it. My buddy offered them one, but as you can imagine they declined.
  21. Hooked myself twice: First - I was strapping my rod to the racks on top of my SUV and pulled my hand away. The trailer hook of my spinnerbait caught my pinky and went to the bone. My friend was driving me to the Emergency Room and got very sick and almost passed out. We had to pull over and I had to drive the rest of the way. The trailer hook was pretty strong and they couldn't cut it with the nail head cutters they had in the Emergency Room so they had to call maintenace to bring bolt cutters. The two doctors argued over who got to cut it out. The most painful part was them numbing my finger before they pushed the hook through my skin to cut the barb off. Good thing my buddy wasn't back there for that. The second time I was fishing with one of those worm hooks that is double barbed meaning it has the barb on the end of the hook where it catches the fish, but it also has another barb near the eye of the hook (like this http://www.***.com/Z_Man_Weighted_Trigger_Hook_3_Pack/descpage-ZMWTRHK.html) I caught a bass around 2lbs and while trying to take it off the hook it shook loose and the barb near the eye of the hook went through the webbing between my thumb and pointer finger. The fish flopping around hanging from my hand didn't feel good. Trust me, it will bring you to your knees very quick. After I got the fish off my friend had the bright idea of trying to cut the hook out with hedge clippers (not the anvil type)...The fish flopping around on the hook was nothing compared to this. When he slammed them closed, the hook twisted around and tore the skin a bit. Unfortunately it wasn't enough for me to pull the hook back through. d**n that hurt. I know it was a bad idea to begin with, but the fishing was good and we didn't want to leave. Well we ended up leaving anyway and going back to my Grandparents house. I got my grandfathers dremel tool out and was about to cut the hook off when he walked in. He freaked out and made me go to the hospital. At least they didn't have to numb it this time.
  22. I would say an Ugly Stick with a Wave Spin real.
  23. I'm suprised about all the hate for firetiger. My favorite crankbait is a Baby -1 Minus in Firetiger.
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