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Everything posted by sweetbeev

  1. give her a divorce......she'll never see that one coming
  2. team whipped................sounds like ya'll are whipped by your wives
  3. electro shock if you really wanna find out
  4. When im not gigging bass im usually using a watermellon seed or watermelon red super fluke.......
  5. you guys sound like pros!
  6. lol good work!
  7. the fact that your looking at the camera with scissors in your hand hovering over your new child while trying to cut the cord, scares me, the little guy is probably saying "holy hell pay attention dude"
  8. you seem to know what your talking about fly..............if you can find a secluded shoreline during a tournament a long gill net is killer, you and your partner span a shoreline, say 100 ft. and just push those babies up onto land..........foolproof
  9. how could i forget the cast net........gets em everytime
  10. no takers, hell i prefer a snag hook its worked well for me so far.
  11. what baits you men enjoy pitching on the beds?
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