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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. Well, I guess I will let you know how I to this evening. I will be in the boat on the lake in exactly 30 minutes. Rods and Reels and tackle in the truck packed this morning.
  2. T-rig texas rig c-rig carolina rig BS Bass stories Bud, budweiser Nat LT natural light bdlt bud light
  3. Topwater, then jig, or 10.5 ol monster worm
  4. I just bought another poison tail jig mold to make smaller jigs. Cant wait until it gets here to see what they look like. I'm going broke waiting for spring to get here.
  5. I've got a old 81 Ranger with a 135 black max. Its beat up but gets the job done.
  6. I've Goose hunted in that area and it looks real good for fishing. Lots of gravel, chunkrock, and standing weeds and brush. Just never fished there.
  7. Ditto that I would like to know too?
  8. I just bought the same pot you did and can see how that can happen very easily. Its such a small hole that the lead comes out of. But the melter is awsome. Saves so much time and I hardly ever have a bad cast. Good to hear its up and running again.
  9. You live over by Denny Dennis Hardware. About 30 mins from me. Ever go in there much?
  10. I have been using Protec and then heat curing them to get an extremely tough finish. Is there anything better out there that is quicker and just as durable? Needs to show detail in a head?
  11. I live in Festus about 35 miles South of St. Louis.
  12. I've got lota guns. Pretty much the only time I carry one in a boat is when I'm duck hunting. Now if I fished rivers I might think about it. Where I fish its really not an issue of crime. Snakes in boats. Ah, ya big girlymen. Use the paddle to hold down their head and pickem up and throw them out. If that doesnt work for ya just use the paddle to break the backbone behind the head. No hole in the boat that way. One of the guys I fish with is so scared of them when he sees one swimming by he starts shaking. If he doesnt see them I make sure I point them out to him. Hey check out that cottonmouth! Then his response. If he gets in the boat I'm getting out. I'm like dude take it easy he's 30 feet away.
  13. It is probably tinned up or has some other type of build up on it. I would contact lee on it and check the best way to clean it is.
  14. Awsome molding. Looks great.
  15. I think you would have the best episode on his show. I dont watch it much but having kids involved is a great idea.
  16. You guys make some cool lures. I would like to get into the plastic making too, but right now I have enough hobbies to keep me more then busy.
  17. You have to have a host site like photobucket or myfishingpictures.com. Then download what you want and in your posts use the insert image icon and place the url (address) in it.
  18. Thanks, You guys are right. It will be better in the long run to replace them for 100 bucks.
  19. Has anyone tried to clean out a Cable steering system. I have hard steering on my boat and need clean the crud out of the system.
  20. Yeah did ya. I would love to see it.
  21. Fiber all the way. I have tried the Y's and hate them. I prefer gluing them in also instead of molding them its alot cleaner fit
  22. Thanks guys, here is the one I am looking at. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/horizontal-item.jsp?_requestid=53408 I noticed on the sizes 2-3 of them include my boat length. 17.5. Should I go small, mid, or big. If I get this one the accesory rope is 10 bucks.
  23. Spoons and Dropshot. I still need to get better at both of these techniques.
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