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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. Pipe down Muddy. You know that your Mets will bomb when the time is right.
  2. yes sir, this site has helped me gain confidence in lures and expand my knowledge. I found that there are so many articles on here its almost impossible to read all of them. Even though I have been working on it. Made some good internet friends. Next goal Mod.
  3. There is alot on here in the articles. Here is a great one too http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/index.php
  4. I wish they would legalize cloning so we could clone carpenter and pujols. That would make an awsome team. ;D Game starts soon wish us luck muddy.
  5. those are cool
  6. Yeah I've been working. I dont like this stuff at all. :-/ We've pulled ahead of the Reds and need to keep going. I just hope we can keep it up. Once we get to the playoffs we need to beat those pesky mets. I cleaned out a spot for a nice new shiny rapala. An xrap would look real good there. ;D
  7. LOL, the rebuild years. AKA no good years or cheap skate years.
  8. A largemouth cant even compare to the fight of a smallie.
  9. wow, awsome job
  10. Little bit of this going on lately
  11. How many posts do you think this topic will be up to at the end of baseball season?
  12. I was talking about the pirates. Yeah I know they swept us last time. Worst team in the league beat us. Happens again the cards should just be removed from the standings.
  13. we've got some easier games coming up, I hope we can get on a winning roll
  14. good luck dude. Catch some hawgs and bring back some pics.
  15. IMO a foot control would be better for powerfishing because you are always moving. With a tiller the only thing you will be able to do is troll. One hand on the motor and one hand holding your rod. I use power fishing for setting a pattern and locating fish. Other then that I fish pretty dang slow. if you cant tell I hate hand control motors.
  16. doesnt mean anything till the playoffs. Thats when it really counts.
  17. Preach on Brother CJBasswacker 8-) 18 min until the Mets start losing.
  18. so if that is true then the cards wont be playing the mets. At the rate they are going the first team they play they will be watching the world series at home.
  19. well maybe we can go 1/3. Hey Muddy, do you know how the playoffs teams will be lined up?
  20. Lets hope the cards do a little better tonight. They better, or I will lower myself to be a yankees fan ;D
  21. Like said about 30 posts ago we are so streaky right now we might be fighting for the wild card. I hope not but the way its going it aint lookin good.
  22. Yep should have left weaver in. ;D
  23. well muddy right now its 7 to 1 mets have the bases loaded and weaver is pitching with 1 out. Here is your mets chance
  24. I almost always fish out of a boat
  25. here is a satalite picture of 3 lakes that I fish. http://terraserver.microsoft.com/image.aspx?T=1&S=12&Z=15&X=929&Y=5250&W=3&qs=%7crocky+ridge%7cmo Looks fishy doesnt it.
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