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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. I wish I went through the yankees training program. Over rated over paid. Gee that sounds nice. Cant wait til the Cards play again. Suspense is killing me.
  2. Being born and raised in the St. Louis area, you ain't going to get an argument from me on that one. Me either
  3. I agree Ronnie. You cant just go out and run a marathon on the first day of practice. Start small and build upon what you learn. The goal should be to push yourself a little further each time. Eventually you will become fluid in all of your casts.
  4. I have a major and minor in these 2 fields. I agree with Marty 100%. BTW almost all tourney fisherman have main jobs not just fishing. Only a select few make it where they do nothing else. A degree is a must imo. Get you a degree then go after your dream.
  5. You guys might not believe me, but I can pitch about as far as one hand cast. Thats about all I do is pitch. Like Ronnie said its about accuracy. the farther you pitch the less accurate it will be. Practice and more practice is all it takes.
  6. Might not happen muddy, your mets have to beat the dodgers first.
  7. Good luck and be safe. Really appriciate the duty you do thanks
  8. Oh crap, I was hoping the cards vs mets right off the bat. With the last showing against the Padres, well you guys get the drift.
  9. I've fished MI, Canada, IL, MO, AR, TX, and probably another one I am forgetting. It all depends on what you are looking for imo. If I was going to pick it would be Lake St. Clair MI. This is one of the best lakes I have ever fished. No you wont catch a monster like you will in TX or CA but I would rather catch smallies all day from 2-4lbs then one big LM. There are fish bigger in St Clair but not like southern states except the toothy critters. Thats my choice and the other one would be Rainy lake in Canada. Eyh
  10. not sure, I dont see where they have posted who is playing who first.
  11. We always talk about fishing cold fronts but what about warm fronts in the fall. How do these effect fish while they are passing through?
  12. shoooh wee, we squeked in just barely. But we made it. I'm dreaming of a nice new shiny rapala shipped from NY to MO. Maybe thats what I need to catch fish.
  13. So who do you guys think is playing the Yankees for the ws.
  14. Catching a large fish like this is like finding a good woman. You have to talk to them nicely and snuggle up next to them. They dont go out prowling that often. Or just fish the structure with a jig, spinnerbait, or crank this time of year and that should work too.
  15. Looks like we are on a roll again.
  16. Thanks for that page out of the Yankee's guidline book.
  17. LOL thats exactly what I was thinking. You will go to BPS to look at the products for color ideas instead of purchasing product. Or is that just me? But anyway sounds cool congrats.
  18. Riskkid you are so right. They need to quit goofing around and get to winning.
  19. Like said before, Who Here is the dodger fan
  20. Who!! Is that a baseball team
  21. In day 2 of my pondering about this, I think this is the biggest variable. I think your right. The boat is skinny like balancing on a toothpick. Plus add the easily moving boat along with the wobbles of unstability. fishing out of my boat I dont have this problem. Bigger and more stable. In turn I think I will have to change my hookset style. I've been trying to go to the snap set like RW stated but sometimes I find myself in the old routine. When I conciously think about it I try to use the snap set along with making sure there is no slack. But its difficult to break the habbit. I will keep working on it and hope that fixes my problem.
  22. Dont worry I wont let this thread die until the play offs are over. If I have too I will stoop to the low of cheering for the slimy mets. Just as long as the Spankees dont win.
  23. My buddy and I were figuring it up and at the rate the cards are going they will be knocked out of the playoffs. They better get their act together or the whole season is going . Maybe a good swift kick will get them motivated . We need solid wins the rest of the week. Or we will be attending the playoffs and WS from the stands. This smilie demonstrates our closers and the actual smilie is the strike zone
  24. I was throwing soft plastics, beavers and tubes. After thinking about this all day and reading you guys posts I wonder if I am setting the hook to hard or improperly with these new x points. I might be setting the hook so hard that I am ripping the fishes mouth instead of penetrating it. Thinking more about it when I got a little upset I really hammered down on them and it seemed like I missed more. The snap hookset might be better along with a lower rod tip then usual. These fish drive me nuts because it is the only place that I have this issue. They behave different then anywhere else I have ever fished. I know you guys think I'm a little nuts but I'm not joking. Its mind boggling.
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