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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. Went fishing sunday with another buddy. His Bday party was saturday night. Well this is one of the guys that is never late. I figured he would be a little hung over and a few minutes late. Guess what I pulled up at go time and he was waiting there. Ready to roll. Threw is stuff in the boat and rolled out. 8-) I'm glad alot of you guys look at it the same as I do. I dont have alot of time anymore and what time I do have isnt going to be spent waiting on someone to show up, well maybe show up. I realized the other day how anal I am about being on time. I was on the cell phone to one of my buddies and he was going to fix some electrical work for me. He said how long until you get home. I said 7 minutes. His response was odd. Usually someone says 5 or 10. Basically an even number. Not me, I noticed I judge traffic and situation and give a more exact time. Thats kind of anal, but thats me. Oh by the way it took 6 minutes not 7 but I was real darn close. Procrastination or laziness are not excuses.
  2. I dont want to hijack the thread but what do you cut the tails with? Razor, scissors, etc
  3. Ouch that one hurt last night. I hope that was a one nighter :-? I saw Reyes start last night and was like, "this game is over!" Note to Cards managers. Dont pitch Weaver past 5 innings
  4. Wow Muddy, your priorities are a little different then mine would have been in those conditions. It was a win win situation either way.
  5. Muddy whats going on with your pitchers, ours are hitting home runs off yours To bad base's werent loaded.
  6. I agree with W2S, better safe then sorry. Marine engines are waaay to expensive to have worked on. Most marine shops charge 70-80 per hr for labor. That will buy a lot of gas.
  7. I believe that is some type of Chichlid(spelling)
  8. Yeah and I'm a Rams fan. Rams are going all the way! Super bowl champs. ;D
  9. f ya ya We are just building suspense. Atleast I hope so
  10. deep pockets cant buy everything. For 1/4 billion dollars I bet that would buy a realy nice replica of a WS trophy instead of hoping to win one.
  11. Here are some good tips on keeping your feet warm in the frigid months Good boots with gore tex or similiar fabric Good socks that wick away moisture Good blood flow through your feet. If your laces are to tight or the boots are to small or fit incorrectly this can effect blood flow and give you cold feet. What I wear is Browning hydro fleece gore tex 4n1 coat and browning goretex bibs. The boots I have are danner trophy series. Good long undies that wick away sweat will help also. I'm saving to invest in some of that under armor wear. Suposibly it is great stuff in the cold.
  12. Same here, but I am going to find out once I go fishing again. I will bring some home and check.
  13. So true So I guess tonight is game 1 :-/ Lets get it on!! Its not going to rain up there is it?
  14. You guys are killing me. Wish I had some vacation time, I'd show you guys how to catck 10" bass like no one else can. I've been to fork before and need redemption of that 1 bite weekend. Sorry feller's I cant do it. SOunds like a blast though. Matt do you deliver beer to MO. Anheiser Bush makes a beer down there that is only made in TX. I'd really like to try it. I can PM you my address if you would like. I will even go to the extent of sending mapquest directions. ;D
  15. what I always called hydrilla now I'm not sure I will have to get a sample and compare. There are about 3 different types that look alot alike.
  16. With the sudden surge of questions on aquatic plants and how to's here is a website I found that has alot of pics and identifications of what type of plant it is. Its quite interesting. http://aquaplant.tamu.edu/database/index.htm
  17. Hmmmm, that isnt that far. How many do they serve to one person? Road trip anyone?
  18. This topic is killing me. I'm on some allergy medicine so I cant indulge in a beer, and you guys are making me thirsty. Thought of another beer too. Sam Adams, flavor any of them.
  19. I agree with that one. its going to be tough and whoever wins Cards or Mets better be on top of their game.
  20. Yep Valascus, when we went fishing it was nice. You were there waiting and we threw your stuff in and took off. Thats how it should go. Couple of my other buddies have never been late either. If they were I would think something serious is wrong. They have never been late to any of our fishing excursions. Bad thing is they are busy and cant go that often.
  21. Oh man, I cant wait until tomorrow, its go time.
  22. on someone when you go fishing? I went fishing sunday and waited way past my tolerence time of 10 minutes. After 25 I said forget you and went fishing. Got an excuse phone call about an hr later but I didnt answer it because I was fishing and didnt need a sob story. Something about over sleeping :-? Didnt know that was possible when going fishing. Work I would understand. Here is how I feel on this topic. I'm providing the boat, truck, and place to fish you better be on time or early. Reverses if I am going with someone else I better be on time. I will give them usually 5 minutes because of clock differences. After 10 min, I start to wonder, after 15 I start getting a little mad, about 20 I'm gone. But after sunday, I think I am going to implement the rule of if your going with me you better be on time or sorry better luck next time if there is a next time. I'm not wasting my time waiting on someone when I have other guys wanting to go with me that show up on time. Yep, implementing the 10 minute rule. Unless I get a phone call before go time. So, how do you guys feel on this issue?
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