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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. Good when he was playing the Mets. (Yep, I went there)
  2. I missed the game last night and it sounds like a good one. Its not raining here right now so hopefully it will be Game on tonight.
  3. 2-1, We are on our way. Go UNDERDOGS woohoo.
  4. You guys that fish braid for everything, have you noticed a difference in catch ratio to flourocarbon in clear to ultra clear water? Me personally, I have. I've been handed a few whoopins, and then switched to flouro because of this flouro to braid catch ratios.
  5. I love smallie fishing but unfortunately I have to take long trips for them. I voted smallies but fish more for largies.
  6. great read thanks for sharing.
  7. Most of the time its 20 or less but I have caught fish up to 40 fow. Most of the lakes around dont get that deep.
  8. Yep, that is why everyone cheats. Its all about the bottom line and how its going to benifit me.
  9. My 2 favorites are Joesjigtrailers or zoom lil critter craws. Thats about the only 2 I use.
  10. Do you guys really adjust your drags alot? I set mine for the lb line and lure combo and never touch it after that. Never had a problem with breaking off fishe either. Now thinking about it I guess it would be around the 1/3 rule
  11. You have to have the proper tools for the job. Some times I use braid but never in clear water. I like it and it performes well for me. Not all lines are good for all fisherman. Each line and each fisherman have different characteristics and sometimes certain ones dont work together. But me I really like braid and how it performs. Flouro is still my favorite.
  12. The only thing that I have found is to pull it out like the other guys said. Then hold the cable and motor to a clearing and put the motor back in the water. If no open area you will just have to keep cleaning it off. Sometimes you can crank the motor power up and turn in in a circle fairly quickly and it will shoot off most of the weeds
  13. Reyes, WHAT, you got to be joking right.
  14. I dont, I fish alot more then I post reports on. About the only time I do post a outing is with pics. But after seeing some of your hawgs all mine look dinky :-/
  15. wow, those would eat most of the fish I catch :-/
  16. I dont catch huge 10+lbers but 2 things I try to always take with me. A camera and a scale. How else do you prove your not telling "stories" :-?
  17. Wow what a game. That was probably the most exciting game I have ever watched. Cards will have an extremely tough time against the tigers, especially with only 1 days rest. Lets see what happens.
  18. I break 5lbs every year but just cant break the 8+. My most impressive would be about 15lbs from 3 fish in about 15-20 min. I've had multiple 100+ bass days but most of those ranged 3lbs or less.
  19. UH OH, its do or die tonight. GO CARDS Mets are POND SCUM!
  20. Dont worry that situation will sort itself out on whoever wins. I'm not going anywhere just not going to live here. Some days I might only make it in 1 time or maybe 2 times. I think its a rip that who ever wins has 1-2 days rest then plays a fresh team. Its going to be tough.
  21. Well, I got lucky last night and went and watched the Mets vs Cards at the stadium. It was awsome to say the least.
  22. I was thinking earlier(ya ya) and which ever team wins Mets/Card they will only have 2 days rest if this goes 7 games. The tigers will be rested up for about 1.5 weeks. They have a huge advantage over their competition.
  23. Hey Muddy dont be corrupting a future Cards fan.
  24. Say high to Ali for me guys. AKA Ali-gator, I named him about 6 years ago. He is probably 1-2 feet longer now.
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