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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. I thread them all 99% of the time. I believe its more of a confidence issue. I've tried it both ways and for me the threading works better.
  2. I've always had the best luck on a little finesse jig with a 2" trailer or a zoom lil critter. I typically use a 5/16-3/8oz.
  3. nice catch, You have found the same thing I did years ago trout fishing. They dont always want that size 20 fly. They will hit a crank from a reaction bite. Congrats thats a nice trout.
  4. Same here, I can grow a goatee but if I try to grow a beard its blochy. I do grow one for deer season.
  5. I guess its a good thing we have a Veternarian here for all of us anamals.
  6. I think my computer is broke, I took the bait and clicked the link and cant read the writing on there.
  7. Hmmm, I dont know what to say about that post Raul. Lots of truths in there. All I got is whats an FTP link? Anyone know where I can find some dihydrogen Oxide?
  8. that is a bummer, its almost 70 here.
  9. Is it possibly the cable lose and slipping. I had mine tightened up and there is a world of difference. If it is the gears, I would recommend bitting the bullet and waiting in line.
  10. Ha ! the elephant criticizing big ears. How many packs of hooks you purchased not long ago ? : 3 packs* whats wrong with that? *(packs of 100 that is) ;D alot of those are already gone, divided between buddies. I need to rephrase my post to 3/4 less junk and 3/4's more stuff that I actually use
  11. Here is one I caught awhile back. Its not that big compared to some of the monsters around
  12. For some reason I only see people talk about suspending jerkbaits when the water gets cool/cold. These lures produce all year every year. Just modify your retrieve some for warmer water or more active fish. They also make a great cold front bait when the fish are sometimes sluggish. Dont leave your suspending jerkbaits at home just because its not cold outside.
  13. Words of wisdom right there. If I could do it all over again I would have 3/4 less stuff.
  14. My bait monkey and I have an agreement, we buy bulk and only things I need or might need. ;D
  15. Now thats funny. I wouldnt fall for that one but if it was a budweiser I would be caught multiple times in one day.LOL
  16. Well, I went and voted. One line I voted for myself because I wasnt voting for the canidate. But I did express my opinion in this years elections
  17. You guys know we have wives on the board and we dont need to let our our secrets. LOL
  18. G Loomis is my favorite and the only ones I use.
  19. Manns 1- is a great lure for shallow fish. My retrieve consists of an extremely slow retrieve where the lure stays under the water and I can almost feel each individual wobble. Works for me. BTW Avid, before stomping anymore lures please send them to me and I will take my frustrations out by trying to drown them. ;D (I would have loved to see the mud hole stomp) Someone recommended awhile back to change one of the hooks to a smaller size. Makes sense to me and it should fix the problem.
  20. Most of the time I throw 10lb line. If the conditions call for it I might jump to 15 but that is rare
  21. This is strictly my opinion on this subject and for bass only. Fiberglass is old technology that the stubborn generation are use to using and wont change. The newer graphite rods, i.e. "Crankbait rods" are far superior to glass in weight of rod and the newer ones have just as good of actions or better. IMO glass rods for the bass fisherman will be gone in 10 years, we younger guys just have to show the light to the stubborn generation that wont change. Like anything else that is new, it takes time. When the graphite rods for cranks first came out. Yeah I believe that the glass was still better. But with R&D the graphite is now far superier. You guys that are die hard glass rod fisherman should try a "crankbait rod" or Loomis Popping Rod. You might be suprised. Great action with alot less the weight. 8-)
  22. Well you beat me to that one, but I feel the same way.
  23. All right you guys talked me into it. I'm going to vote, I have all the previous years so why skip this one. Never know, my 1 vote might knock out a bigger turd that would be in office. So I will cast my vote to keep the out of Missouri.
  24. I go with past practice that produced in a similiar fishing trip and conditions. If I am getting skunked I might go with "I like that" or the "close the eyes and point at one trick."
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