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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. I always shot 1's for that. but dont shoot them close.
  2. IMO that is a preference call. I use a Heavy most of the time for T rig or jig in 3/8. But the med/hvy works good too. I just like the extra power. I've never thrown an ika but I would think its not much different then a senko, which the MH would be better for. goods of both with what I think. 843 spinnerbaits senkos (ika)? top water like buzzbaits 844 jig t rig c rig With that aside, I would buy the one that you will use more since you are only buying 1 so if you fish a senko 90% of the time I would go with a 843. Just an example.
  3. Yeah what he said http://products.gloomis.com/gl/products/alltackle/detail.jsp?PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=845524441761005&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374302032505&ASSORTMENT%3C%3East_id=1408474395181201&bmUID=1164142347476 Check out fatfish farmer on ebay. He can save you $'s and you can probably put some of that towards another rod or reel
  4. A joes shakit is what I used most of the time last year some others finesse worms, small flukes, chompers finesse worms, meat heads
  5. How do you guys care for your fishing rods and store them? I searched on this topic and nothing came up. I see alot of posts on reel care but nothing really on rods. I store my fishing rods without the reels standing upright on a rack out of the way.
  6. never understood the waiting. What are you waiting for a fish to bite ;D Feel bite = set hook Except top water.
  7. I cant wait, pumpkin pie is awsome. I helped make the pumpkin the other day just waiting for Thanksgiving.
  8. Few of my sayings fit this topic Dont judge a fisherman by his boat $100,000 doesnt make a fisherman but might make him look fancy and go fast The best one for tournement guys is Watch out for the guys in the jon boats. They are not in a hurry but always weigh good bags. BTW congrats on the beaten you delt. 8-)
  9. Yep, I checked it out. He is giving those rods away. Buy them all I even think he give you the croix. Wow.
  10. I've got a few of them. the hook box is my favorite out of all of them. It took my clutter and organized it all. Great products imo
  11. Thats one of the problems JDW, I found a stainless one for 12.95 that holds about 3-4 cups maybe in kmart. I looked at barlows and an alumimium one was 9.99. Well with shipping I figured the 12 was cheaper and stainless would probably be better. Do you guys know where I can find an al. for real cheap?
  12. Which makes the better melting pot for plastics. I cant find an AL. local but I can find a stainless "butter warmer" that looks like it would work great. It has a real good spout and probably holds 3-4 cups. Whats your thoughts?
  13. how much does it cost for fiberglass reproductions. 25 per inch Weeeelll looks like your in it for about 12.50 LOL That one will be very hard to beat.
  14. "The best" there is no answer like RW said. Each situation requires adaptation to the surroundings. Fishing a lake you can go from ultra clear deep water to muddy shallow water in a short area. "You" the fisherman as in each individual has to learn what works best in each condition for themselves. You need to learn how to adapt to water changes, depth changes, and other condition changes. We on these boards can help guide what works for us and try to help. The fisherman asking the question has to also put in the time and effort to learn and develop a technique. I cant tell some one throw a jig in green with a orange trailer and its the heat on bass. Yeah it works for me (not really its an example) but I live in Mo and the guy asking may live in SD. It possibly may work for him but each lake is different. Most important in fishing #1 Location #2 Speed of lure Notice there is no type or color.
  15. you can use resin, plaster of paris, and a few other materials. There are a couple tutorials up on the menu bar I was reading yesterday. I'm in the same boat as you. I ordered all the stuff to start making some bait. I cant wait.
  16. Muddy, I got home today and looked below the mail box and guess what was sitting there. A little brown box of goodies from you. Thanks alot dude. I cant wait to give them a shot. That is the 1st dt I have in the tackle box and the only jointed rapala. I hope I can post up some monsters from them Thanks again G.
  17. Heres what you do Reach down real deep and see if ya got a pair. Of shoes then ask her out. If she says no it was never ment to be.
  18. I use epoxy, super glue runs up the fiber and then you have major problems. I believe it was devcon that I bought. It only takes a little drop per weedguard. I use a base hole pin and put it back into the hole after heating the jig head then I quickly dip it in the paint. after that I quickly take a pair of pliers and wiggle the pin out before the paint hardens. This trick takes for ever but produces a good looking head. Thats the way I do it. Someone else may have a better way. But it works for me and I typically get a good paint job. I've tried the lower temp cure on the paint and it doesnt hold up near as good as the higher temp one. NOTICE, make sure before curing the paint is not in the eyelet. Once cured it will be a huge pain to get out.
  19. 1. What kind of paint do you use on your jig heads? Pro-tec powder paint 1a. If you use powder coat with heat will it melt the weed guard? Yes 2. Do you pour the bait with the weed fiber in place or attach after painting? I attatch them after I heat cure the paint 3.What kind of finish do you use to protect the paint ? (if you don't use powder) None since I use pro-tec That is how I do it and it takes awhile but it seems to give me better overall looking jig head with less blemishes.
  20. I havent seen them yet muddy but will let you know once I receive them.
  21. Like RW said need some shallower ones some of my favorites manns - series Bandits 200-300 I dont think a dd22 is one of the best lures to gain confidence on cranks with. It has a specific time and place imo. The shallower cranks like bandit, dt's, normans, etc that range from 6-10 ft would be my choice to gain confidence. These lures are typically a bit smaller and produce more fish. Nothing builds confidence like sucess. Once you acheive that then go to the specific target. Thats just my opinion. I throw 10lb flouro for almost all my cranks. It works well for me with no problems
  22. take the more political approach and ask him politely to slow down. With the political approach and he is a good friend he will slow down. If you calculate the time difference you gain against the ticket you get.(leaving out wrecks/killing someone) its not worth it.
  23. You look very organized and each lure is perfectly placed. So would you like to come over and organize all of my stuff. I have about 12-15 3700 waiting to be organized. Lures in baskets, on the floor, in the corner of the closet, laying on the dresser and a few other places. I could use some help in cleaning up all the stuff I have laying around that the baitmonkey has conveniently placed about. :
  24. http://www.basspro.com/servlet/catalog.SceneSeven?hvarTextId=262&hvarSourceName=images2/64000/64210.jpg&hvarType=0&hvarLinkEnabled=false I built one similiar to this. Very easy to do the way I did it. Its not great to look at it but only took me an hr or 2. Basically here is what I did Build the bottom first. I believe I used a 1 1/4" wood bit to make the recess for the butt section of the rod on a drill press. You will have to measure the handle and figure out how much space you want between the rods. after that take another board and lay it on top of the one you just drilled on and get the center line for the blank so your rods wont be crooked. Good thing about the wood bit it gives you a perfect center area to measure from. After marking the center drill holes in the board you just marked then take a saw and cut the board from edge to the hole. To keep the rods in the rack I used size 1 hook and tacks to form a compression lock on top of the board. I used one tack in the eylet to be able to hold the hook and open up the area to take out the rod. and another tack to hold the J bend of the hook so the rod wouldnt fall out. Works great. I've had it for about 10 years. The more time you take you can make a real nice rack but I didnt care for looks. If you want it all fancy you can put felt or something in it to make it more appealing.
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