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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. Try eakins/jewel jigs website they might have something close to what you are looking for. I doubt you find anything lighter then 1/8 for a bass jig.
  2. I would go with "Play it safe" The baitmonkey is a much better tackle purchaser then Santee Klos. BTW How much is something like that?
  3. Amen to that. We are a society that likes to pass the blame to someone else. Seems like many people can not accept responsibility for themselves and their decision.
  4. Very finaky fish. I've fished Lake of the Ozarks before and could not get bite on a eakins style jig with a critter craw. The fish had lockjaw. So I thought I needed to go even smaller. (I'm a die hard craw style fisherman) So I took a chompers jig head and just put on a critter craw, same one actually. Fishing the same streach of bank I caught 3 fish nothing huge but 2-3lbers. In this instence that is the only thing I changed nothing else I guess really looking back on the instence I switched over to a kind of shakey head rig. Thats before I'd ever heard of such a deal. For me cold fronts or cold water I down size "typically" Warm water I typically fish bigger baits like 10" worm, dd22, bigger jig. Or the easy way to look at it active fish (bigger lure) less active smaller. This pattern has always been good to me but I do stray from it if its not working. Bass are oppertunistic feeders and lazy for the most part. Adaptation to the situation is one of the most important things a fisherman can do. If its not working change, dont keep chunking the same lure in the same area. Here is a dumb way I look at it. If your not hungry and someone lays a big piece of pizza in front of you, you probably wont touch it. But if there are peanuts out there you will eventually nibble on a few. Alot of board members(not just this one) put a jig into the "magical lure" area. Its not majical and doesnt always work like it sometimes comes out as. There are times that I dont give one much of a shot because certain techniques are better suited for a different situations. I do believe it is one lure that should be learned by all fisherman because it does work very well in alot of conditions. grub, beaver, etc I only fish these on a jighead, or rigged up on a t/c/rig, shakey or weightless. I just dont have the confidence in them on the back of a jig. Never had great sucess on it. I've put just about every plastic on the back of a jig but I always go back to the chunk or craw. It just works for me. IMO skunks only come from one thing. Lack of adaptation. Hope that explained it.
  5. I think there is some embelishment there. I seriously doubt he is dragging a c-rig at 200ft. I would think its more like RW's statement. Fishing say 50ft in 200ft of water. I dont see how the thermocline would be that deep.
  6. I'm going to pour Generation 2 probably between now and the weekend. So I will see what happens. I use a hotplate so I dont have to worry about sparks in the wave. I will let you guys know thanks for the pointers
  7. IMO, I do not think that they are interchangeable. They do have specific purpose of each. When I need to go even smaller I will take off the jig and just fish the craw. I've never used any of the others with sucess on the back of a jig.
  8. You gotta know when to hold'em and you gotta know when to fold them. Or, if the fish are not there move. No reason to fish in dead water. Fish slow move fast.
  9. great topic now I can fish a wacky rig and prove to fivebasslimit I can. LOL Thanks for the great info. Now if I can get rid of the ice.
  10. I got a gift certificate from cabelas for being a good customer and having one of their cc's. Well I couldnt let it go to waste so I ordered a falcon small crank box and a falcon soft plastic organizer. Yep I ended up owing them #. Does anyone have the falcon worm bags http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jsp?id=0023218119637a&type=product&cmCat=searchFeat&returnPage=search-results1.jsp&QueryText=falcon&N=4887&Ntk=Products&Ntx=mode+matchall&Nty=1&Ntt=falcon&noImage=0 If so do you like them. I know their hard boxes are awsome.
  11. I use'm but take care of them. My rods and reels all have scratches, dings, boat rash, and the TDX is chipped. Dont know how that one happened. Wow look at all his fancy stuff, it all looks new. I bet he has 100k invested. Whoopede doo Like Raul said its an honor for an expensive lure to be MIA. I buy high end for performance not beauty. Its a tool use it for what it was made for. I didnt buy that new shiny yellow dewalt drill to sit in the case to look at. ;D
  12. When digging the bottom with a deeper diver why does the crank with the chewed up bill out perform a newer one. I've always wondered this. Some reason the chewed up and beat up cranks work better. Also do you prefer flourocarbon line for throwing cranks in clear water? A crankbait that says 12ft max with 10lb line how much on average would you gain/lose in depth if you +/- pound line by the next size? Please explain uses square bill round bill
  13. The finesse jig pictured is my favorite. I would recommend a jig in this style in 5/16 and 3/8. I doubt you will fish anything deeper then 15ft until you gain confidence in it. IMO, the finesse jigs work the best for all fish and are great confidence builders.
  14. lil slow here but not near as bad as yesterday.
  15. No kidding? You dont know what you're missing! Nope no kidding at all. That is one thing I will be trying out this year. Looks like I need to do some searching and researching on this new fanagled fancy wacky rig. PS. I thought the same on your tube response. Tubes are #2 bait for me right below the jig. They can be fished any way from topwater to dragging on the bottom and catch fish. IMO its the most versatile bait availabe for any water temp.
  16. I pretty much throw the same jig year round. A finesse jig eakins style for 90% of my jig fishing. I will either use silicone or round rubber skirts. I trim the skirts to about 1/4 past the hook and then thread on a 2" joesjigtrailer or zoom/eakings craw. this combo works for me year round. I'm talking temps from mid 30-80 degree waters.
  17. Well, I guess it would have to be a wacky rig. Never used one that I can remember
  18. That is a tough one. It would be between a carolina rig or spoons. both work good and have thier place but I hate, absolutely hate fishing them.
  19. This is a loaded question. I guess I am neither To me spot fishing is for beer drinking. Pull out the lawn chair and cooler and cast and wait for a bite. a consistent Running and gunning wastes to much time moving. But put them both together and you have something. I will run until I set a pattern and once that is done look for similar areas and fish slower. Or if the conditions are right and you have cruising fish I will just fish faster. No reason at all to fish dead water. There is to much productive water to fish. Remember 90% of the fish are in 10% of the water. Find the 10% running and slow down to catch the 90% of the fish. Sounds good in theory anyway.
  20. That is a great suggestion Shad Master, but I understand why Glenn doesnt make the program changes. To every problem there is a solution. The way I see it Glenn already has this feature, not exactly like you are stating but with a little modifing we can adapt and conquer this dilima. If we make a post and sticky(possible) it called November outings for example. Then take the fishing reports/log and each one of us that add to it just post it up in the topic and we can follow along. Its not exactly what your looking for but it might work. I would be interested in perticipating in this because we all can use each others info for similiar conditions. Just might work!
  21. it does seem like its taking longer then usual. Wonder whats going on. :-?
  22. Del mart, he pretty much has everything
  23. Catt, I've been there its no cure its a curse. I just sign the paychecks back to buy all the goodies. LOL The discounts are good but that just means you buy more
  24. Well, I guess getting BPS junkmail is better then all the ones I get from bad email accounts I cant block because I cant block topics only addresses. I understand you pain though. I'm not really a BPS fan either.
  25. very steady and slow pour. That is the hardest part of that whole lure because of how thin they are.
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