Do you have a tracking #
Did you send it delivery confirmation
Is it insured
If you have any of this you can prove either he is a lying sack of poo, or its the shippers problem. If you offered insurance and he didnt take it I would think its his problem. As long as you prove you shipped it. If the package is insured the battle is not yours its the shiping company and him. You not out anything. I believe you just file a claim with the shipper.
When I sell anything I always charge insurance, and if its expensive I get the $1 delivery confirmation option with usps. $1 loss I will eat before 500 big ones. Although I just add it to Shipping and handling.
Matt, like said above call his bluff and get the $ in your hand. after the bank clears the cashiers check or what ever payment its all yours. Ship out the ps3.
I deal alot with shipping product.
Here are some always I would highly recommend save you in the long run especially on high $ items.
1. Tracking # is a must
2. delivery confirmation
3. insurance
That goes for anything you sell or even if you buy it, or the real bad, have to send back a product to a manufacturer for service. These options dont cost but a few bucks and save alot in the long run when something goes bad.
Just a recommendation