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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. #5 I just like going fishing, catching is just a plus. 8-)
  2. I use a chunk trailer more then anything else. In ultra clear water I think the craw helps more.
  3. Raul, are you hiring at your Vet clinic. Any job that allows video gaming during work rocks. Awsome catch
  4. Do you guys think I can transform on of these poison jig heads into a good shakey head?
  5. Pretty much the same here. The only hooks I will sharpen are on S/b or other baits hooks cant be changed on
  6. Here is what you need. A sign
  7. We are men we dont need no stinkin instructions ;D Has anyone actually read those???????????? :-?
  8. Awsome topic guys Tubes are probably my 2nd favorite. IMO its the most versitale lure available. Works in all water temps, catches all species, and you can fish it in the whole water column. Excellent lure.
  9. Good stuff
  10. great topic Catt
  11. I know I'm a little slow, but how long has the forum had the ability to upload files(pictures) straight from your desktop. I've always used a host site and the Icon for an image. I know its probably always been there. Go ahead and laugh guys I deserve it. Atleast I know how to post pictures. Here's your chance to make fun of the Gman, like ya needed a reason.
  12. Gettin jiggy with it.
  13. awsome
  14. Hey you could fish with me again. Just better hope their not hitting that jig again and your fishing against me. ;D We use to have something on a different forum that went by region. Its was an honesty policy with a pic of the fish and a tape. We judged by length not weight. Never had any prizes just good ol competition.
  15. I'm trying to think of another one to write that I see alot of posts on that I am very good at fishing but cant really think of one. The jig is the biggest one I see alot of quetions on. Hope that sounds right.
  16. in the fishing tackle. If I remember correctly I labeld it "How I fish a jig"
  17. My contribution is complete. So no more jig questions.
  18. To fullfill RW request here is my most current jig fishing version. The bass jig is one of my go to baits. I throw a finesse jig approx 90% of the time. I wrote this article awhile back but it might help some with their jig fishing. Here is how I fish jigs. Set up #1 Rod 854 GLX BCR Reel chronarch sf line 15lb fluro cabelas Set up #2 Rod 853 BCR glx Reel chronarch sf 10-12lb flouro cabelas/triple fish Setup #3 Rod BCR855 Reel Chronarch 100 Line 30lb braid Jigs, I make all of mine. Finesse(eakins round head style) 5/16,3/8,7/16. Poison Jig head (like pj's widegap jig). Sizes 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,3/4,1oz The Jig, There are several things I look for in a Jig. Not all of them are created equal. Weedguard I like the limper fibers because it bends easier and I feel it gives me a higher hook up percentage. Does hang up more but in the long run its worth it. Hook A good quality hook Gamakatsu, needlepoint, owner to name a few Skirt quality just because the skirt looks good some brands dont have alot of strands most production skirts are 40-44 strands I like about 55-65. Gives a fuller skirt and better presentation. Trailers I use mostly Joes trailers then some eakens craws, zoom lil critters, and make some of my own now. Techniques I very rarely cast a jig. When casting these types focus totally on the target intended. Pitch, Holding the lure in one hand and the rod in the other lower the rod tip and as you are raising the rod tip let go of the lure. This will cause a pendelum action and the lure will go out, faster the coordination between the two the farther the cast. After practice you can pitch with very minimum splash and effort. Under hand roll cast Pretty much self explanatory. Basically its holding the rod almost straight out and making a 1/2-3/4 circle with the lure and at the precise second when the lure starts to come back up from the bottom of the circle you release it and the lure goes. Distance all comes from the whip and angle the lure is released. (Watch out for the Trolling motor) Flippin dont do this much either. This is basically done by holding line in one hand and useing the lure weight and line in your hand to cast by moving the rod slightly. Usually a very dense or muddy water tactic. Presentation I never use the reel to move the jig always use the rod and the length of the rod effects how much the jig will move. Shorter the rod the more tip movement needed to move the jig. I use 3 forms of presentation. Dragging basically drag the jig across the bottom. this doesnt work well in chunk rock because of hangups. Very small hops. Remember go very slow in cold water(less then 50deg). Swimming, cast out and swim the jig back. Finesse Jig Usually setup #2 This is best in cold water or finiky bite. Size varies but my favorites are 5/16-3/8. 2" trailer. I will also trim the excess off the jig for a spider jig look. It takes out alot of the bulk. Keeping it small. Bigger Jigs, Setup #1 or #3 Works better for more agressive fish. The sizes I prefer are 1/2-3/4 I tend to upsize the trailer about mid May to a 3" and go through about September/October. Fishing thick weeds will require a heavier jig to punch through the top. Most of the time I will throw a 3/4 but some times it requires 1oz. Also a minimum of 17lb but after fishing braid for this I would fish braid no leader. A stout rod is also recommended like a flipping stick. Hit the edges, and pockets, or if your jig will punch through try punching through. I always fish outside to the center. Clear water I will throw lighter line and typically a finesse jig due to skittish fish. My favorite colors are browns or greens. Stained water usually a jig 3/8-1/2 is prefered gives a bit more water displacement. Sometimes add rattles colors are browns, greens, blk/blue,black. Work an area more because the fish cant see as well. Muddy water usually throw 3/8-1/2oz and add rattles. colors blk/blue,black Fish the area extremely well, I have fished trees about 10-15 casts before finally pulling out a fish. Depth and wind can effect the weight of jig needed. Typically deeper or with the presence of more wind a heavier jig is needed. Good luck and hope this helps some.
  19. Here comes my jig topic LOL Good topic RW
  20. Stamina tackle Ztackle Barlows are 3 big ones
  21. Thanks I knew it depended on complexity but just to wrap guides and put the handle on. I dont want to hijack the thread but I was kicking around asking one of you guys to make me a rod. Nothing pretty. just a blank about 7-7'4" med hvy, tennesse handle, TI guides. I am wanting a tube rod
  22. http://www.staminainc.com/soft_plastics/fatboyflippin4inch.html Theres some 4" ones not alot of colors but check around different sites alot of companies sell bulk you just have to call if they dont catalog it. My buddies and I pool money and buy bulk its alot cheaper when you always use the same stuff. Just the initial investment that bites.
  23. Amen to that. Mine would be the great dishes the ladies in Vacri Italy make Wow, best food I have ever had. All natural and hand made. Mmmm mmm goooood
  24. Couldnt be said any better.
  25. I was looking at the 10" lizard and the craw that looks like a critter craw. I'm really thinking about buying them. Do you get a nice shiny finish? is the mold silicone?
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