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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. Awsome lookin jigs
  2. Just awsome Harshman.
  3. Thats kind of an extreme song rework. Thats almost like someone singing operah as a rapper. It just wouldnt work. No thanks Dont worry I wont be buying that.
  4. Stamina is awsome check out their other stuff too. They are cheaper then most other places on just about everything. Plus they have free shipping on 100 dollar order. Wow that sounded like an advertisement I like mustad triple grips and the diichis too.
  5. There is no wrong way to fish a senko style bait. Lately I have been fishing one on a shakey rig and a regular jig head. I havent caught anything off it but I know I will. Like Raul said if your not expermenting your missing out.
  6. I know some sites have affiliates that when you purchase from them the website/owner gets a percentage of the sale to that company. The reason for asking is 2 questions. 1. If you have this feature I will order from the banners for BPS stuff and all of us could contribute to Glenn if we did this. 2. What are all of the sites affiliates. I know of a few when I see the banners but if I'm to slow I miss them. Is there a listing anywhere of them? I've looked but cant seem to find them.
  7. Honestly it would probably cost more to have someone from there call you and question you about it then to just forget about it. Would they expect you to pay shipping back to them? Thats nuts if they did.
  8. Do you have pics of your finished product. I anxious to see them. I have a delay in the pin turn down. I'm outsourcing to a machinest for free but It will be toward next weekend before its done. I cant wait.
  9. I use backing for all of my lines. Braid especially. for braid its because of slipping. The other main reason is I never use the other 1/2 of the line. No reason to waste expensive line.
  10. I cant help on the baitcast rod but I do have a spinning one in the BSR852. Its awsome. The tip is light and the rod has a good backbone to it. It fishes a senko flawlessly. I would recommend this rod to anyone who fishes a senko. Its not going to have the power to horse fish out of stumps or weeds but the control of fish is amasing. Its the best rod I've ever thrown a senko on.
  11. Ahh a business perspective. RW must be a business man. 8-) The main reason I buy quality equipment is this. I dont have alot of time to fish and the time I do have I dont need equipment failure. I also want to get the most out of my time and enjoy it. I dont go crazy in purchasing the latest or most expensive goods but I do like good quality equipment.
  12. It was mentioned above but yes check your shipping charges and read the whole sellers add. The main thing is to deal with the good ones with great feed back. Another thing on selling an item all ways and I mean always ship the stuff delivery conformation and insured. Who cares if you lose a buck or two more when you could get ripped off in a scam. Keep all your paper work available and organized. SHould a problem occur you have all the documentation to say no it was delivered to you on this date here is the shipping co. information of delivery.
  13. I've sold more then bought but like Raul said check out who you are dealing with before you buy
  14. I second bass-brat
  15. I was fiddling around with this last night and I am going to hone down a pin or two. This should work out perfectly.
  16. That sounds about right I would think
  17. My mind is going at this old age but I remember something about one is harder then the other and slows the spool faster. I will see if I can find out somehow.
  18. I bought some shad and craw scent that I've been adding to plastics but havent had enough use to form an opinion yet.
  19. I would go with the poison. But with the sizes you throw it would require both molds. The poison is my favorite style along with the round head weed guards. Non weed guard go round ball
  20. I have been using a slyder head but here soon I will be making me some of these See harshmans pics http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1167410506/14#14
  21. awsome guys, Harshman, I would suspect that the hitch hiker has an outside diameter of 1/8" and fits in the mold perfectly? From your pics it sure looks like it. I have aquired a few hitchhikers and will try this too. I think I might turn down the pin to hold the hitch hiker. I dont think painting will be an issue. Atleast I hope not. :-/
  22. Especially when they see your creations and you out fish them because you cant buy what you make. Just remember on the water price is 10x's more LOL
  23. I have a HUGE problem with UPS. Everytime I see them drive by I wish they were delivering me something from Cabelas/BPS etc. Modern day Santa Claus imo;D Always bringing me the good stuff I order. Keep up the good work LBH.
  24. How did you attach the wire to the head?
  25. That guy has his priorities straight. 8-)
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