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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. Thanks Whittler. I guess we could expand it to new lures off the shelf too. The main reason I wanted to go along with just home made stuff is so we could trade around and get ideas, or just to show off our custom work. But so far its just 3 of us. So like you said we may need to expand it further to new lures also. Let me know what you guys think.
  2. thats not right muddy. :-?
  3. MEEE TOOOO, Made me real mad tuesday. I watched NCIS the was like sweet The Unit is next. Nope some stupid awards show crap. So I turned off the tv and made some plastics. ;D
  4. that race track is on Grand tourismo. With a steering wheel and a race car like that you get the same rush as watching that video. Just awsome.
  5. Good read RW. Just my thoughts: Bigger fish tend to roam these areas. I think the main reason is becase of stability. Down there in the deeper water, the conditions dont change as much or as fast. Shallow water is where all the excitement is. Boats, animals, people, rapid temp, and condition/clarity changes. Deeper water is safer.
  6. Would there be enough intrest in a trade. I was thinking if we could do a lure swap. All of us pour some of our favorite plastics or make our own jigs, spinners, etc and swap them with someone else. If you are interested post up and we can do a swap of names and trade lures. Only post up if you are truly interested in the swap. I was thinking about about a 10 dollar value.
  7. Ahh, I see one of my topics were atually read. LOL. That is why I asked about affiliates. I would rather donate to the forum then just go to BPS.com to place the same order. Atleast by clicking the icon on the website BR benifits from it. By going to bps.com br doesnt gain anything. I wonder if Glenn plans on adding any other affiliates like Cabelas, another site and several others?
  8. This right here pretty much sums it up. Making baits and "value/cost" all depends on how you value your time. If you have alot of extra time and enjoy this type of stuff it is well worth it. On the savings part, this can vary. Just a plain round ball jig costs you about 30 cents to make with a premium hook. TO buy it its around 50-60 each sometimes more. Bass jigs, this is where you can spend alot of time and money if you want. You can add all the neat pretty details like eyes, sparkles, thicker skirts, etc. A basic bass jig costs approx $1 to make with a premium hook. if you buy bulk its cheaper. but you have alot of excess materials that sit for awhile. Also alot of product like hooks are sold by the 100. Sometimes you can find them by quantities less then 100 but the price is rediculous. One of the best benifits is you can make anything you want. Colors are endless. There is nothing better then hauling in a big fish off something you have made.
  9. Yeah I know what ya mean. I actually do some work for once and miss out on something. Thats what i get for working. ;D
  10. Hmm, I didnt think the question would genrate this much attention. I read all the posts and didnt even realize some of the intensity that goes into either fishing type. The question wasnt ment to point anyone out or degrade any style of fishing. Just a question that helps me understand the drastic end of the spectrum. There are very good points above presenting the plee for one fisherman or the other. Honestly there isnt a right answer I dont believe, except the few about who enjoys fishing the most.
  11. a jitterbug is one of my favorites to c rig. ;D Ok I'm just kidding on that one Here are my favorite c rig baits lizard beaver type 4" worm sometimes i will c rig tubes or 10" worms
  12. WOW thats all I go is WOW or Holy COW. Monsters.
  13. the new season of 24 starts. 8eastern 7 central, its 2 hrs long. If you guys need me I will be glued to my tv. If you cant tell I've only been waiting for this for about 5 months.
  14. Why? (I don't mean to sound rude... just wondering ) I dont know for sure on hooks but I know it will take blueing off a gun. I just want to be on the safe side and not learn the hard way.
  15. Here is how I typically fish a carolina rig Main line 17-20lb line leader depends on clearity but mostly 10-12lb flourocarbon. I fish alot of clearer water thats the main reason for the flouro. also clearer the water longer the leader. The reason for the lighter leader is so if you hang the hook all you will typically lose is the hook. I always use a heavier main line then leader
  16. here is who will win the games this weekend Colts vs Ravens Ravens Eagles vs Saints Saints Bears vs Seahawks Da Bears Chargers Vs Pats Obvious the Chargers.
  17. that is awsome. How'd you make the skirt?
  18. I put some silica packs in with my hooks and havent had a problem yet. I havent seen any rust. I also make sure when I put hooks back in there they are completely dry. BTW put the silica packs in a seperate compartment not touching the baits.
  19. I was contemplating this last night on the drive home from work after reading the BPS catalog. I saw KVD holding up a fish that looks about 3-4lbs maybe with a huge smile on his face. It got me thinking. Leaving out money and prestige, who is better. Someone that catches fewer fish but they are GINORMOUS or someone on tour that can go out and just catch 5 sometimes that might be 12" or on occasion 5-6lbs, every once in awhile something bigger. I know this is more of a question that is in the eye of the beholder but it got me wondering your answers.
  20. I doubt the seahawks win. The bears are super bowl bound. I dont perticularly care for either team but the bears will be in the super bowl.
  21. I'm with Brad on this one. A lure. Whats wrong buddy not feelin good or you mistakenly finish the cart and shiping info before noticing you only bought 1?
  22. This is one of those questions that I dont think there is a "fact" answer too. Just what has worked for you in the past. Some how I can go out and throw a 5" rogue and catch a 6" fish. Or I can throw a finesse jig and catch a 6lb fish. :-? I believe this question there is no true answer to except the generalized answer of its all in Location you fish and the speed at which you fish combined with the conditions at the present.
  23. Well, I caught less fish then in 05 but the size difference was dramatical. I caught more bigger fish this year then ever before. I have also focused more on bigger fish then just catching fish.
  24. I'm shootin for a 8lber largemouth. I doubt I fish anywere with smallies of any size this year.
  25. Well I met both of those. I caught several around 6 oz. and I caught one right at about 7.5. 07 I'm shootin for 8+
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