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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. and then some plastics
  2. I would take my BCR854 15lb triple fish flourocarbon shimano chronarch my home grown jig/trailer
  3. So I guess that is a No on my pm eh? LOL. Its great to hear they helped you out and took care of you. That sure was great service. WOW. Just for that I think I might need to order another rod! Hmmm. better stop thinking about it I was just kidding FOR NOW!
  4. Sweeet, Good luck and catch the next WR. OH btw dont forget the camera and post us some pics.
  5. cool, good luck. Hope you can make a ton. 8-)
  6. Am I understanding that you need a road trip to Lake St Clair? If you cant catch one there you might as well give it up and stick with largie fishing. ;D I mean geez, I even caught a few there. :-? ;D If I remember correctly your from RI. I'm suprised RI doesnt have a good population of smallies. Check this out, http://www.***/states/rhode_island_fishing.shtml Might have some good info for you.
  7. I really enjoy reading the articles on BR and was wondering if there was a place to click/go to see the most currently added fishing articles. Reason for asking is I have read probably 90% of the articles on fishing and dont want to miss out on any. Just really wondering if there is a Recently submitted articles page?
  8. [quote author=fivebasslimit link=1169047102/20#21 date=1169077675 No need to wait GMAN,this website is FULL of great articles on pre-spawn and spawn fishing. Here's a link to one of them...... http://bassresource.com/fishing/prespawn_fishing.html The BassResource articles are endless and packed full of useful information.
  9. Joe Jig trailer, my own pour or a craw type like a critter craw
  10. Sorry i havent posted back up guys. I wanted Glenns A OK before moving on. Its his board of course and I dont want to do something like this without his approval. You guys will be the first to know.
  11. Chompers have some good baits. My favorite are their double tail hula grubs and their tubes. The hula grubs are the only ones I fish. I like them better then the rest of them out there that I have used. The lizards are ok but I like zoom better. The stinch, what those dont stink. Smells real good. Keeps the vampire bats away while night fishing.
  12. great read and illustration. I noticed that you labeled everything on the map. Not only do you explain temps and transitions, you also pointed out main lake and secondary points. Hint hint to some asking about the differences. So whats next on the article list. I'll be waiting for the next one.
  13. football games. Here is who I would like to see win Saints and Colts I cant wait, its going to be some quality football
  14. Isnt the tip top on the bcr a sic or something? I will keep an eye (pun intended) on it. I've thrown alot of braid on one so I will check it over real good. Wont be the first time I've had eye problems. I had a cracked one last year. Whatever the sic or something like that is. Split at about 7 oclock. Wondered why my line was fraying so bad. :-? BTW I think that its not braid that does the damage its the grit and other material it picks up. Thanks for the heads up.
  15. I'm giving triple fish x rated line a shot. along with Triple fish flouro, and bully braid. Some of the others I have stock left of that I will be using Cabelas flouro Pline cxx FNS braid Yo Zuri
  16. I dont have pics uploaded yet. But here is 2 ways to do it. Parts needed for option 1. this one takes time unless you have a lathe or some other way of cutting down aluminium quick Medium hitch hikers Regular pin for do it molds believe its 1/8 base hole pin. file and sand paper hacksaw marker 1 Lay the pin in the mold and mark it flush with the outside of the jig head. 2. Cut the pin at mark 3. measure the length of the spring portion of the hitch hiker and transfer the length to the pin you just cut 4. Tape behind the mark to prevent file from cutting into the rest of the pin 5. cut pin to I.D. of the hitch hiker Your done just put the hitch hiker on the pin put in the mold and hook it around the hook and start pouring. The easy way but gives a little less appealing result I belive it was a #45 drill bit. this fits perfectly inside the hitch hiker and will hold tight in the mold when closed. Your done just put the hitch hiker on the pin put in the mold and hook it around the hook and start pouring. Making these takes more time then a standard jig head but is better then paying a 1 each. The poisons are awsome because the angle the worm will sit and the head stands by itself. You can use this on any 1/8 hole pin mold and it will work. Atleast on a roundhead and a poison mold.
  17. Well atleast I'm not the only crazy one. I do the same.
  18. Check your line regularly for frays or knot wear. Not only on flouro but all lines. This will save you in the end of losing fish. If you dont moisten the knot it will break almost every time or it will pull out.
  19. I fish a part of a lake that is real shallow. I cant have the t motor or big motor in the water. But at times the bass are scootin along this area feeding. The push pole I use is my paddle.
  20. Totally agree RW. About the only time I make a honest remark is if I've used it and it was just a huge piece of crap. Thats when I will post up about it. OR If I really do like the product they just bought. Note, Most of the members give honest opinions for a reason its not to hurt the posters feeling its just speaking out of truth or experience.
  21. I've fished a few lakes so many times year round that I pretty much know in specific water temp and conditions where the fish are hidding. I have cold water pts, warm water flats. Some places like drop offs that hold fish no matter what the condition is. There are reasons fish hold to a certain spot during the year. The goal is to find one and catch fish off it and then use your map and other skills to locate another spot identical to it. 99% of the time there will be fish there too. BTW this is where alot of time on the water pays off. Paying attention to all detail above and below the water. Just for example, Craig and another fellow gave me a few locations up on Lake St Clair that were spectacular areas. Catching 50 fish was nothing per boat actually after we fished these area's if we were less then 50 per person we felt that it was slow. I got to the point that we got tired of catching 2lb smallies. I wanted those beloved 4-5lbers that everyone else does. We were averaging over 100 fish per day. That was about 8-10 hrs fishing and then we would go catch a limit of walleye in about 1-2 hrs. That is the truth no exaggeration. Certain areas produce fish year after year.
  22. green pumpkin works everywhere.
  23. stamina tackle Barlows tackle Jannsnetcraft these should all have the stuff you need.
  24. nice lookin bait.
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