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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. wow Raul! So when you building the new addition onto the house for all this new tackle?
  2. Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Mr. Common Sense. Mr. Sense had been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such value lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm and that life isn't always fair. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn) and reliable Parenting strategies (adults, not kids, are in charge). His health began to rapidly deteriorate when well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition. Mr. Sense declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer aspirin to a student; but, could not inform the parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion. Finally, Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims. Common Sense finally gave up the ghost after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot, she spilled a bit in her lap, and was awarded a huge financial settlement. Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust, his wife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason. He is survived by two stepbrothers; My Rights and Ima Whiner. Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. If you still remember him, pass this on; if not, join the majority and do nothing
  3. Mark this on your calander guys, Gman has an idea. Charge $1 to sell stuff in the sell/swap topic. If you think about it that would bring alot of money to the site. Its just a dollar but it would add up quick. Its cheaper, easier, and faster then ebay LOL. Just start a Paypal account and have a link to it. It cost 1 dollar to list up an item to sell. I would much rather my $ go to Glenn and this site then some bazillionaire getting fat in his vibrating chair.
  4. The best way to fix drying out plastics is fish more. This year I am putting all of my plastics into ziplock worm bags like they come in or using the bag they come in. Then from there I will organize them into 1 gal. ziplocs per style. Thus eliminating almost all of my tackle box's and storage space. and find stuff easier. I bought one of those falcons like posted above. You can cram alot of plastics in them.
  5. Bad grammer and all caps drive me nuts. I know we all have our horrible gramatical erros, but please try to proof read your posts.
  6. If someone shows me a spot I dont tell. Some of the places I fish no one else does because they look so stupid no one thinks there is fish there. For example a mud bank. How many of you guys catch fish off mud banks. Probably not many. Add a stump or other structure heee hee secret spot. My typcal response is when asked I will give type of location but not the location. I dont spoon feed except for the best of buds. If I'm catching fish on a main lake point in 20 ft of water thats what I will say but the rest is up to them.
  7. Its done around here alot too. Some dump it in some salt the can etc. I'm not a fan of the salt in the beer but I also like dark beer. Those light beers are weaker then koolaid. If I drink a beer I want that punch of a good beer taste. One of my new found favorites is Schlafly's oatmeal stout.
  8. Are we going to have the members challenge again this year? I know its a little early to start this up but I'm bored and jut thought of it. I think we had alot of fun with it last year and we learned alot.
  9. I laugh every time I see those. Thanks for the laugh again
  10. T for True Catt. I have broken alot of hooks here is what I can think of. Some are wide gaps some are not. All are premium hooks Mustad Gamakatsu Owner vmc With that said I have never broke one on a fish that I can remember. The reason I break them is I will get hung and bend out the hook, bend it back, sharpen and re use. This may happen 1 time or until failure. I dont really do this much any more because of breaking problems. Now I might bend it back 1-2 times or until point is dull, then its discarded. I've been trying to catch larger fish and dont need to break a hook when I do catch that 10lb fish. Hooks are cheap compared to the other tackle I use. No reason to skimp. Especially on an important part like a hook. As to wide gap or not to wide gap. I might have a total of 5 hooks that are not wide gap. I dont like the straight shank hooks because I've had to much of a problem with plastic balling up and the fish getting off the hook from poor hook set from the plastic.
  11. I'll drink to that. LOL but it will probably be out of a bottle. Hmmm I might still have some cans with Budweiser in them. Who canned the first beer?
  12. Agree 100%. One of my buddies came back from over there not to long ago. He said we have been building water stations, schools, etc. Did we really hear about that on the news? I never did. If we back out of this "War" and not complete it and give Iraq a stable government when we pull out all heck will break loose. From what I understand we really are not fighting Iraqi's. We are fighting against Boarder jumpers that are fighting to cause chaos for their movement.
  13. Here we go guys. Here is how Whittler and I would like this to go. Limit it this time to the first 20 or we reach the date of Wednesday Jan. 31 people who want to join in. On Jan 31- Feb 1 Whittler or I will draw names. We draw 2 at a time and those are our pairings. After the pairs are selected we will list the pairs and let them contact each other via pm on the site to exchange name and address. We have set the limit at $10 for the fist trade to see how it goes. The trade is for any homemade baits, cranks, plastics, spinnerbaits or jigs etc. I would like everyone to post up even if you have already committed that way I can keep everything organized. Glenn has given us permission to use the board but just as a notice. BassResource.com does not verify or screen any individuals, so any transactions they participate in, they do so at their own risk. I dont believe we will have a problem just wanted to make this known and be honest with all that get involved. With the ones that have already said they would like to be in it. I dont see any issue at all. Remember lets have fun with this. I think this will be cool to see what all we get.
  14. What really ruffles my feathers is what I posted before. Putting the blame on a private first class that has no control on what he was told to do. The blame goes to the commander in chief AKA President and other officials, Senate, and House. These guys make the decesions not the soldier. It doesnt matter if someone is for it or against it to me. I just hate when they take it out on the soldiers. Its disrespectful. I dont mean to pick or grip just thought I should answer. My cousin was in the Airborne Rangers for a few years. Some of his stories he has told me are out there. They would go on a mission , they only had what they could carry Ammo or mat. I know where my choice would be. They couldnt just pull over and stay at the local motel 8. On the voicing thier opinion. Voicing it to the wrong person. Whats he going to do. Like an X marine I know says. " I was just a ground pounding grunt" "I shot at what shot at me" I'm not saying that the soldiers have everything they need because I'm sure they dont.
  15. How could you not support the troops. They have no say whether they go or not. Its our politicians that we voted in. If you have a problem with the war vote for someone else. Dont take it out on the troops. Climb out from underneath the rock you have been living and realize there is a bigger world then yours. If it wasnt for the guy fighting for our freedoms we would be in the same boat as alot of these other countries with no rights at all. Thats they type of response they would have gotten from me if I would have been that soldier.
  16. Agreed. I have couple of these. This rod will do just about anything you need it to. From jiggin to c riggin. One of my favorites with the exception of the bcr series.
  17. going with the colts. The colts dont need a defense when their offense can keep the bears defense on the field the whole time. Just like the 3-4 qts of the colts and pats. Wear down the big defense and start scoring points. Plus who would you rather have as a QB Payton or a middleman that just hands the ball to a running back. AKA Grossman. The colts defense is to fast for a constant run. Grossman will have to pass. And he is past due for a FLOP. COLTS all the way.
  18. last year my best producers were Ghostbaits gobie Joes shakit zoom grub This year, I'm trying every plastic in my box to see what performs good.
  19. All Righty Guys, Glenn gave us the A-OK to use the forum for our exchange. Thanks Glenn. I will post up the details in an a Tackle Trade post. Whittler and I will finish up all the regs and post it up. We should be done in a couple days. Just an FYI this is a honesty trade between members. If you dont intend to trade please do not sign up.
  20. I have noticed the same thing. Fishing not only smallies but largies too(not as shy though) Always throw the smallest size line possible. For me unfortunately I cant throw less then 12 very many places but when I can I do. Typically I will throw 8lb flouro for senkos, sometimes 6. Open water fishing I agree RW go light there is no reason to use heavy line.
  21. Gotta agree those amber ones are CRAP. I hate them. I think that is how companies sell baits is to put a crappy skirt collar on it. Those are the only ones I've had a problem with too. The easiest way would be to retie the ones that are barely holding on with thread or wire. The others would be to re collar them but that is a huge pain trying to get all the strainds through the collar. If you tie them on the wont come off ever. OR untill you catch a few pike and rip the silicone upl
  22. I wish I had one. The guys on TU talk about it alot and how to build your own. I was looking at them and dang they are expensive. Suposidly they use less paint and alot cleaner look.
  23. I used the mediums I believe the larges wont fit in the mold. You can use a #45 drill bit it works perfectly in the hitch hiker and holds in the mold. The best way is to cut and file down a pin but it takes forever, although it gives a cleaner look. Thanks guys for the good words. Unfortunately Bass Fisherman, I typically dont sell anything because I dont have time to make the quantities to keep up with a small demand. Pretty much everything I make is for personal use. One of these days I would like to have a little company but I need time and $ to do that.
  24. wow that was an awsome game. Best one of the year. Looks like we will have our first african american head coach as a winner of the super bowl. A fact I learned yesterday that I didnt know.
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