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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. When I painted them it blobbed. Is that even a word :-? I tried a round ball with a 4/0 basically an eakins style like in my avatar but it didnt work as nice or the angle of the bait to hook didnt appease me. I do have some 3/0 but havent tried those.
  2. took 2nd place. I gave a few of these heads that I made to a good buddy since I havent been able to fish them yet. Low and behold he took 2nd place in a tournement last weekend. After he told me this I was proud of my work and new I was onto something good. I was as happy as a kid in a candy store. He said that the poison head pulled through the weeds real easily and didnt catch alot of them. Plus that widgap hook and the angle that the bait sets is just perfect. Just an update too for Harshman if you havent fished yours yet. So down to the caster I go to make more of these things. I also found out an easier way to paint them. Dont dip the whole head just shake it up to the spring and stop. You guys might be doing this already but if not theirs a little tip for you. No more breaking paint from the springs.
  3. 99% of my skirts are cut behind the hook about 1/4" Jigs and S/B
  4. Wish my tied skirts look like that. After about 10 I gave up. Great tie. Warning, Pouring and jig making is addicting.
  5. Me too, I have about 1k of AA's laying around collecting dust.
  6. I've been reading everything on here and other boards on wacky rigging. To keep my word to another member, I need more info on this techinique. What ever you got. Nothing held back. I'm going to fish this this year and catch fish. Tips, tricks, locations, favorite hooks, line, etc. What ever you got.
  7. You guys ever seen a horney ribbit. I got one. Made it yesterday. Horney toad top and ribbit legs. Yeah gman was board. I typically use a 4/0-5/0 for those and seems to work fine.
  8. I will try the stir thing thanks. I tried it both ways with vibration and no vibration. About the same. I am also going to put a small turn valve to regulate the pressure on it. Back to the workbench.
  9. LoL, Good thing we can own more then one so we dont have to make those tough decisions. ;D
  10. Sounds a billion times better then the Beefaroni I had.
  11. Harshman, I have a question/problem The powder in the middle is compacting and the outside along the edge is launching into the air. Do you think I might need something to shoot the air just up the middle? So far I've got about 12 dollars in this
  12. I completely agree with you mods and glad to see you did that. Thanks
  13. Once I get out there I will see if a dinky fish will do it. Cant help on the monsters. :-/
  14. If I remember correctly mine took about a week. He makes great molds. I've been saving up for more.
  15. Someone posted up awhile back about switching out the hooks on these things. I cant find that old post but wondering if anyone has done this so the hooks dont hook together. Or has anyone just taken the front hook off?
  16. It mostly depends on your confidence. I dont really like them in brush or weeds. But thats just me. I primarily use them in dirtier water.
  17. oh man that was a good one. ;D
  18. Yes, I have. Worked ok. I didnt notice much difference in catch %. Actually manns makes a tube that the put little foam inserts in with the tubes just for this. Any more I dont mess with it. I just throw standard lure. If I want something that floats I will just throw a floating lure like 3x.
  19. IMHO, I would start with high catch % baits. even if you catch small fish off it. It will build your confidence faster then just throwing a big lure and maybe getting a few bites. This will also make your technique better. 4-6" lizard centipedes something along those lines would probably be the best choice.
  20. Greatest shotguns of all time: A-5 Superposed With out a doubt these are 2 of the best ever built.
  21. You get a fruit cake. at 2k I hear Glenn sends out a GLX and chronarch combo. Congrats on your 500 th post. 8-)
  22. Thats what I was going to ask Both at the same time. If I'm going to have a story its going to be a great one. Who's is/was a better singer Michael Jackson or Prince
  23. thanks alot guys, I just dropped 20 bucks on a real good pair of split ring pliers. then the monkey got me for a total of 100 bucks for other stuff. Atleast it will save my finger nails, hook to fingers, and aggravation.
  24. I pitch them all, but my favorites I would have to go with a jig or tube. Pitching cranks or jerkbaits you got to pay attention or you could find yourself in a sticky situation.
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