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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. Hey Jbrew73. That is a Dredge dock rocker in blue craw. Thank you. Ill be home tomorrow and then start back building tomorrow evening and Monday. We have caught a bunch of smallies and walleye.
  2. Today was aloy better. Roughly 50-60 smallies and a big walleye. Most of the snallies were 3.5-4.5lbs. biggest so far 4.67
  3. Thank you all for such kindness and your support!
  4. We caught about 30 smallies, small lm, 5 walleye, small musky and a pike so far. That cold front slowed them down. Tomorrow im going again. With the warm up it should be good. Biggest smallie is about 4.5 so far.
  5. IMO its the best hook for a senko. I ise a 4/0 for the 5" senko
  6. Thank you MickD. At 57 degrees they should be in my honey hole if its sunny which it looks like it will be. I'll probably launch out of 9 mile. But I sometimes run down to the Detroit river and fish the river back. Good walleye in the river. We will see what happens.
  7. I'll be there the same time. Red Stratos that says Siebert Outdoors on the side of it.
  8. I'm headed there Saturday. Does anyone have any current intel?
  9. Wow. Awesome fish. Congratulations
  10. If all goes right I will be able to meet up with you guys Saturday evening. I will be leaving to Tablerock on Saturday morning.
  11. I use a 4/0 Owner Twist Lock Flippin hook.
  12. It will work but like iabass said its 2d only. I have a fortrex with the US2. I unhooked it and put a total scan and 9" carbon on the front. 12" on the console with 3d Its awesome. One thing with the total scan. If the boat is anchored or sitting still the structure scan will not work correctly until you move. This is one of the pics I took from the total scan. It also the crappiest return I had when I had my phone out to snap it. This is from a total scan. Normally the returns are awesome. I hope to get more tomorrow.
  13. You also need the starter kit.
  14. You only need one Point one. If you fish structure and off shore the point 1 is a must! Its a huge upgrade to your graph. Anyway, it must be run on a NMEA network. What you will need is the Point 1 and an extra t connector. At least I did. The units must be attached to the top of the T and the connectors must be connected together or by another NMEA wire with a dead end on any unused end. This video from Lowrance will explain it. The best suggestion I can give you is lay it all out on the deck of the boat and make sure everything hooks up correctly with all the parts then install.
  15. Thank you guys! We have a bunch more Zman on the way. We have just about sold out in the last couple weeks.
  16. Our newest product! This is a ledge fisherman's shaky head! It also has many other key uses. The Megalodon Shaky Head is built on a Mustad Ultra Point 8/0 hook. The Megalodon is make for fishing big baits like the Rage Lobster, big worms, or any other big bait for ledge fishing or any other situation that you need a big bait and a big hook for big fish. The head is finished off with a tough coat of powder paint for durability and a stainless coil for keeping your bait attached. Weights are 1/2 or 5/8. https://www.siebertoutdoors.com/Megalodon-Shaky-Head-1628.htm
  17. I cant say for sure but I bet they are pulling out of the water. The 3d is where I have mine and it does come out of the water. I do this to keep from knocking it off at speed plus they wont read at speed either. On the 83/200 Is that an aluminum or glass boat? if its glass boat I'd epoxy it to the inside of the boat. I do not know if you can do that to aluminum boats. Almost all glass bass boats have the 83/200 in the bilge are of the boat. In the OM look at page 20. It will show you locations and pros/cons of each location. You will also need to level the 3d transducer to how the boat sits in the water. It will clear up your picture.
  18. Where is your structure scan and your 83/200 transducer located? Are they being pulled out of the water when you start going up on plane?
  19. Thats pretty close to how i ran mine but the way you did it is cleaner.
  20. For standard fishing I typically go 3/8. But as Catt mentioned it really depends on the situation. If you get into punching,grass, or heavy brush that 3/8 can quickly change to 3/4-1 oz if needed.
  21. I throw a lot of the Rage Swimmers now. My favorite is the 3.75" We carry all 3 sizes and are on sale right now for 3.99 a pack.
  22. If that's only a prop issue its an easy fix for a prop guy. Typically the rework that area and then balance the prop. If he is a good prop guy the prop will usually come back better then new.
  23. I've only used SeaStar but I have had my seals go bad. Like slonezp said. If its leaking reseal it. Thats what I did to mine, it was a couple hundred in labor and fluid compared to the grand it would have been. Works like a champ now. If you are only running a 115 and its rated for a 150 why upgrade.
  24. Go into your overlays and you should be able to add it back on.
  25. I'm going to download it for my 2 carbons this weekend I hope. I am not aware of anyone else doing it yet. I could be wrong. It definitely is a cool idea. So is their High Def color schemes.
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