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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. I didnt want to hijack Ranger364v thread and it got me thinking. When fishing from a boat what do you guys consider someone cutting you off, 50 ft, 100yds etc. I'm use to fishing little lakes say less then 100 acres so I get passed or pass quite a bit. I alway ask before going around but just wondering you thoughts.
  2. Been there done that one. Fishing a small lake and pulled in front of a guy approx 200 yds. He started yelling and screeming. I would have thought he owned the place. I pay as much as he does. I got the same right as anyone else. Makes them real mad when you dont even respond or acknowledge that they are there. If you were there first its your spot. I can see someone cutting right in front of you say 50yds or less being an issue. But if youve been fishing there and acused of someones spot. I'd just tell them to get lost.
  3. I'm not sure but you would be a good ol buddy to let me borrow a mg for a few months. Nice purchase dude. 8-)
  4. Yeah I hate senkos too. The way the slowly fall and wiggle, then the fish inhales it. Yep I hate that . I'd rather just go casting. Caught couple on a senko last night matter fact. Only thing that worked.
  5. I'm with long mike here. Paypal pays 5% in a money market fund right now. Little more risk but 2+times more return.
  6. Thats funny muddy. Lot of truth there.
  7. I received 3 Topwater baits from Nick yesterday. Just freaking awsome. I cant wait till I can throw these babies. A true work of art. Thanks alot Nick.
  8. Dang, RW hooked you up. Not only with a Shamano but one of the best ones. That is awsome.
  9. I can fill you in Hawgin so you dont miss what this 50 pg's of nonsense is about. Cards beat the Mets, Cards beat the Tigers to win the WS. Other then that. The rest was meaningless. Especially all that yankee stuff. That ought to get the ball rollin.
  10. Agree with Earthworm77 100%
  11. lookin good. 8-)
  12. Here we go again another season is among us. GO CARDS.
  13. I've only had 1 lure dont even remember the name. It had a a string that when you pulled the line would make the tail move. :
  14. to buy another loomis. Just dont know what I want. Here is what I'm looking at. BCR874 which is a 7'3" heavy or DSR822s 6'10" med drop shot rod or smr913s-sp 7'7" for clear lake fishing or smr882s smallmouth rod in 7'4 med wish they made a 883 Anyone have any of these and can give me the low down.
  15. I was wondering why this topic was down here. Looks like someone was just a tad bored. ;D
  16. Good luck in your quest. Wish you the best. BTW you a regular in the supermarket now.
  17. Tap Tap Tap, (my foot) whats taking so long going crazy with suspense.
  18. What grinds my gears. Off family guy last night ;D People make it throught the phone system and ask me about a product from another company thinking that we are that company. People ask me about someone elses product that they make to fit ours. Call them please. Mini vans and people driving while talking on a cell phone. The far left lane is a passing lane use it for that. Being the nice guy I am loaning my time and repair abilities to people then in turn later I need help and the favor is never repaid. Might sound bad but I have a mental do not help list or for better words they need to work off their dept before anymore favors or atleast 1/2 of it. Ahhh felt good to get that off my chest.
  19. cool pics looks like a great time. thanks for sharing
  20. same here, I believe if you drain it all the crap that floated to the top will end up in the drain nozel and clog it.
  21. salt, and lots of it. problem is when you add salt it makes the bait stiff so it also requires more softner. You will need to expirment with the ratio's to get the type of action you desire.
  22. me personally I'd go with the 854. the docks I pitch usually have cables and I need that extra length Thats my opinion.
  23. Cool Thanks Matt My bud Muddy catching a bunch?
  24. Who caught it? Good to see they are having a good time. Blue Eyed Fisher Chick you are nominated as our day by day weigh in announcer.
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