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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. Well, Ok I'll jump in. I'm with Roadwarrior on this one. Do knock offs work. YES they do. I even pour my own. BUT!! when times get tough guess which one I throw. a senko.
  2. Catt, thats exactly what I thought of too. It was in my original unmodified post. But I edited it. Gammis are the best hook for the price they are at. BUT they are not the best hook
  3. IMO this is a question that is opinionated. Really depends on how you look at it. If you look at it broad everything with a weight on the front of the hook is a jig. Or you could break it down to craw immitaition jig swim jig(bait fish) Hula jig Jig head (trailer)
  4. Dont use that lure especially in castaic choice. Its not good at all.
  5. Thats easy one. 100. Your drawing from 3 bats at 50%. The 75 would be 2 bats at 66% and the 50lb would be 100% on 1 bat. so would it make sense that say your motor ran at 50amps all three 100lb would be 16.66amp per bat 75 would be 25 amp per bat 50 would be 50 amps
  6. 4" green pumpkin tube, rattle trap, x rap, chart/white or all white spinnerbait That is all you need
  7. I mostly use Joesjigtrailer, also use zoom critter craws, eakin craws, and some chunks that I've been making. Eventually it will all be home made. 8-)
  8. I was investigating a pack of these last night. I like throwing big baits but wow. These things are huge, anyone throw them with good success?
  9. I totally agree with Raul. Great explenation. Throw x point into the mix they penetrate better then owner. The only problem is they dont make as many styles.
  10. Those are barbwire or tiger trac skirts. Mostly barbwire though. My favorite also. Thanks alot guys. Some good information here. Its amazing how different we all fish. How one thing is important to one of us and another is more important. Here is my answers what would it be shaped like? I really like the round head finesse style but more I fish the poison style I like it better. Wide gap, head doesnt fall over easily, pulls through the grass better. Type of hook? Wish Xpoint, owner made jig hooks in the styles I use. Ultra points are really good because they hold up to the torture from me better then most others. Color selection? natural colors browns, blacks, greens Weights? 1/4-3/4 Type of weedguard? more flexible not a stiff one. Type of collar or wire tied? wire tied. looks better and lasts longer
  11. I've been thinking of doing the same thing. But like everyone else said learn before you sell. The worst thing to happen is get bad publicity. I would just start small and aquire one part of it like jigs, the later add spinnerbaits, etc. I wouldnt get myself into dept for this type of business venture.
  12. what would it be shaped like? Type of hook? Color selection? Weights? Type of weedguard? Type of collar or wire tied?
  13. hands down owner is a better hook. Not saying gamakatsu isnt good because they are but in premium hooks imo owner are one of the best.
  14. Geez Muddy, I dont know what is funnier the lake escapade or or this saying right here. I wish I could have been there for this trip. I'm saving for the next one.
  15. Thanks guys. I'm just venting my frustrations of the weekend cold fronts. Happens every year. Warm mon-wed. Cold front from thursday to sunday. I guess thats why I'm getting good at fishing cold fronts. Getting really good at casting too. : Thats funny RW. Can I buy them back? ;D MALTESE FALCON, I wish I could come back up this year. With what I learned last year this year would be 2x as better. Learned alot about the lake and "where" to go. Hopefully next year I can make it up there. If I owned a 20 ft boat I'd be there every year in late may.
  16. I figured that. My cheap old seats they wanted 250 each for. So I didnt order one. I would have went with a nice lawn chair in the back of that ranger. ;D
  17. UPDATE, Went to the outboard repair shop. The good bad and ugly. He was telling me that there is a plastic drive gear inside the moter that comes off the crankshaft. He said that the gear is typically the first thing to go and requires a complete tear down and rebuild to fix that small gear. He said it was very expensive. His solution was a few parts cost me 25 dollars for a plate, hose, and a few other parts to tear out the oil injection system and start mixing the oil myself. He said years ago he ordered a bunch of these little kit assemblies because of this. 25 dollars and pre mix or approx 1k for repairing the gear. he was nice enough to print off some schematics and show me in detail of how to rip out the old oil injection system and replace each part. He said it was very easy to do. After I completely dissasembled and reinstalled the oil pump this should be cake work. My benifits here will be less parts on the motor and more space in the rear compartment.
  18. This years 24 isnt that great IMO. Seems like its just draging out the same stuff. Not enough action like previous seasons. Last night was a waste of my time. I waited all day till it was on too. I agree with you its a cluster cluck going on. Not saying I'm going to stop watching. Still one of the best shows on. I have noticed it seems like the real good episodes are every 4th one.
  19. Thanks Way2slow. I'm going to stop in the shop next day or 2. I might even just pay them to unhook it and make sure its done right.
  20. I agree with Ghoti, you will go through alot of senkos There are alot of good quality hooks. Some of my favorits are X point, owner, gamie, mustad ultra point.
  21. Best recommendation I can think of is check your line alot. I usually check from the lure up about 10 ft.
  22. Its almost impossible to get all the crap out of lead. They probably buy that from a guy down the road that makes ignots for them.
  23. Constant Contact. That is the key imo. Jig bites are usually subtle and sometimes quick. Constant contact with the lure at all times. BE THE LURE!
  24. I really like silicone and round rubber. Wire tie is the way to go. Pretty much lasts forever or until the skirting needs replaced.
  25. Where the oil line comes out of the pump it forms a air pocket where it is not pumping oil into the motor fast enough. Then the no oil alarm goes off. It does pump enough for an idle speed. I've checked for air leaks and couldnt find any. The oil is making it into the reservoir but the oil pump just wont pump it into the engine. Its an 86 black max. Still runs strong just this little problem. If I do remove it it will free up a ton of space in my boat. What would you recommend disable the alarm and just unhook the hoses and leave the pump on the motor or completely take it out and build a plate to bolt over the area it was on. Its a real simple pump design. It wouldnt take any thing to remove the hoses and run an new ones.
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