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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. sounds alot like a tornado spinnerbait BPS carries or use too.
  2. 15lb flouro Triple fish clear water 30lb braid muddy water
  3. Try these also. Each one can affect gas mileage and are relatively cheap to do. Properly inflated tires Regular oil change New air filter, I'd go K&N Injector cleaner Clean the motor all of these help the motor run more efficient. Efficient= better gpm's.
  4. stamina tackle is probably the best I've found for head selection and blades. Barlows is good too. IMO. if your not a great painter buy the heads pre painted and just add the blades and other parts. For what you can buy the heads for its not worth pouring and messing with a nice paint job. If you cant tell I cant paint worth a crap. I bought some of the heads from stamina and they look professionally done. Looks just like buying a bait off the shelf from Strike king or who ever.
  5. that will all depend on what you want to compare it too. More softner you add the softer the bait. The combinations are endless.
  6. This is a very tough decision. But I did come up with a solution that you can get a good rod and reel. IMX, and citica. ;D
  7. it depends on how many senkos you use. The initial investment into plastics is high. Especially the aluminum molds 2 piece. for the price of the kit you can buy about 20 bags of senkos. So its really a judgement call. Delmart offers a kit for around 110 dollars. You could probably pour enough senkos to balance out the cost of a bags of senkos to the price of the kit. I've been pouring quite a bit and the senko recipe is one of the hardest to get right because of the amount of salt needed to softner ratio. You will use alot of material expirementing to get the lure the way you want it.
  8. Thats pretty much what I was looking for. I use the mark all messages some. Sometimes there is another tab on the index page to click that will bring up only new posts instead of going through all the sections.
  9. For the most part that is the same post I was going to put up here. I have never caught a bass over 7.5lbs. Realistically around here 10+ are very very rare. I hear and see a few 9's and less but that magical 10 is almost non existant. I think the state record is 14. I have for the most part upsized alot of my tackle to bigger baits over the last few years. The lures that RW mentions are pretty much staple big bass producers around here with adding the big 10-12" worms. We've touched on the mind set between the 2 types of bass fisherman before. There is the 5 in the live then the guys that go out for the few bites. Not that one is better then the other its just a different style of fishing. Around here catfishing in the Mississippi, and MO river is pretty big. To show the other side of FC comment on big bass swimming around little trout. These guys go out and catch 60+ even into the 100's(rare) size cats. These cat guys dont mess around with the little dinky bass that might weigh 10-14lbs. This also applies to snagging season for spoonbill. IMO its just a mind set of what you like to do. Catch the biggest possible or catch 5 good ones. Imo a tourney guy isnt out for monsters. Yeah he might get one here and there but not like a guy that hunts them. But on the other hand the tourney guy will catch alot more then the lunker hunter.
  10. delmart or bobstackleshack should have them. You might check ebay also. Primium molds which I believe is bob sometimes has them listed too. Delmart will probably have the mold and anything else you need
  11. Is there a tab or icon anywhere that I can click on to show "all unread posts" or "new posts"? Its probably on here and I just cant find it.
  12. So basically you lose out 2 times. You lose what you sold/work and the payment that you should have received. Thats a scam in itself it sounds like. IMO its not your fault and should take the burden. The cc company should claim responsibility. Or would that cut into their 2 billion dollar revenue and put the little guy out of business. :-?
  13. I agree. I'd like to see your work.
  14. he makes a good bait. I've used them for a few years now.
  15. Thanks guys. i was just wondering what it was. I saw a ton of them around the lake. I really thought it was a water snake but just needed more research. Didnt plan on killing them. They do more good then harm. I did almost have one fall in the boat when going in after a jig. But no big deal I aint scared.
  16. I think your right. I found this http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.umass.edu/nrec/snake_pit/images/water.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.umass.edu/nrec/snake_pit/pages/nwater.html&h=270&w=345&sz=16&hl=en&start=5&sig2=IKn1IlSDAA2dEkGpIOMN_Q&um=1&tbnid=hJMDBnPaEY7mwM:&tbnh=94&tbnw=120&ei=byQuRoXCMITMgAP5pvTDCw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dnorthern%2Bwater%2Bsnake%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX
  17. WCCT makes some fat ika look alikes check him out.
  18. From my post in My outings I'm trying to figure out what this is. I have come up with a diamond back water snake but not sure
  19. That crappie had some giant . I caught him off a 1/2 oz blk blue jig with a 3.25" trailer. I was reeling up from a brush pile and felt a little tick. Low and behold it was a massive crappie. Biggest one I've ever caught. The whole jig was in its mouth. Senko77, all those fish came off the poisen jigs I make or some of my plastic beaver look alikes.
  20. 6.4 1.6 few others battle action
  21. cool pics Val. What a great crew. I had alot of fun. I cant wait to do this again. Harshman, Ouch, nothing worse then sunburnt feet.
  22. You guys are remembering to use the BPS link through Bass Resource arent you? Every order helps support Glenns site.
  23. great looking baits as usual
  24. Good to hear your going back. You wont regret it. Later in life you will look back and be glad you did. 8-)
  25. Awsome paint jobs. Those are great looking baits
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