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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. I'd rather have fewer properly placed quality bearings then 10 elcrapo's.
  2. I do believe that UFC guys are tougher then any of the other ones. It does depend on the fighter though. You cant take a submission fighter and put him in a boxing ring. Because of their toughness he would do better then taking a boxer and putting him in a UFC fight against the same guy. Lidel probably could box and have a good career doing it. His fit more for UFC though. No boxing poeple want to pay big bucks to see lidel hit a guy once and then go home like UFC.
  3. you can cut the guides off but the seat and handle I do believe are gone.
  4. The Mooks Final Voyage. Good luck muddyman, catch some bigguns
  5. I do not tolerate tresspassers. They are going to jail. They know its wrong when they jump the fence. Not only is it tresspassing its just plain wrong. Just ask the people that own it alot of time they dont care.
  6. Situation: Lake faces north to south. lake size 70 acres approx Lake is long and skinny. A boat with 3-4 people were sitting on anchor crappie fishing front of the boat facing south. They were bank beating. So as I was motoring down south to north I stopped and fell off plane approx 100 yds before I reached them and idled at no wake 1k rpms closer to them. I stopped probably 50-60yds before I reached them dropped the trolling motor. Still behind them about 30-40yds toward deep water I proceeded to go north since they were facing and fishing to the south. I looked at it as fishing already fished water. I reached down to pick up a rod a and see a bobber splash about 10 yds from my boat and one of the guys glaring at me. I didnt say anything because its not worth it. I just proceeded to use the trolling motor and go about 40-50 yds north where I was headed and started slaying the fish. Was I at fault here?
  7. I am the tackle making junky. LOL, That poison is awsome. best jig I've ever used. Just wish they made it without the eyes and gill plates. I have no use for that. Harshman is right on when he said use a skirt collar to cut the barb off. It works great. I have found though on some jig head styles if you cut to much the head becomes kind of loose. Probably never make a difference.
  8. Thanks alot guys. Really appriciate what you have sacraficed. Looking back, this is one thing I wish I would have done.
  9. Speers was my favorite. That is one crazy SOB But yes, imo it is my favorite war movie series. #2 would probably be saving private ryan. The history/military channel is what I miss most about not having cable anymore. Usually wouldnt change the channel off them.
  10. that is cool RM. I cant wait to see the finished product. 8-)
  11. Yep lots of fun in this hobby and can get real expensive. This topic is making me want to pour tonight. I think I will. ;D
  12. poisen tail jig mold. Best overall jig mold I have found so far. I dont mess with putting fancy eyes in them though.
  13. I've been putting a little more thought into this. It might be several combinations leading to this. Angle of the bait Rotation of the hook when set Thickness of plastic Does the fish actually have the head in its mouth or just behind the hook Rod combo. What does help is leaving a bit of the hook point exposed. Might hang more but you will lose less fish. here are 2 I made. I love the top one because of the angle of the hook in relationship to the line. I have yet to miss a fish. Havent caught a ton on it but alot better then the bottom one. The top one stands free for the most part, pulls through weeds nice and the widegap just rocks. The bottom one just doesnt hold the worm right imo. I havent had much success on it either. I quit making them for this reason. IMO its a useless jig head. Na, sometimes we just notice little things that make a bait just a bit better because of making tackle. Not saying fisherman/non tackle makers dont notice either, just we might be a bit pickier. I'm pretty picky when it comes to some of the ideas. I dont like casting and missing the fish when I set a hook. Lots of R&D time. I hope that came out right and understandable. I have noticed when I go to a tackle shop and look around I'm not looking for baits anymore. I look at designs and colors. I put alot of thought in some of my designs not as much as some. Using angles, weight, head design, color, etc. Lots of thought goes into some of the simplest looking things. Alot of time this year has been spent making up some concept lures. On the water and at the house. Results I've had are some horrible ones and some brilliant ones.
  14. I make them too, and have never understood the problem with the plastic in the way, if the hook is sharp, there shouldn't be a problem, the worm WILL move! Me either. Honestly I think its a poor hookset, or balled up plastic on the hook. Add that to the weight on the head and the fish can throw it because the hook isnt set well enough. I've never been a big fan of SR because of the angle that the worm and hook are at with the size of that screw thing that hold them on. The pro series looks alot nicer.
  15. Lil story for ya. I know a guy that went to college for 2 weeks. Thought it sucked, being about 18 and gun hoe he thought the military was the place to be. Well I guess it put his priorities straight. He couldnt wait to get out. At the age of about 24 guess what he did. Went back to school. Med school. Now he is a Doctor. IMO. Save the time, go to college once you graduate High school. If not later in life it will be alot harder to do. You will be going to school, living on your own, working a full time job, and other things. Worry about school now and the rest later. BTW College is a great experience. Its all about the 3 B's. Once you graduate you will know what that means.
  16. if you attach the HH to the eye of the hook it will move more. I've seen alot of styles of hooks from frogs, to shakees done like this. Its easier then molding them in. Yes it takes the place of the weedguard. Buy you will need to fill the center with something or lead will fill it.
  17. got a brand new flat screen 19" no problems as of yet.
  18. approx 16.36 a pound. Why you messin with bass fishing. I'd be out there every day. I'm sure there is just a season but during that season. I'd be out there.
  19. lol that is brilliant. Funny too.
  20. the way you are doing it with the thread for bucktail is the way I would do it too. Do a search for wire tie. I think Harshman asked this question. Jigman posted up how to's on it and what is needed. Welcome aboard dude. Post up some of your jigs I'd like to see them.
  21. I agree with all three of the other DUDES.
  22. Muddy wouldnt that be 1/5 the size of a normal brain
  23. I really dont think this could be calculated with all the variables. Wind, current, water density, resistance of lure, lure density, etc. I like the concept behind it though. Glad I'm not the only number cruncher here. I dont get into the science too much mostly bean counting and fractions.
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