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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. yep, I've had the same problem. Ordered 2 sizes of differnt style hooks. Backordered. SHeesh. :-/
  2. Dont get discouraged from one. I really like reading your posts.
  3. if you have a rotary scanner I wouldnt waste my time with bondo, plaster or anything else. I'd make them all al
  4. get ahold of Jim at Ghostbaits.com. I bet he would make it for you if he can.
  5. I've been doing alot of reading on colors selections and paying more attention to color and water clarity this year. I'm starting to believe that color doesnt matter. Its the contrast from water and the bait. This holds especially true with night fishing. This is why sometimes at night white works better then black depending on available light. Have you guys noticed the same thing or ever really put any thought into it?
  6. thanks for the help guys. I'm going to try the gum first its cheap like me. There wont be any live traps I can garantee that one. I had a congressional meeting last night and declared war. So first its little gum land mines. IF that doesnt work I'll bunker bust with the poison peanuts. If that doesnt work I've got a couple last resorts.
  7. Plaster molds are nice for smooth baits but if you try to make a plaster mold out of a ribbed bait it will turn pretty much smooth or somewhat from the epoxy you have to apply. I havent tried bondo like Jigman does but that might be better and get more detail. When you add the epoxy to the plaster it will remove details in ribbed/complex baits. Honestly in a stick bait I believe aluminum is by far the way to go. Its just how you value your time. I'm no computer programer but I bet that would take forever to program. I'd rather just search ebay/Tu tackle trade and find one a little cheaper then new.
  8. Yeah AOL sucks. When I got my new computer I wanted earthlink on it because I new I would never be able to get AOL crap off it. Guess what. I got aol crap on it. Talk about a virus and monster spammer. Maybe they should blacklist themselves! Its horrible. Service there sucks too. Commie bastages. I've got DSL now through ATT. Couldnt be happier. I did learn something though How do I subscribe to your news letter? Please pm me.
  9. I couldnt have said it better. Especially the last sentence. Responsibility and accountability Is that even used anymore??
  10. good article Craig.
  11. Call up shimano and explain the situation. Ask for a call tag or a Return label. I'd bet they would send you one. Send the reel to them and let them fix it right or they might even send you a new one. They did that for a buddy of mine with a different issue.
  12. Do not leave the hook in the fish. There is a page on the forum here that shows you how to remove a hook that is deep. In simple terms reach your fingers through the gills and turn the round bend up by pointing the eyelet down. THis will expose the round part and just pull it straight out with a pair of pliers. Very simple to do, very clean and I have yet to hurt a fish doing this. Just make sure you dont damage they gills. I found it. Works awsome http://www.in-fisherman.com/magazine/articles/if2806_HookRemoval/index.html
  13. a typical jig bite is very subtle and feels like a tick or bump. Alot like when your jig hits the bottom. For me jig fishing is all about being and feeling what the lure is doing down there. IMO if your not always feeling the jig and what its doing your probably missing bites. For me its all about in contact with it. Unlike alot of lure like senkos where a fish will just in hale it and swim off with it. Bass for me dont usually hold onto a jig near as long as a worm or senko. Gotta be on top of your game. I'm sure you throw a texas rigged worm. Might try fishing it the same way as the worm it might help you gain some confidence.
  14. Muddy, Find some trees laying down in about 5-10 ft of water unless your fish are shallower(spawn) pitch the jig parallel with the tree and slowly drag it down the side up and over limbs. Around here its like clock work. Works almost everytime. Option 2 Rocky points. locate a point with rocks and or big chunk rock. Slowly hop the jig back to you always staying in contact with the bottom. You should only be moving the jig 6-8" at a time. Yes it is slow fishing but very effective.
  15. I hate these little buggers. Anyone have good ways of getting rid of them? I live in town so the old ways I used I cant use any longer.
  16. Some of my favorites Micromunch el gordo Chompers BPS
  17. I agree with everything above but the best. Thats a discussion for TU though.LOL Delmart also carries alot of glitter and other accesorries.
  18. I dont dip any tubes LBH. Havent figured that one out yet. ;D
  19. yeah they are. I've found its alot easier with just thread then to wire tie the rubber. When you get silicone involved its even a bigger pita. but they do get alot of cool points from me. ;D
  20. hook might be to small Line might be streaching too much What action rod you using?
  21. I make my own also. Dont use any brands. All custom made by me for me.
  22. 10" worms are awsome. Power worms and zoom ol monsters are my favorite
  23. awsome rod RM.
  24. dang 2950 calories a day is what I need. Do krispy cremes count. : Really though, easy fluid movements and stay off the pills like logger said. Do the weight your comfortable with. If you lift real heavy all you will do is hurt yourself.
  25. congrats Muddy. Way to go. 8-)
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