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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. I've had that happen with watersnakes. BTW, I could be wrong but I dont think that is a black rat snake.
  2. Nice catchin Burley.
  3. Fill out the advertise on BR link at top.
  4. Cadman, this is where I get all my paint. http://www.csipaint.com/
  5. Most of mine are custom made. Big M makes a great one. Factory bandit 300
  6. Thanks. Those are a poisen head. the center one is football
  7. Ford Ranger 03 Silverado 04 Silverado
  8. I agree. I fished some of these a week ago. I like them alot.
  9. Lure wise, anything except spoons.
  10. I have a bunch of them. I've fished the lazer blade for along time. I dont throw them much anymore because I cant find them locally but they are a great Spinenrbait.
  11. Just like a mad scientist. Bwaaaahaaaa!
  12. I was told that same exact list when I was there. I fully agree.
  13. Sounds like the "Southern Chicago"
  14. mostly beaver styles
  15. You might want to reread that GMAN. Im with Pitchnkid. I think we married the same woman. My reading comprehension is lacking this morning. Yeah disregard what I said. DOH!!
  16. I came across this site. It touched my soft side. We always think of the soldier(God Bless them), but never hear much about their children's sacrifice. http://www.donorschoose.org/donors/proposal.html?id=282790&utm_source=internal&utm_medium=email&utm_content=project&utm_campaign=TellAFriend Gave me some insight of the children along with the soldiers and wife/husband. There is more behind the schenes then the soldier.
  17. I figured as much too. Should have stayed out and let economics run its course. Happened anyway.
  18. suprise suprise. Detroit made #1.
  19. That right there is right on. Once you know how it works and how each mod effects the the action you can create without mistakes, well atleast alot less.
  20. I'm not Matt but sounds like you have it all. Just need to make some templates and practice.
  21. Really makes me wonder if some of these people are born with gold spoons in their mouths. Seem like they never have pests, never have problems, or never have inconvienices. Wish I had a life like that. Should have been a seal skin bikini ;D
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