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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. Happy New Year everyone. If your going out to night please have a DD and be safe.
  2. any serious fishing yes I use them. When I'm farting around I do not.
  3. That pic has to be from here local to me. ;D
  4. Now we're talkin. Nice jigs dude.
  5. Na, this one isnt from the adds. I think it came from Google. When I try and google something I get some stupid link to some other search engines
  6. I'm still fighting these things. Holy crap.
  7. Crap. Thanks RW. Some reason I thought M2 was a Saturday.
  8. Glenn, I'm trying to make this one but I do have a question. Do I have to pay the 50$ if I'm only there for the opening weekend? I cant do the whole week.
  9. Thanks Glenn. I think its gone now. I just removed 9 fakes and trojans from my computer.
  10. Very nice Cadman.
  11. I got hit too but it was something like internet protection 2010. Still fighting it.
  12. Good read. Very informative I have to ask though. Where are the pics?
  13. Any clue where to find one of these? Here are the numbers off the relay. Tyco VF4-15F21-Z11 586554
  14. I dont fish rubber very often anymore. Its a pain to make for the reasons Munkin said.
  15. Looks like you have DD22's. Thats about the only one I fish that is factory made. Big M makes one heck of a deep diver.
  16. yes you can. Dip the whole head in green then the bottom in orange.
  17. wow, those are awesome!
  18. Nice gun. Sigs are awesome. I've never been a glock fan.
  19. I hope it snows here tonight for Muzzle loader season. Come on snow!!!!!!! Good luck with that 18" of snow.
  20. Exactly I like mustad triple grips
  21. Are you going to varmint hunt with this? RRA and Busmaster make some sweet varminters.
  22. Yup but throw Mustad Triple grips in there too.
  23. J, Something is wrong with that gun. If your misfeeding after 20 rds, try a different magazine or ammo. If you are shooting that wolf crap you might have ruined the chamber or have varnish build up in your chamber.
  24. Micro, The DI system is fine. If your looking for something for combat or just like to pay more buy a piston. I own 2 of DI, one is a RRA 5.56 and the other I built off a RRA upper and lower in 6.8 SPC. Both of these guns are a whoot to shoot. Extremely accurate and reliable. I've put over 500 rds out of mine with never touching it in the 5.56. You do have to clean a DI system more, but not enough to where its really going to make a difference on a weekend shooter. If you really want a Piston gun buy a FN Scar. The AR isnt a piston gun, its been monkied with to make it work. S&W makes a fine AR, So does RRA, Bushmaster, and a bunch more companies. Larue, LMT, Noveskie, Les Baur and a couple others are the primo.
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