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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. Do you own a Jacket? Might need one. ;D
  2. lol, nice. I bet it works.
  3. Sorry I completely missed this one. I"m up for a trip when the fishing is good for a weekend. I have boat will travel. When is the best time? April? We could all pile in my boat or take 2. Heck I'll go to Norfork if you want me too. 8-) PS, its about a 4 hr drive for me.
  4. Doesnt help at home in the safe. ;D I carry everywhere except prohibited areas.
  5. Kmac, that is one thing I really dont care about. As long as she has fun and catches fish I could really care less if I catch them. When she gets better thats when I will worry more about me catching fish. 8-) Thank you Ladies and gentlemen for the help. Any more great ideas or info please share.
  6. 360. Modern warfare 2 Its a blast. ;D
  7. bullettslinger is mine. Thanks to my buddy its misspelled. ;D I'm sure your right on the camping. Drives me nuts too.
  8. Sounds good to me. I'm up for anything doesnt really matter. Why is that? ;D
  9. Any one up for it? I'll be on about 6.
  10. I agree also. I listened to one of her songs once. That only lasted about 10 seconds.
  11. Thanks for the great insight gals and guys. This helps a ton. I do not want to force it on her but I want her to have alot of fun. Now if it will just warm up!!!!!!!!! I dont think jerking a rogue in 40 deg water would be a good break in. ;D
  12. I definitely do not want to force it. I want her to have a good time and come back for more. I really don't care if she lays out in the sun on the back either.
  13. Question for you young ladies. My girl friend said she likes to fish but all she has ever done is the bobber deal off the bank, maybe a couple boat trips here and there. How do I keep her interested and not go crazy on a slow bass bite? I do not want the first few trips for her to ruin it right off the bat.
  14. I'm not a woman or lady. Heck I'm not even a gentleman. LOL Anyway Are we men allowed to answer/ask questions in there? Reason for asking is I'm going to be taking my lady fishing a lot this year an may need some women's perspectives.
  15. Gotta love air soft ;D
  16. Yes, you can not take payments on firearms or firearm parts. Same with google checkout :-X
  17. Is there an alternate to online payments and paying for goods then paypal?
  18. What are your favorite casting spoons and jigging spoons. I'm looking to start spoon fishing more this year. Few tips would be nice too.
  19. stick with an angled or bullet shaped head it will be the best for that. I usually throw 1/2-3/4 in lilly pads that are not real thick. Real light pads 3/8-1/2. Stick with a heavy hook imo. The reason is if you get a good fish and it gets you into the pads you will be hauling 5lbs of fish and 5-10 lbs of lillies in. Dont want to bend out a lite wire.
  20. Yup sho nuff. ;D
  21. its pretty good. Better then anything I've found in that time slot.
  22. I think it would look cool across the back or the rounded part into the back Still cool.
  23. Leave the sludge unless it floats to the top. It smokes alot and stinks. Along with making it hard to pour. Use approx 20 ga wire for tying. Home wire is 12-14 usually and way too thick.
  24. What type of tackle are you wanting to make?
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