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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. I use a hand poured 2" chunk. Once in awhile I'll use a zoom lil critter craw.
  2. nice looking jigs
  3. Uh oh, what did you do? Should be. I typically use a hot glue that is used to fit inserts into aluminum arrows. That way it is easily removable. Those "super glues" do work though. You just better get it right the first time.
  4. Yikes, Heal up quick Russ.
  5. LOL, watch out for those 13 year olds. They will pop a zit on you. ;D I usually just mute the annoying ones real fast. Typically they are the ones that really need practice too.
  6. I use to throw manns all the time till I got a balsa one from Big M. That thing smokes them!!
  7. The head set isnt necessary unless your playing as a team. Otherwise you just talk smack or help out the others. I dont use one much.
  8. No problem, but lets make it the St. Louis area. Its alot closer. I've got a place not too far from St. Louis that is pretty good at times.
  9. You can play by yourself with no invite. I do it alot.
  10. I think I'm on prestige 3 lvl 56. I've been busy with work so my skills are lacking now.
  11. Are you going to be in St Louis? If so let me know. I can take you on a dink catching trip. ;D
  12. http://mdc4.mdc.mo.gov/Documents/71.pdf Needemp you already are. I witnessed the monster LM out of that lake when we had that BR tourney years back. I would be too. Just never filled out that form. ;D
  13. I use an extra pin for the weedguard hole. Then dip them in the powder and remove the pin. Works great.
  14. LOL, I'm guilty of launching a few random tubes. I mostly use the Aug with FMJ now though. I have also found Lightweight to be a good camper getter too. I agree with Branuss04 I have a dedicated aa guy. Usually the stinger or Javilin plus the aug. Just for sending air mail.
  15. LOL Hey speedbead, I'm on br right now. Tweet out. : Whats the point? Seriously?
  16. Tweet? What the heck is that? My reel sometimes squeeks if it hasnt been cleaned in awhile.
  17. LOL Bass. I do alot of camper destruction. I have been shot enough by campers I know where to look now. So I take the thumper or GL and thump that area in some levels. Its almost guaranteed. Or I will use the AUG with FMJ and put a few rounds in the camp sites. If no hit I move on. Hince the name Bullettslinger. ;D
  18. Yes. or a mixture of all 3;D
  19. Hit start I think it is and go to their name in a game where it shows all that are playing. Mute them and you wont have to hear any of it anymore. You can also do this on the main page that you are waiting to play on that assigns teams. I dont know the specific buttons to hit on ps3 but once they are highlighted you can mute them off. Its great for those kids that have screaching voices or the annoying useless cussing. Once in awhile I'll break the cussing of them and tell them to slow down and they wont die so much. Slow, steady, and watch your back. It comes up and says "Toggle mute" Eat Claymore, Yeah fourbizz I just used your name but claymores are great for watching your back. ;D
  20. What do you spear? Around here carp and other non game fish. Arkansas- walleye, and some other gamefish plus non game fish. Hopefully soon some seabass and other ocean fish.
  21. exactly what I was thinking.
  22. I read the post pretty quick but here are a couple questions 1. How was the person hit? Was he diving or skiing? Was it properly marked to TX law? 2. The jokes on cars hitting you and suing the car manufacture is now opened up is it not? There is only one person at fault if #1 was done to law, its the boat drivers fault. This is a prime example of there being no personal responsibility anymore. Its always "someone elses fault" That beer made me drunk so can I sue the beer company for crashing my truck?
  23. wow, those are some sweet baits.
  24. That is a great first jig fish. Congrats!!! There will be more.
  25. Wow Guys, Some great info here. Thanks.
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