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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. looks like an over heated with a zippo paint job. ;D
  2. yikes, the hot lead didnt hit you did it?
  3. using a torch huh? Do you have a heat gun? works faster and better. I think all of us have done that atleast a couple times.
  4. Gotta love Missouri "Missouri Children may buy shotguns in Kansas City, but not toy cap guns." 8-)
  5. I can honestly say Fourbizz is not a peta member. ;D
  6. are you fishing out of a boat or shore?
  7. This is one type of fishing I rarely do. I need some tips and pointers on catching channels and other cats.
  8. LOL, thats hilarious!! Sorry but it is. Good thing your companion is ok.
  9. No! DO NOT add water or water based products to hot plastic. Use oil based scents only. Sounds to me like your overheating your plastic to get that smell. Anyway I always add the scent when the plastic is ready to pour.
  10. try stirring the plastic before pouring after heating in a microwave. Sometimes this will make the plastic have alot of bubbles. Bam, it floats. 8-) Also leave out the salt is another good way.
  11. IMO custom made baits give you something that a store bought bait doesnt. The ability to be precise in a certain style or technique. Baits you buy at a store do not give you a specific use bait. You can not have a production bait fill very many specific bait needs. Mostly because those baits do not exist except in the custom market.
  12. I agree with that. Its alot easier to cap at less then 1500ft then 5k ft.
  13. did you guys read there is another leaking rig not far from the one that blew.
  14. very cool. What camera is that?
  15. yes I have. It works. We have a fish around here, mostly in creeks and streams called a sculpin. Basically a gobie. I ds and shaky them. It does work.
  16. LOL, do you fish heavy weeds/frog? Its almost physically impossible to get a fish out of it without braid or real heavy mono.
  17. probably two times a week on average.
  18. Its all about money, power, and control. Mexico needs to get a handle on them before it gets worse.
  19. that top one is sweet!!!
  20. For me it really depends on the bait and the fish. A reaction bait I never use scent. For a feeding bait I will use scent/scent impregnated lure if the fish are not aggressive.
  21. LOL, she got real close a few weeks ago. She did catch her PB of 4lbs.
  22. This really depends on the style of fishing you are doing. Bank beating, yes. Open water No.
  23. Nope, not putting any blame on anyone. There are alot of lures out there that are great. I don't use them. Bomber is one of them. I don't own a single one. Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is if its not working for you, you will need to change something. Technique, style, presentation, lure.
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