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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. Whats on the menu tonight? LOL I'd have to say Budweiser is one of my favorites. N/A would be Gatorade.
  2. Thats cool. Let me know how it goes.
  3. I cant use a round reel because of the way I fish. It just doesnt work.
  4. Dank, My only thought on this issue is the loss you will take when you sell them. Typically a used rod fetches 30-40% off of what a new one costs in great condition. Are you just sending the rod back non-expiditor? I've done that once or twice over the years.
  5. I agree with that. If he cant fix a simple extractor on a shotgun he isnt even a basement butcher.
  6. very nice paint job.
  7. Cool pic. channel cat and a Northern water snake.
  8. I would consider using a screw lock one. It might help the senko last longer.
  9. I bought one of those earlier this year for fishing lake st clair. I really like the rod. I like it more then my bsr 852. I typically throw senkos, shaky, and tubes on it. Most 3/8 and less. 5" senkos.
  10. Yup, and you also have to realize you might win in a criminal case but the whole family of the person you shot will come after you with lawsuits. Even if the guy was trying to kill you.
  11. Get a credit card and use it. The activity WILL help your credit score and when you want to get a personal loan for anything (even a mortgage) it will help. I would start out with a small card (say $500 limit) from the bank you already use. Do whatever you can to get a card with NO annual fees. Make sure you pay your balance in full every month because the interest costs will rapidly become greater than any other benefit you would gain from the card. I completely agree. Always, and I mean always pay the card in full. I use a capital one and a cabelas card. Mostly capital one now. They have better rewards. You are at the age where credit is going to mean everything in about 2.4 yrs. If you do not have outstanding credit your loans will be higher because you will be higher risk.
  12. 3/0-4/0 is what I use on most lures. I'm not too familiar with those craws but one of those two sizes should work great. The senko 4/0
  13. I do. It is real nice in the thick weeds. It will rip the jig right out of them.
  14. send me a fr. mine is bullettslinger I'll be out in CA for the rest of the week though.
  15. My lady plays with me sometimes. She likes the full auto belt guns the best. Larger the mag the better. Last night while I was on for a bit there was a chick playing. She was pretty good but resilient to lose to the intervention. Busted her down 8 times in a row. LOL We need atleast 6 guys/gals to form up a team and work as a team so we can take down these turds. LOL I played against a team of hackers last night. It was ridiculous. I quickly aborted that game. There is no way some of the stuff they were pulling could happen when playing standard. I hope xbox starts banning these hackers.
  16. wow very nice
  17. So far I have not seen a sharper hook. Ever. I have not fished with them yet. Hopefully when I get back from vacation I will have a chance to throw them.
  18. My theory on this is changing. I would say clear water would be the only thing that might make a difference. Anything else starts a blackout. Have you ever dove below a thermocline in some lakes? Its completely black. I dove a "what I thought was clear lake" it was clear down to 15 ft. 15-20 was brown 1-2 ft viz, 20+ you couldnt see your hand in front of your face. Color would make 0 difference in this. The only thing I could see was my glowing gauge if I pressed it against my mask. So in other words if you have light penetration it could make a difference. Other then that its location.
  19. For a vacation. I'm hoping to do some Tuna fishing and maybe some shark fishing. Hopefully I will have some pics to show when I return.
  20. Here ya go, Here is what they look like
  21. I typically use the first two and a care package. I die too much to get those good perks. ;D SoFlaBassAddict send me a Friend request. I go by Bullettslinger. Make sure it has two t's. LOL Thanks to my buddy its mispelled. ;D
  22. I gotta say, I've been on alot in the last week or so and everytime I was on there so was Fourbizz. Zapping away. I'm still pushing for my #4 prestige I think. We need to have a night where we all play. I can tonight or tomorrow. After that I will be on vacation till Tuesday next week.
  23. I've been messing around with those Trokars and I have to say I have never seen a sharper hook. The weight of a 3/4 oz jig put that hook point into the side of my thumb by weight alone. I have fished X points(one of the best), Owner, Gamies, Mustad, and others. There are alot of great hooks on the market and most will do what we expect. There are pros and cons with each hook imo. You have to search for what fits your style the best. I generally dont rip on companies, but I will not waste $ on those BPS XPS hooks again. :-X
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