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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. I dont see anything odd or strange.
  2. I finished the standard game last night and did some zombie blastin. That was great fun. Beat that too. LOL When I was playing online last night I didnt run into any chop at all. I'm liking this game alot more then MW2
  3. I use alot of Browning Gear. It has worked great for me over the years. IMO though there is nothing that is 100% waterproof.
  4. LOL, you can skip most of that. ;D
  5. LOL, Raul. I was shootin some zombies last night too. I also played the regular game and like that quite a bit. I didnt have many lag issues online either like I did the first night. I did find installing the game on my xbox helped alot too.
  6. yeah, when I bank fish(rarely) i tend to do the same. Unless its creek fishing then I just go get it.
  7. LOL, thats how I use to do it and lost alot of jigs. I also have found techniques to get most of them back that are wedged in rocks and hung on rocks. 12 is an estimate but it has to be close. I dont know if you fish out of a boat but that helps retrieval also. Typically if you get behind the jig and pull it opposite the way you got hung it pops out of the wedge. When one gets hung as much as I use to and sometimes still do you learn tricks to get stuff back. ;D
  8. what is that? I was told its a spider crab. Its a more of a side picture not head on. It looks extremely fragile.
  9. So far I'm at the same point. I like the game and I like the have to buy stuff option. Thats kinda neat. I also like there is no superman running around that you cant kill. Its more even so far. I havent opened up alot of stuff yet or played much, but does anyone know if there is a hardcore or deathmatch express?
  10. Like said above you will need to tie rubber skirts for the best use and durability. It is really a personal preference call. If you are making your own and losing that many I would probably band them because of time and hassle. Now I fish a jig alot and might lose 12 a year. So alot of mine are wire tied or I band them and if it starts to rot I then wire tie it. The benifit you have when you make your own is you can always just make a few more and dont have to keep a big stock of assembled jigs.
  11. about 100 ft down in the Caribbean.
  12. Have you guys ever been to Walmart? Come on now, that scenery is out of this world.
  13. I can see the crap those hackers are going to get when more people get in on the game. Typically the level 10 guys are hackers. Unless your fourbizz and live on MW2. Usually the level 10 guys suck anyway. LOL Just like the campers behind a claymore with a grenade launcher. Just because they can hack it doesnt make them a good player. I typically avoid the hackers. There is a ton of them too.
  14. I'm surprised they dont bust those guys down. Cool thanks Dan.
  15. I'm sure he's hunting. Its prime time right now.
  16. Well who skipped work to play the game?
  17. I hope your right on it not sucking. I preordered it and if it does its going straight to ebay. The last two were good so I would think this one will be too.
  18. are any of you xboxers buying this game? I just preordered it and will start tomorrow night.
  19. Very nice baits Big M.
  20. X2 I agree, If he gets dumped again he will probably be gone for good. He needs to grow up and shut up. He has a great talent but no one wants to deal with that crap.
  21. I would guess hand made or Hildebrant.
  22. Not all plastics are the same. You will have to find the one that fits your fishing style the best. Typically the more action a bait gives the softer and less durable the bait will be.
  23. For you guys and gals that your lakes turn over, how do you attack and fish this situation?
  24. I really like that second to last one.
  25. Thanks guys, Senile, I agree they do pull through but these should be a little better in the weed. Cadman, The weedgaurds were cut for photo purposes only. The strands were a little off center causing the hook to be hidden
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