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Siebert Outdoors

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Everything posted by Siebert Outdoors

  1. try a yellow or white trout worm.
  2. A white thread 1/100oz jig works great in a current no more then 2-3 fow. By far my favorite way to trout fish.
  3. I typically throw just the spinnerbait
  4. That is one of my favorites. Crack is also another good color.
  5. Good Luck Guys! Let us know how it goes.
  6. Very nice!! Congrats
  7. For me the good ol classic chart/white is by far my favorite. Also a chart/white with just a hint of pink is another good one.
  8. For the 3/8 that is the exact sizes I put on them. Bumped up by .5 for the 1/2 oz.
  9. Here is the new Compact Spinnerbait. Built with Sampo swivel, premium blades, and a mustad ultra point hook. Price is 5.50. This bait is approx 30% smaller then a standard spinnerbait but with the weight for long casts. I fished this last year up on Lake St Clair smallmouth fishing. It slayed them! http://www.siebertoutdoors.com/index.php/compact-spinnerbait
  10. Has anyone been on Lake St Clair lately? Is it froze? Just looking for current information of the lake status.
  11. About the only time I do is in real muddy water. 99.9% of the time I do not use them.
  12. Wow, Congrats. I've used both and still use both. Seaguar is one of the best lines I've ever used and by far Optima is the best battery I've ever used.
  13. Honestly, it does not make you stick out. You need to revamp the resume. You must shine and be above the standard. Keep working at it.
  14. I can not wait. The honey moon and wedding stuff is all done and now time to change focus to fishing!!
  15. That is an awesome fish. I hope to catch one big enough to break 10lbs on our trip. I guess I better bring an AL Rig. RW and OOMOD better have the fished lined up for Julie.
  16. Just to let you guys know I offer a weighted hook for Rage Rigging. I offer 4/0 or 5/0 size hook in multiple weights. http://www.siebertoutdoors.com/index.php/weighted-hooks
  17. Congrats!
  18. That makes it even sweeter!
  19. WOW!! Nice fish Dwight.
  20. Very nicely done!
  21. I'll be testing some out once I can find some. I need a few more for my st clair trip
  22. My buddy said there was about 5" of snow at his house
  23. I know. I feel bad for the boss. She has been awesome in dealing with me. Thank you all. Today I'm feeling better so far. I hope we can have one nice day.
  24. Wow. What a fish!
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