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Everything posted by FishinGirl

  1. I went fishing in South Eastern Mass in Dighton...small town near Taunton and Somerset.. so I casted with my new Shimano Saros and loved it... I caught a sun fish on my second cast on a simple silver lure and then casted about 20 times more with no hits... I was about to leave when WHAMMM that bass hit so hard that it startled me.. didn't know what just happened... I have never caught a LM this big... I had to climb about 4 rocks to get back to land to take pics on my camera phone and then had a hard time taking the hook out.. The hook felt like it was in plastic on the side of his month... What a great day... -FishinGirl
  2. Hi guys and gals, I had the most incredible day... I worked on the boat, then went fishing... I just bought a new Shimano Saros 2500 and wanted to try it out... Great reel... second cast I catch a sun fish... then I leave my spot and go down a little bit further and no bites... Im about to leave when WHAMMMMM my lure gets hit... The LM Bass was so powerful and it was my first this big.... Here are some pics... FishinGirl
  3. and I have two Harley's... am I really cool now..lol thanks for the compliment.. -Jessica
  4. I have been doing research and the chemically treated wood is much heavier and is known to wear down aluminum... so Im thinking of using plywood and treating it several times with waterproofing... Im not sure if this will be enough.. but I am still researching.... Any advice is greatly appreciated... Thanks guys!!! -FishinGirl
  5. Thank you sir, its going all right... more work than I realized.. but if Im going to continue, then I have to do it right... .. I will post pics of the progress.. and of course of my big fish..lol Thanks again for the support... Carry on my friends, -FishinGirl
  6. of course I have a sense of humor.. I love to laugh... This boat project is turning into a bigger thing than I thought... It looks like Im going to replace the back deck as well... Just more work than I had thought... But Im getting there.. piece by piece... I will post pics soon of the progress... -FishinGirl
  7. Thank you... going now
  8. Here she is... my 95 Bass Tracker.... Here's the pre pictures... I am starting to realize there is sooooo much to do.... Here are the seats... I tore them all out..... I love the colors on these but the condition is horrible.. so I bought all new seats to replace these.... Here's the view from the front... the old carpet.... I tool the wood from the front off... just in bad condition... and the screws were all rusty and looked horrible... Next step was to take the carpet off the bottom floors... I started it but did not finish today... It got to cold outside... A nice 40 degrees... and couldn't feel my fingers anymore... But it was a good start.. So that's where I am right now... Long day... I realized there is a little bit of a soft spot on the floor wood... so Im not sure what to do.... I really don't want to replace the floor... its way too big of a project to do that... I will keep everyone posted... SO MUCH TO DO!!!! wish me luck... -FishinGirl
  9. Yes that is a Blue Fish... what a fight they give... I spent the summer catching Stripers and Blue Fish... Good luck registering.. its a pain the ***... but when its done, its a huge relief..... - Good Luck -FishinGirl
  10. I was a Salve Girl.... I loved Newport... I lived on Thames Street and had the time of my life... I spent last summer at Grinnell's Beach and Taylor's Lane in Tiverton... Now Im into Freshwater fishing, so Im excited to find some great spots.... I also went camping at Burlingame and fished the Breachway.. Good times.. -FishinGirl
  11. Hi guys, Im just starting to get some plans together for the summer... Anyone have any great spots to check out... I want to be able to launch my Bass Tracker, fish, and camp with a camp fire... Any reccomended places? Also, can I launch my boat in RI, or do I need a permit... the boat is registered in Mass.. Thank you for your time, Jessica
  12. here are some pics of my saltwater days... can't wait for the bass though... -FishinGirl (Go Patriots) - through thick and thin
  13. No music for me.. Nature is my music... -FishinGirl
  14. just bought a new bait caster so I have been practicing,,,, the worst is, is that Im sitting on my new boat in my back yard and my neighbors think Im nuts....lol -FishinGirl
  15. I have caught the biggest fish of my life in Rhode Island... Went to college there and love it... -FishinGirl
  16. Great responses... Im watching the fishing shows everyday..lol
  17. any vessell that you are adding a gas or battery motor has to be registered.... That's why I went the Tracker route because I have no clue where my history of origin certificate for my canoe is... so I figured... go buy a boat..lol... let me know if you need more info.. I was in Fall River yesterday doing all of that... -FishinGirl Thanks for the conformation! I'm north of Boston, so I'll paid the Boston DMV a visit tomorrow. I hope they will be okay with just a bill of sale. Good luck, Sang Don't go to the RMV... its at the DEM office that you register and title a boat.... here is some information for you.. BOATS UNDER 14' - DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: Bill of Sale (name and address of seller). Proof of payment of sales tax (ST-6, ST-6E, or Bill of Sale). Note: To pay your sales tax online, visit the Department of Revenue website at \ Pencil tracing of hull ID number (serial number). *** Required fees - (See fee schedule below) Properly completed and signed application. If a new boat is purchased from a registered boat dealer or department store, a copy of the "Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin" is required. 251 Causeway Street Suite 101, Boston, MA 02114 Phone: (617) 626-1610 Fax: (617) 626-1630 HOURS OF OPERATION: 8:45 AM - 4:45 PM MONDAY - FRIDAY
  18. any vessell that you are adding a gas or battery motor has to be registered.... That's why I went the Tracker route because I have no clue where my history of origin certificate for my canoe is... so I figured... go buy a boat..lol... let me know if you need more info.. I was in Fall River yesterday doing all of that... -FishinGirl
  19. Thanks guys for all the responses... I opened up a Cabelas card and ordered my seats... I ended up getting rid of the middle buddy seat, and ordered larger seats... I plan on making something to put in between like a built in cooler or something... I also ordered the carpet... I'm very excited... I have never owned a boat before.... Last year, I bought a Mad River Kayanoe.... a Hybrid o a canoe and a kayak.. I put a fish finder, and about 10 rod holders.... The Kayanoe was so much fun.. but I was so sick of paddling... Im hoping to use this for one season, and then sell next year at this time... I will post pics as soon as I reach the 10 post mark... I also bought a new Rod and Reel.. I went with the Abu Garcia Revo... its so beautiful.. lol I know I will be asking so many more questions, as time goes by... and I hope to make some great friends.... Thank you to all for the Police officer comments.... I love my job... and wouldn't change it for the world... Thanks again.. -FishinGirl (Go Patriots) Sorry Colts fans... there is no one better than Tom Brady..lol
  20. Hi Guys, I just want to introduce myself and hopefully get some great advice... Here's a little about me... Im 28, a police officer in Boston, and I love to fish... I have been fishing ever since I was a little kid with my dad, and haven't stopped... I have always been ok with fishing off piers, docks, edges of ponds, but this year, I bought a used 1995 Bass Tracker. The boat was maintained by a true fisherman.... This guy knows it all.. and used this boat to fish; hence the boat looks like it was used... not shiny, and not a high end boat... it has a small Mercury 25 on it.. So here are my questions... the boat has some used seats... they are torn and in horrible condition... I would love to replace them with OEM seats, but tracker does not go back that far.. So I asked about new ones but those run for 1000 or so... No thanks... So where can I buy decent seats for lets say under 600 dollars... My tracker has the three seats in the middle and then the two fishing seats on either end... The two seats next to the captains chair fold up because there is a cubby underneath... so I can't buy a bench seat... Second question.... How hard is it to re-carpet the boat... I would love to do the project but am I getting in over my head? Nice to mee you all.. and thanks for future advice.. I know I will need it.. -FishinGirl (Go Patriots)
  21. Gatorade and Doritos.... Best combination
  22. Nice job on the Lund.. I love the way you have the radio and speaker mounted.... Can I drop off my boat so that you can upgrade her..lol -FishinGirl
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