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Everything posted by humpy

  1. They found a spot because of a pattern.The kind of spots that I am refering to are the ones like,this is where we caught them last year,last month or the (Quote) community holes.That is exactly my point about prefishing to establish patterns and not just fish spots that most guys do.When I start my day fishing I start with an open mind to establish a pattern and not worry about spots. Which would you rather fish a spot or a pattern? :
  2. hostess cup cakes my diabetic partner brings every fishing trip.
  3. I beleieve you are correct about fishing community holes.I know a lot of good fisherman who fish spots and do ok because they have been on that water along time.I say let them have at it.I love it when I see guys running from spot to spot.All of them hitting the same places.What seperates the wheat from the chaf is pattern fishing.Once you learn how to do that you will fish differant places on the lake that never dawned on you. As for watching other fisherman FISH you can almost tell the ones who know what they are doing and the ones who don't. When you pay attention to those who do, somtimes it can help you with your pattern or key you on something you may have been missing.It pays to be very observant of ALL of your surroundings.
  4. Prefishing has helped me a lot. It gets me mentally prepared if its going to be a tough bite so I have more patience in an area where the fish have been. Also if anything I want to know what color the water is,is it droping or riseing. What is the temp? I want to know what the bait is doing. This kind of info helps me elinamate rods and baits.Then if things change on tournament day(they always do it seems)I am in a better position to make decisions on what to do next. My partner used to not beleive in prefishing i.e. soremouth them,he knows the lake,he knoes what they should be doing this time of year.Yea,Yea,Yea. He knows better now.
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