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Everything posted by SuskyDude

  1. Phish show (click to see entire photo)
  2. "Fishing: A jerk on one end of the line waiting for a jerk on the other." T"he fish don't care if its raining, they're already wet." Suprised nobody added this one yet: "A bad day of fishing is better than a good day at work."
  3. "There's one" Various grunts. "Slama-Jama ding-dong!" and "BOOM-shaka-laka!" have been used on special occasions, usually when under the influence. ;D
  4. I like simplicity: they missed, but the hooks didn't. Happens sometimes with topwater.
  5. I picked Pizza Hut. When it comes to fast-food pizza you can't beat that greasy pile of crap. It's not even pizza to me really, but it's good for a hang-over. I prefer a thin crust, NY, old world style pie. In my 'hood, it's gotta be Consol's. Thin crust > deep dish. Sorry Chicago, we know you're trying. :
  6. I'm confused on how this experiment has anything to do with setting the hook with slack line vs setting the hook with a tight one. :-? All it proves is that you want to set the hook fast not slow. If you set the hook with too much slack, you won't create enough tension on the line to penetrate the hook point. That's why you drop the rod, reel the slack, set the hook (hard, of course).
  7. I remember a few members talking them up at the begining of the season. Don't recall hearing much since then. I imagine they work about as well without the light as they do with the light, but I don't know for sure and never will. The whole "have you ever seen a cat chase a laser light?" line of thought makes me laugh. ;D Yeah, my cats will chase a laser light, they'll also chase a paper ball, a feather, a piece of string, anything that is prey-sized and moves. Just like a bass.
  8. I set when I feel the tap. The time it takes me to drop the rod tip and reel in the slack is all they need. Waiting will eventually lead to deep hooked fish.
  9. Keep checking E-bay every week or so. I bet your colors will pop up eventually. Personally, if they were a favorite bait of mine and discontinued, I'd buy whatever color was available. I've become a fan of a few colors that I used to have an aversion to in this way. Turns out the fish didn't care either way (they usually don't! ;D).
  10. No snaps here. I can tie a palomar faster than I can use those things.
  11. Of course I have seen floaters,but Im sure that every day of year that at least a few fish die of natural causes(Old age,disease). This being the case,I expect to see more dead fish than I do. My home lake is stocked with trout which are a cold water fish. Im sure lots die in the hot weather we have...Where are they? They sure aint floating. How big's the lake? Do you cover every inch of the lake every day? Could racoons, birds or other scavengers be getting to them before you see them? Could they be raising to the surface and then sinking back down? Could be lots of things. Perhaps PaulRoberts or someone can come around with a more definitive answer
  12. Simply put: Some float, some don't. Regardless of how they die. You've never seen a dead fish floating in the water in your life? Thats a head scratcher.
  13. I've had one for over a year and I like it. Have gotten it wet plenty of times and it works great. It's also great when you drop your phone in the mud, your food, your beer, etc, you can just wash it off.
  14. that is the coolest way to lose your dog, ever. I agree, but from what I was told the lady in the video didn't think so! ;D
  15. Gotcha. If remember correctly, the OP fishes the Susquehanna R. but wasn't sure if he was talking about the river or lakes in this thread. In that case, I too concur. Go deep and don't look back!
  16. We have lots of musky in the river . You don't want to be doing your best "spirit fingers" over the side of the boat or dangle your feet in the water in alot of the places I fish. ;D In another musky related story: my buddy was on vacation in the 1000 Islands when he got to talking to the owner of a bait shop about musky. So the owner takes him to a room with a TV/VCR and pops in an old VHS home video of a lady playing fetch with her little foo-foo dog off the end off a dock, in a lake full of muskies. Well, the second or third time poor little Fido jumps in after the ball, you can guess what happens next: KER-SPLASH!! A big musky gets himself a meal and poor ittle Fido is chasing that great mailman in the sky.
  17. Crestliner, are you talking about lakes or rivers? Just curious. If you came to my river right now, I could completley flip that theory on it's head: Big girls in shallow riffles and chutes all day long, as well as shallow flats early and late. Now, my river is much warmer and lower than average right now, which is something to consider. Dissolved oxygen is a hot commodity during these conditions, and the big smallmouth flock to locations where DO and food are abundant. Deep holes tend to be slow and stagnant deserts this time of year on my river while riffles tend to be slampig-filled oasises.
  18. Very true. Never said they weren't cool!
  19. Bass are indiscriminate predators with a pea-sized brain. They'll eat just about anything if they think it's alive, and will sometimes be wrong. I look at alot of the super-realistic baits on the market today and chuckle. We really give bass alot more credit then they deserve.
  20. When the water gets low and hot, I get excited. In my part of the Susky it means big fish in chutes and riffles. I use topwater for these fish, even at high noon in blazing sun and 90 degree heat, and I mop up. I forget deep water, those fish aren't active anyway. Shallow fast water is where its at during the dog days of summer.
  21. The real crime is that the taxpayer paid for what the article described as an "undercover investigation" to catch someone with grandpa's cough syrup. Still funny none the less. ;D
  22. I'm going with esox for the skeleton. That looks like the upper jaw of a pike or pickerel. The sunfish is a Longear, Lepomis megalotis.
  23. Slow steady retrieve- bloop,bloop,bloop,bloop- I love that sound! I replace the crappy hooks with Owner's, as well as add a split ring to each hook hanger. More hook ups and less tangled hooks.
  24. Forget the snaps, learn how to tie a knot quicker. I can tie a palomar in less time it takes me to open and close a snap swivel.
  25. LOL. Yeah, I'd say the price was about right. ;D
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