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Everything posted by SuskyDude

  1. Not the stradics. I've own three, all of them bind up when they get wet. Beware.
  2. Its more wirk and you'll fatigue faster, with a lower gear ratio you wont fatigue so bad. Atleast from what i've read. Its more work to reel slower, than to reel faster? :-? Sorry, but that makes no sense to me whatsoever.
  3. This might be stupid question, but I'm going to ask it anyways. Why not just get the high speed reel, and reel slower? :-? Is there something else I'm missing?
  4. The conditions you're describing are about as tough as it ges for river smallmouth fishing. You can't expect to do awesome on days like that. But you can still catch fish. I look for shallow, protected, slow moving water. Look for water thats three feet deep or less. If there is fish there, they will be active and (hopefullly) there will be enough light penetration that they can see your jig. Lots of sun will help your cause. I like to use a black, 4 inch tube on a 1/4 oz head, dragged on the bottom with lots of pauses. Look for flooded trees on the bank, flooded banks with grass, the up stream ends of calm, slow-moving eddies,the downstream ends of islands and calm protected coves (particularly ones used for wintering). Again, look for featues like these that are shallow and getting good sun. Hope this helps.
  5. holy crap, dude needs a girlfriend! I think his wife would get quite mad if he ended up having a girlfriend. So that's what happens when you get married huh? I knew I've been avoiding it for some reason. ;D
  6. holy crap, dude needs a girlfriend!
  7. Peyton and Eli must have made a bet this season.
  8. Heat and cold = no problem. Wind is annoying but I deal with it. Lightning keeps me away.
  9. Heat and cold = no problem. Wind is annoying but I deal with it. Lightning keeps me away.
  10. Heat and cold = no problem. Wind is annoying but I deal with it. Lightning keeps me away.
  11. My two cents: Drugs and alcohol don't ruin people's lives. People ruin their lives with drugs and alcohol. You can blame it on a substance all you want, but it's the abuser who does it to themselves. The alcoholic doesn't wake up a drunk, wife-beating, child neglecting degenerate. He makes the chioce to be one. With that said, marijuana should be legal. No logic can prove that alcohol should be legal and weed shouldn't. Booze kills people, literally. I don't just mean from car accident, fights and the like. You can literally drink yourself to death.
  12. P. Manning and his four picks.
  13. Energy drinks = gross It's hard to believe somethnig with so much sugar in it can taste like feet. Black coffee for me please.
  14. I've had hemorrhoids on two occasions, and neither time did I "give birth" to anything. Get this checked out pronto.
  15. You can do it. I smoked for 13 years. Quit the first week of June, cold turkey. People will say it's the first week, when your body goes through withdrawl, thats the worst. They're wrong. The physical withdrawl is rough, but it's nothing compared to learning how to live without tobacco. The mental addiction is the worst. It's been about five months and I still would like to smoke. Some days it might only cross my mind once. Others I can't stop thinking about it. Here's how I've been getting by: 1. Stay busy - this is big. Pick up extra hours at work, work on the honey-do list, go fishing on days when you'd normally stay at home, start another hobby. Do ANYTHING to keep you mind busy. 2. Substitute - I chewed alot of gum the first couple of weeks, especially when fishing. Sunflower seeds also would do it. Keep you're mouth busy with something else other than chew. 3. Treat yourself - Your doing something really good for your health and well being, so reward yourself. Go buy a new rod with the money you save. Take yourself and the ole lady out for a big steak dinner at a nice restaurant. Make yourself feel good about quitting anyway you can. 4. Talk about it- I was fortunate that my girlfriend decided to quit as well, not just because she wouldn't be smoking around me, but also because we could both talk about how hard quitting was. It feels good to talk about it, it helps you keep your eye on the prize. Hope this helps. It's gonna be tough, believe me, but stick with it. Its been 5 months and sometimes I still can't belive that I'm NEVER gonna smoke again. It's alot like losing an old friend. Take it day by day and you'll get there.
  16. Incorrect! The "stockings" are neoprene booties. Totally waterproof. Now you have more considering to do. ;D Whatever you do, make sure you try every thing on first, with extra layers and socks. Walk around in them. Make sure every thing is very comfrotable. Especially your feet. They cant be too tight. It will cut off your circulation causing you to get cold quick. Your feet should have plenty of wiggle room.
  17. Why would you need to buy anything seperate for the winter time? The boots you use in spring and fall will be the same you use in winter. I don't wear waders in the summer, but if, I did it would be the same get-up just without the layers and thick socks. I guess thats what Im confused about.
  18. A waterproof boot...for the waders? I'm confused. Do you mean for wearing with stocking foot waders? Any wading boot will do. I have a pair of Cabela's Vibram-Sole Wading boots that I really like. Or do you mean something like a hip-boot, for wearing without the waders?
  19. Breathables. They're lighter, more comfortable, and just as warm when you layer underneath. Neoprenes are ok if you're on a budget and just want a wader for a few short trips during the coldest part of winter. Oh, and get stocking foot and seperate boots. If you take care of your waders, you'll wear through your boots first. Buy the combo deals, and that means you have to buy a whole new set of waders when the boots wear out. Buy the stocking foot waders, and you just have to replace the boots. Cabela's makes great breathables, are reasonably priced, and have amazing customer service. I got a pair of their Pro Welded Waders and I love them
  20. So this is the Cowboy's team all the experts are picking for the Super Bowl? :-? I thought they had "so many weapons." Color me unimpressed. Can Phillips instill any sense of discipline in this team? As a Giants fan, I enjoyed it.
  21. Power Stache
  22. Dude, they ended the closed season for bass in NY 3-4 yrs ago. Dec 1st - 3rd Sat in June is now catch and release, artificial lures only. You're welcome! PS- Good to see a fellow Binghamtonian on the board! Hey Susky, Where are you in Bingo? Do you mostly fish the River? Southside. Yup. I fish the river alot.
  23. Dude, they ended the closed season for bass in NY 3-4 yrs ago. Dec 1st - 3rd Sat in June is now catch and release, artificial lures only. You're welcome! PS- Good to see a fellow Binghamtonian on the board!
  24. Yeesh, kinda feel embarassed I posted my crummy shots next to some of these. Oh well, here's another than I'll bow out. Stray kitten I found by the river and brought home last november. So cute it'll make you puke.
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