I know your just playin' playa'! 8-) Good ball, I'll volley back.
Fish are killed by novice fish keepers, as well as novice and expert fishermen alike.
The way I see it, is that the fisherman's fish got to live a natural life. It may have suffered, it may not have, but it lived the way it was supposed to, and its dead body does not go to waste.
You can't say this about the bass in the tank.
Sure, fish keepers are allowed a few dead fish. But not if they kill the fish by way of pure ignorance and neglect. Keeping a bass healthy is a pretty big undertaking. Any serious research into the subject would uncover this. So to me, if a person went and took a wild bass out of it's environment without any knowledge or experience in keeping fish, deprives it from a natural life, and kills it, they made a bad, if not unethical, choice.
The pain/suffering a bass may or may not feel and how it releates to fishing and fish keeping is a debate that could go all night long, but I have no intention of doing that. In the end, I feel the whole thing breaks down to how much "stewardship" you feel man deserves to have over wild animals.
I, for one, don't feel you have the right to keep bass confined without ANY fish keeping experience. It's gives the bass a poor chance of survival, which in my opinion, is bad stewardship.
It's not the end of the world, I will confess, but it's not something I would do or approve of.