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Everything posted by SuskyDude

  1. Dallas pull it out, thanks to finally playing some D.
  2. Score before you celebrate.
  3. As a Giants fan I'm obligated to hate Dallas and Philly (and Washington for that matter!). That being said, I'm picking Dallas. Either way I'm happy, because I get to watch one of them lose! Should be a fun game!
  4. I'd say both are around three. Top one looks bigger to me, could go a little more. Whats with all the "guess the weight" smallies on this board? I've got one: "Guess how much a digital scale costs?" Only twenty bucks!
  5. I was about to post that if thats a 4 pound fish then you must be 8 feet tall and have gorilla sized hands!
  6. HOLY UNDERSTATEMENT BATMAN!! Once the Charger defender picked up the FUMBLE, that was game over. Take a snap, time runs out, Chargers win, thanks for coming. You think?? ;D I'm sure you'd feel the same way if it had been the Broncos that had just gotten SHAFTED! LOL! The Chargers will be affected by that loss come playoff time.....all because of a WRONG call. Forgot to add....I hate both teams involved so there is no bias. Thats good stuff! Can't blame RW though. He's team just won on a terrible call. He's got to justify it some how! Honestly though, if you want to win in the NFL, you can't go down to the final minute and rely on the refs to make the right call. You have to put it away early. The Chargers had 59 minutes to win before that bogus call.
  7. Somebody call the Cops! An empty hand. A whistle blown too early. Denver steals one. Gotta suck to be a Charger fan.
  8. I second the Mizmo Big Boys. Green Pumpkin and Black for colors
  9. Pheew. Well, Tokyo, I kinda had a feeling it was headed in this direction. I think we should lay this one to rest as it's getting a little close to this site's "restricted bandwidth," and I don't want to ruffle any feathers. If we continue, I can almost assure at least one of us would! I think you've got a better idea about where I'm coming from, and I of you. Its true that for myriad of reasons, we'll never agree. But you know what? That's not a bad thing. -Susky out
  10. Tokyo- I know your just playin' playa'! 8-) Good ball, I'll volley back. Fish are killed by novice fish keepers, as well as novice and expert fishermen alike. The way I see it, is that the fisherman's fish got to live a natural life. It may have suffered, it may not have, but it lived the way it was supposed to, and its dead body does not go to waste. You can't say this about the bass in the tank. Sure, fish keepers are allowed a few dead fish. But not if they kill the fish by way of pure ignorance and neglect. Keeping a bass healthy is a pretty big undertaking. Any serious research into the subject would uncover this. So to me, if a person went and took a wild bass out of it's environment without any knowledge or experience in keeping fish, deprives it from a natural life, and kills it, they made a bad, if not unethical, choice. The pain/suffering a bass may or may not feel and how it releates to fishing and fish keeping is a debate that could go all night long, but I have no intention of doing that. In the end, I feel the whole thing breaks down to how much "stewardship" you feel man deserves to have over wild animals. I, for one, don't feel you have the right to keep bass confined without ANY fish keeping experience. It's gives the bass a poor chance of survival, which in my opinion, is bad stewardship. It's not the end of the world, I will confess, but it's not something I would do or approve of. Holla!
  11. Simple, its unethical. Without any knowledge of fish keeping, he'll be literally torturing the fish to death. Sounds like "fun" huh.
  12. You pretty much can't go wrong with tubes ANY time of year. I fish them almost exclusively Nov-April, so when things start warming up, I usually put them down for faster baits. I would bring tubes for sure. 4" Tubes, dark color, on a 1/4 oz 3/0 jig head. Cranks, spinnerbaits, topwater: all good. What ever you have confidence w/ for LM will work for SM. Most important thing is where. Structure and current are your most important factors. Couldn't tell you a thing about that particular river that time of year, but I'm gonna guess they will still be in or near significant current. On shallow flats and below fast moving ledges in the morning/evening, and on the edge of the channel where they meet up with large shelves in the daytime have would be good places to start. Good luck!
  13. Oh man.. : What you need to "GET", is a base in fish keeping, before you go and pick up a 125 gal tank and put, large, wild , predatory fish in it. What you need to get is practice in keeping any fish first. What you need is a 20 gal fish tank and a pet store fish. There's alot more than throw some water in a tank, let it sit, throw in a fish and there you go. The more and more you post, the more and more I can tell you're not ready to do this. Do you even know the legality of keeping a bass captive in your state? Look, I get the feeling your going to do this no matter what, so PLEASE, do alot more reading about the subject. And what ever you do, DO NOT RELEASE THE FISH BACK IN THE WILD. I'd rather see you kill the fish before doing that. I'm gonna leave it like that. I tried fish gods, I really did...
  14. Stable and/or pre-frontal. I also like full-frontal! ;D
  15. Rain areates the water by cooling it (cooler water holds mor O2) and by churning the surface. D.O. does not fall down the water column. That would require the warm water above the thermocline, to sink, which isn't going to happen (until turnover any way).
  16. Whatever you do, Do not release them back into the wild. No matter what other people do. NANFA (North American Native Fish Association) has a great forum about keeping native fish. These guys KNOW what they're talking about. Most of them have been keeping natives for decades. A good number of them are biologists, and or hold degrees in aquatics and fisheries sciences. I highly suggest you check their forum out. I'd post a link, but I'm computer illiterate. Just google "nanfa forum". PS. Just a tip, If you want to be taken seriously on this site, you should clean up your spelling/grammar. That last post was brutal. No offense.
  17. I don't know where you read that a 55 is enough for a LM, but that is very wrong. A 55 is barely enough to keep a bluegill. The minimum size tank for ONE LM bass, recomended by people who have been keeping native fish for years (experts if you will) is 180 gal. Most keep one in 200+ Finally, DO NOT RELEASE A NATIVE FISH BACK INTO THE WILD after you've kept in an aquarium. You run the risk of infecting the body of water with whatever disease your bass might pick u pin captivity. Trust me, it can happen. Once you take a fish home, it should be for life. Sorry if this is not what you wanted to hear, but its the truth.
  18. I reponded to your post on the other thread, but I'll do it here too. A 125 gal. would be way two small for two bass. Yeah they start small, but they grow. If you didn't know you needed a filter (and a VERY large one at that) I HIGHLY suggest you don't do this. I get the feeling you've never kept fish before. Its work. Get a 20gal and a couple of cichlids, and start learning about fish keeping (nitrogen cycle, controlling alage, fish disease,etc) before you even THINK about doing this. Personally, I don't think anyone should keep bass in an aquarium. .
  19. Too small of a tank for two. Yes you need a filter. If you didn't know that I suggest you don't keep bass. Try getting some pet store fish. Personally, I don't think anyone should keep bass in an aquarium.
  20. All you guys picking the Cowpies, don't you know they'll choke in the playoffs? :D Giants to repeat. I know, I know, but I've got a feeling. Giants v. Pats II? That could be fun. Would love to watch Billy storm off the field in a huff two years in row!! ;D
  21. Hey Muddy- How are chubby girls and mopeds alike? They're both fun untill your buddies catch you riding one!
  22. Toss up between ol' Bill and the Lindners. The Lindner's because they'll catch any fish, anywhere. Ol' Bill because he just seems to make you feel all warm and fuzzy, it's like fishing with Grandpa. (except I HATE the way he makes it a point to break the fishes jaw after pulls it out of the water)
  23. Frankly, I think thats disgusting. Someone who wastes dead fish to win a tounament is not a sportsman in my book.
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