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Everything posted by SuskyDude

  1. Congrats to Philly! Ouch that hurt to say I thought my G-men had you on the run a nuber of times, but Philly stood firm. Especially the D. Giants had the opportunities, but they didn't execute. I'm not crazy about some of the offensive play calling though. Why Gilbride kept sticking with the pass when the run game was working and it was CLEAR that this wasn't Eli's day from the start I'll never know. Oh well, next year. Good luck Philly fans and represent the NFC!
  2. Good post. You brought up two points I was going to make: 1.Playing out a large fish on an ultralight can be hazardous to the fish. 2. I agree, an ultralight doesn't mean a "better" fight. You can't feel the pull of a large fish when it swims right through your ultra light and just pulls drag. You have to be able to put some pressure on a large fish to really feel the power. 8-) I use ultralights for small trout and pan fish.
  3. What River Rat316 said. First place to start is in slow, protected areas. Shoreline eddies, coves, backwaters, down-river ends of islands, etc. Depth can vary alot, but as long as you can't see bottom, and the current is slow, you got a good spot to start. I also look for lots of wood in these areas. Something to hide around/under is very attractive to winter smallies in my river. Remember that alot of smallies will winter, spawn, and spend their summer all in the same general area of the river if possible. Think about your summer fish, then think about nearby spots that they might have moved to and start from there. What lures I would use would depend on temps/trends. A tube dragged really slow on the bottom does it for me this time of year. Hair jigs and jerkbaits are other sensible options.
  4. Ravens have, I think, a very good chance of taking this game. AFC- Ravens, Steelers NFC- Giants, Panthers. (G-men all the way!)
  5. Sorry, but that is what happened. Carolina's D was sucking wind by the 4th, and weren't not prepared to go into overtime with a physical team like the Giants. They flat got wore out. The Giants took them into deep water and they couldn't handle it. PS. I ain't scared of the Eagles! 8-) Maybe a little nervous PPS. I wouldn't be so sure that the Pathers are gonna walk right through the Cards. They SHOULD, but Warner just might slice up Carolina's mediocre defense. Stranger things have happened.
  6. After that narrow win versus the Panthers I wouldn't be so sure. Casey makes that kick much more often than not. Go Chargers. Actually, maybe he makes that kick more often not in Carolina, a dome, or some other fair weather stadium....but a 50 yarder in December at Giants stadium on a windy night?..... : Let's just say I wasn't that worried when they lined up to take it. The Giants flat out wore out the Pathers, which is what they'll do to Philly.
  7. Got that right!
  8. Another G-men fan! This is going to be a WAR! I can't wait for this game. Jacobs is healthy and FIRED UP! He's gonna be set to put the hurt on some Philly D-Backs! Eagles are playing great ball, but they're going to have they're hands full on Sunday. NY 27 PHI 24
  9. I've been kicking around this idea to harm PETA. No, nothing cruel or criminal. In fact, PETA thinks your helping them out, when in fact you are not. The plan is to request hadouts, stickers, buttons, flyers, signs, etc from PETA. All the things PETA gives away for free to spread their cause. LOTS of them. Then, you just turn around and dump them into the recycling. Could you imagine how much money PETA would lose in a year if a few hundred "volunteers" did this? Think about it......
  10. Really? Thats a big limb considering Jack Bauer wears Chuck Norris pajammas. Chuck Norris likes his ice the way he likes his skulls: crushed!
  11. The Boss is a boring choice. I however felt that Prince was the best performance I've seen at the Big Game in years. He brought the energy and he's just a downright nasty guitarist. Hi,.... my name is SuskyDude...........and I'm a Prince fan.
  12. A "Champion" in college ball? WHAT DID THE COMPUTER SAY? ;D
  13. Put me down for "Should have retired 5 yrs ago." If I have to watch Brett cry on TV again I'm gonna lose it. I will miss watching him throw interceptions though. ;D
  14. He's so likable BECAUSE he's full of doo doo, and is having fun with it all. He knows it, and he's not ashamed. Billy Mays doesn't realize he's full of it, plus he can't stop yelling at me, so he's not likable. "Your gonna love my nuts" - classic. I saw it just the other night and laughed like I was in middle school.
  15. Adam Sandler is about as funny as a kick in the groin. You couldn't pay me to watch his movies. His schtick got old as soon as it started. Kevin James, on the other hand, is a pretty talented guy. His stand-up is good, for "clean" comedy anyway. Jessica Biel is my future ex-wife.
  16. Steak of choice: Ribeye(Delmonico), rare. (Still cool in the middle) Runners up: NY Strip or Filet, very rare (still cold in middle...mooo)
  17. Thats more or less what I was going for. Everyone likes pizza, and everyone has an opinion on what makes a great one. I guess it boils down to whats more important to you: flavor of texture. For me, although both are important, flavor trumps texture. I can deal with bad texture if it tastes good. For example, oysters feel like little balls of snot in your mouth...but they taste sooo good....know what I mean? Thats why I think the sauce is more important: most of a pie's flavor comes from the sauce.
  18. Mepps Agilia, no dressing, silver or gold. Size 4 or 5. Go big or go home.
  19. Sounds like ambrosia...I will!
  20. Keep an eye on those ammonia levels!
  21. So the other pizza topic got me wondering: what do you all think is the most important part of the pie? The cheese, the sauce, or the crust. We're talking just a normal cheese pizza. Without a doubt, I think sauce, and here's how I got there: Cheese: Mozzerella is an almost flavorless cheese (at least as cheeses go), so other then adding the ooey gooey goodness, and the stomach filling protein, it doesn't make or break a pizza. As long as it's decent quality, it's fine. Crust: This one is tricky- for many, it's all about the crust. But it's not the most important. The crust is just a vehicle for the sauce and cheese. And although the texture of the crust can make or break a pizza, texture, as a property of food, must take a backseat to flavor....which is where the sauce comes in. Sauce: undeniably the most important part of a pizza. This is the pies flavor. You may like the texture of the crust, but its the flavor of the sauce that you crave, whether you know it or not. If the pizza's crust and cheese are great, but the sauce is garbadge, the pizza is garbadge. But a piece of carboard with cheap cheese will still taste good if the sauce is outstanding. It's all about flavor. So what do you guys think? Lets talk pizza! Man, now Im hungry.
  22. If I could only have one lure to catch smallies: 4 in green pumpkin tube on a 1/4 oz. jighead. But my favorite, as far as the "fun factor" is involved, would have to be a popper!
  23. What he said. Except I would reccomend a pair of small sunnies, like pumpkinseeds or longears. Alot easier (and cheaper) to keep fed, plus they are much more attractive anyway! If you do get the bass, then I would say ditch the HOB power filter and be ready drop a few hundred on a canister filter, or you'll being doing ALOT of water changes to keep the water parameters safe and healthy inside a 55 gal. Bas eat alot, and they poop alot. Also, whatever you do, don't release whatever you keep in the aquarium back into the wild. Its not a good practice. Kill it, flush it, eat it, whatever....just don't put them back, its not worth the risk of possibly spreading a disease, or maybe releasing it into the wrong body of water where the species may not belong and may cause harm. If you take 'em home, don't put 'em back!
  24. I'm with you. I enjoy the extreme high level of talent found in NFL teams, you just don't get that in college. Not even close. I also like how NFL games tend to be alot closer than college games. Every time I look at college scores, it's always like 65-7, or 72-3. That sounds competitive! I'm a Giants fan, I live in NY, so I get to see all of the games. All of them. Syracuse is an hour away from me and I saw one of there games this year. Hows that work? Also, at the end of the NFL season, there's.....gasp....a clear cut champion! Can't say that with college ball. Who did the computer rank as number one this year? Too many polls, too many "Bowls." I could give a crap unless its the SUPER Bowl! I gotta say that I think NFL is a far superior football product.
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