Very good points. However it is going a little to far. You can't expect a 250-300 pound lineman to stop mid-air and change direction. But that what the refs seem to expect now, and it''s made for some TERRIBLE calls.
Furthermore, I am one of those folks who doesn't believe that the entire game rests on the quaterback. I mean if that where the case, and there really is only 5 or 6 "decent" QBs in the league, as you put it, how is anyone winning games? There is alot to be said about the offensive line and recievers, but it rarely gets mentioned. QBs will get all the credit, or blame, despite the fact that there is 10 other guys on the field. If ANYONE of them doesn't do their job, the play is dead in the water.
Finally....only 5 or 6 "decent QBs" in the league? Its the pros, they're all good. It's just some are VERY good, and others are on VERY good teams! The ones that "suck" would tool anyone of us in a pickup game.
Oh, 1990 Giants. Superbowl Champs. Simms broke his foot at the end of the reg. season, 2nd string Hostetler took them all the way.
In the end I feel a little extra protection for the QB is a good thing, but when the NFL is the NFFL (National Flag Football League) in twenty years, don't say we didn't warn you! ;D