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  1. We just fried a bunch of smallies 2 weeks ago. Beer battered half of them and breaded the others in panko. Served with slaw, greens, cornbread, fried garlic scapes and onin rings. Hard to beat.
  2. Banded killifish and blacknose dace.
  3. Black spot grubs. They're little parasites. In really bad cases they can kill the fish, but for the most part are harmless.
  4. Thanks guys! So is using a fluro leader pretty standard for most fishing down there? What pound and what length would you guys reccomend? I plan on bringing a 7' M with a 3000(ish) spooled w/ 220 yd of 10# braid, and a 7'6" with a 4000 w/ 265 of 15# braid.
  5. Going down to Florida this weekend. Will be camping on the beach of Virginia Key for two weeks. I will have my kayak. So whats around and what type of tackle do I need for an all around spinning set up? I'd like to target snook, tarpon, and bonefish if they are around, but will be happy to fish for anything (speckled trout? pompano? cudas? you tell me.) My only saltwater experience is fishing the surf and tidal creeks of Pawleys Island, S.C., and I already know that Florida is a compleltely different ballgame. I've been told that that there should be plenty of shrimp around, and they should be the go to live bait for most species. Any rigging tips? How about artificials? Gonna bring some topwater and jerkbaits, but wouldn't mind some reccomendations. I've trolled the internet and heard about some of the good spots around Virginia Key (Bear Cut) and Key Biscayne (the flats on the north end I hear are good.) Anyone one willing to give up a hotspot thats within kayaking distance of Virginia Key? I've got a gps if you've got a waypoint. Any advice, specific or general, would be appreciated.
  6. I agree. I'll be purchasing KVD's Pure Insanity Core-Blaster Aerobic "Twerk-out" when StrikeMaster releases it on Blu-Ray this spring. Kevin will have me burning fat and toning my abs and buns while teaching me how to twerk to the latest dance grooves. Can't wait!!
  7. Wear it like a badge of honor! I've deep hooked myself several times. 3 times in the hand/finger, 2 of wich I was able to remove myself. One time in my chest, which I removed. But my best one happened pretty much the same way as yousr, except I caught it right in the nose! I went home and made a half-hearted attempt to remove the hook while standing in front of a mirror before going to the walk in. The best part was when I check in, with a 2 1/2 inch popper dangling from my nose, the girl doing my paper work asks " Soooo, you're here for the fish hook in your nose......right?" LOL. "No," i said, "thats just a fashion statment!"
  8. All of my spinning reels I use for bass are 2000/2500 series. I do have a 1500 that I use for light line.
  9. "Survival of the fittest" refers to an organisms ability to procreate and pass its genes into the next generation. It has nothing to do with who is physically stronger, or who is on top of the food chain. "Fitness," in an evolutionary sense, refers to an organisms reproduction rate. If environmental pressures allow an organism with a unique genetic trait to reproduce more often/successfully/etc. than other members of its species, then this organism is considered to be more "fit." And because this trait gives the organism greater reproductive ability, the trait will be passed on to future generations more frequently and will become more widspread throughout the population. So what I'm trying to say is that a fish (or a bird, or a tree or an ameoba) can be just as "fit" as a human, Sorry, I had to be that guy. Oh, and PETA sucks!
  10. I have a large stash of 2 of their discontiued poppers, the ZZ Pop and the Pop N' Splash. My favorite topwater baits for smallmouth on the river. I won't stop buying them on Ebay until I have a lifetime supply. I have about 30 of the ZZ pop and 15+ or so of the Pop N' Splash, so I' m pretty close I think. LOL
  11. 2 - 2 1/2 pounds or so. Get a scale and know for sure. But be forewarned, they always shrink one they're weighed!!
  12. When you buy cheap boots, your feet pay the difference.
  13. Great chops, but corny as hell.
  14. I hear ya. Personally, I don't have a horse in the race as I'm on the NB and things are great up here. But from what I've read and from what I heard, a problem is definetly brewing in PA. I hope that the powers that be figure it out though. It would be a real shame if the best smallie river in the mid atlactic gets ruined.
  15. Needle nose pliers. And if that doesn't work, I use a pair of wire cutters to hopefully make some room. And if that doesn't work...and the fish is legal and in season...it becomes dinner!
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