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  1. I always tuck me shoe laces into my shoes but they have to face each other. It's carried over from playing sports.
  2. Senko for me most of the tournement bass I have caught have come from Senkos.
  3. Thanks for the all the great resonse on this thread. I was hoping it would bring out the diffrent style in jig fishing and show newcomers that a lot of the time it is personal preference. I am a finiesse jig guy where as someone elese is a power jig guy. There is no wrong ways only not to fish this bait.
  4. I have been jig fishing for a year now and have read every arcticle on the web on jig fishing but there is really nothing describing the most common techniquies. I have found that the lift and fall is effective but it took awhile to figure out how high to lift the pole. Crawling is another favorite but there again there really was not much on how to do these. My lift fall is simple: cast or pitch the jig out on a semi-slack line and follow the jig down with the tip of the pole. Wait for it to hit the bottom wait 5-10 seconds. Then hit the thumb bar on the baitcaster and feed out line till rod tip is just past paralle to the water. Engage the reel and take up any slack. Lift the rod tip from what would be the 2:00 position to the 1:00 position. Let the jig fall back on semi-slack line. Repeat process till jig is out of the zone your fishing. Sometimes I will incorporate a shake or jiggle with the rod tip when the jig is sitting still or falling. For the crawl: I cast or pitch it out let it settle to the bottom and sit for 5-10 seconds on a semi slack line. I then engage the reel take up the slack and start reeling slowly very slowly. By that I mean I will turn the handle from one point on the star drag to the next in about 3-5 seconds. Stop the reel move the rod tip to either side about 1/2" as to simulate the crawfish turning and looking around. then reel to the next point on the star drag and repeat. If I come up against a rock I will try to get the jig to knock on the rock a little before hopping over or on top. Let me know what favorite presentations and how you guys work them. It might help someone new to jig fishing. Also, I like 1/4 oz jigs with pork trailers. Black works the best for me.
  5. When fishing a ball head jig I will usually attach a hitchhiker to it so I can tex pose the hook in the soft plastic what ever I am using
  6. thanks for the info. I am flying down and will rent a boat when I get there. I was thinking the Salt Springs to but it is a real hike from where we will be staying. I figured I could ask around when I got there where any springs are thinking the water will be warmer there. I'm really not going to bed fish (personal reasons) what I was really after was tackle to bring with me. Thanks a bunch.
  7. I am planning a trip to the St. Johns River in Florida in Feb. and I need some ideas on what tackle to bring with me and where to fish. We will be staying around Deland. Any help would be great.
  8. Rage Tail Shad Blue and white
  9. Whenever I'm in the boat I try both till I figure it out. When I'm stuck on shore there is only one way unless I bring a surf pole ;D ;D ;D
  10. Welcome aboard. Cann't say much more than what was already said. Read a lot and pratice even more.
  11. You guys are going to love my Fathers day gift. Me and my father-in-law decided to go the lake and do a little fishing Sunday. He likes to fish for walleye, lakers, northerns, muskie, ect.. Me I like to fish bass most of the time. So when we are out on the lake we alway fish for the colder fish in the morning and bass in the afternoon. My wife god bless her knows nothing about the sport of fishing. Her and my daughter got this 8'0" quantium Lite pole and matching reel at a yard sale. Biggest freaking pole I have ever used. Worked great for trolling because of how heavy it is. But the coolest thing was I say a bunch of shad breaking the surface 60 yards from where we were trolling. I had a heavy spoon on so reeled it in and ran up the front of boat and casted it out lets just say I underestimated the force needed to throw a spoon with that kind of pole. I watched the spoon disapear in the middle of wood another 40 yards past the fish and it wasn't slowing down either. I thought my father-in-law was going fall out of boat he was laughing so hard from what just happened and the stupid look on my face. Just thought I share. Cann't wait the take it the park and throw a lure to the other side of the river.
  12. I hooked up a watermelon w/ red flake this weekend and I was the only one in the boat catching anything. Everyone else was using nightcrawlers and picking on my fake bait till I started hauling in the fish then they were like what are you using. I just keep telling them fake bait.
  13. Congrats you hooked now
  14. Being new the sport of bass fishing. I have been buying $20.00 worth of hard/soft baits a week. This week I picked up some Zooom Trick Worms and Zoom Chunks. Why I have not picked up Zoom Trick Worms before I have no idea but I love these thing weightless T-rigged. None of my Berkley powerbaits and Glup move like this thing. Pull it once and shoots straight up and fall vert. vibrating all the way down. Pull it again and it might go Horz and flutter. I was even walking the dog with this thing sub-surface. What a bait but many of you all ready know this. I can't wait to throw it on a shakey head.
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