i have just now started to fish flukes and i am doing real well with the zoom green albino fluke jr but the fish i'm catching arnt any bigger than 1.5lb is that all i will get with this bait or is there a better way to fish is. all i am doing is throwing it over some logs and depending on how the fish are reacting i'll let it sink than twich and almost dead stick it.
Has any one from florida ever fished lake bryant???? i am from kansas and i am takeing a trip to florida for vacation and the hotel i am ataying at is right next to this lake and i would like some info on it, just so i'm not fishing it blind. thanks
Ok i got a hot tip on a location of big bass. yet i have never fished or seen this spot and i thinking about hiting it tomorrow, one problem i really dont know how to start. i dont know the clarity or if there is any structer the only thing i really know is where the location is. can any one help. o yea it is spose to be overcast tomorrow and temp in the high 50s low 60s water temp i belive in mid 40s.
I have been useing KVD's line and lure conditioner and i really like it. it is all that he says it is. what do yall think or do you have any thing eles that you might think is better.
Does any one know a good web site that i can read and learn about the different type of vegitation and plant life in and around lakes and ponds that bass use for cover. also so i can identifie the different pants so i can fish around them or avoid them?
i would try one of each, just experiment, i have caught fish in clear water with a spinner bait with a willow leaf and also with a painted willow leaf. just experiment with what you got and see what the fish want.
Hello i am really starting to get into the sport of fishing and i enjoy bass fishing the most is there any Clubs in Wichita. i would really like to join an further my knowlege of this great sport.
I have found this one pond that i want to fish but i dont know how to start the pond is seriously gin clear and the bottom of the whole pond is coverd in thick moss and weeds that even when i throw texas rigged or weedless anything the moss sticks to it please help i dont know what to do and i know there are some lunkers in that pond.
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