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Everything posted by FishGuitBeer

  1. Why thanks you, ya bunch of mooks! Muddy, you from Jersey?
  2. Hi all! Bass fisherman from Jersey here, love your board you got going here. This is like my second post...........I've been using the term mook for about 12 yrs, I never hear it used anywhere. My 3 boys have many "mook variations" ie "oh he's a mook-job", "mook-bag" etc. I almost died laughing when I saw the m-word all over the place. Think I'm gonna like it here! tight lines all!
  3. I have one of the Inferno spinning reels and I have no complaints. As far as the Escalade goes, it's the same machined body as the Code, got enough bearings, I might grab one! I have Quantum reels that have lasted 10 years and I can't parts from Quantum anyway. If a 65.00 ree lasts me 4 or 5 years, whats not to like? The fact that I don't have the status of owning the 120.00 status reel?
  4. Hey all, I'm new here, this is my first post. I live in No. Jersey and have fished the Newark Watershed resevoirs for 20 years. Jersey takes a lot of knocks, but since the Highlands Act came into being, and much of the land in No Jersey is now protected, there are some wonderful fishing opportunities out there. I run the gamut,Trout, Smallies, Largemouth and Musky and there are world class fish out there if you know where to look!
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