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Everything posted by FishGuitBeer

  1. One thing I have noticed, using mainly 6'6" casting rods for years, it seem's to be a bit ,,uh ... petite?
  2. Like Davis said it's a breeze!
  3. Yeah, I only have two brakes on, but I think I can roll it back to one.
  4. Yeah, I took it out in the yard and gave it a couple of casts. I'll put it through the paces this weekend! So far...I like
  5. I guess I'm asking "how do you turn the magnets on and off"? :-?
  6. Fed-ex just dropped it off here at my workplace, love the feel of it! but I got questions. At the risk of sounding like a mook noob, I gave up on low profile Garcia"s back in the 80's after owning a XLT. I own several 4600's a 5600 that I love, but primarily, I use Quantums. I guess I'm spoiled by the dial fine tune braking system, cause I've removed the side plate on the REVO, and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with these magnets. Am I supposed to push the orange things on posts out twoards the edge of the spool? :-/
  7. When your penchant for fishing tackle, starts being compared to Imelda Marco's shoe addiction, you have enough stuff
  8. Well, I got my Fed-Ex tracking # and my Revo is on the way! Thought that would be my last purchase of the season, but I saw signs on my way home for a "garage sale" this weekend, with new hunting and fishing equipment. This same guy has a sale last year. He actually had peg board in his garage with all new brand name plastic's, cranks, rod and reel combos, tree stands ..you name it. I think the bait-monkey will be hiding in the bushes on Saturday morning ;D
  9. Allright last question...........does anyone even own an Okuma bait caster beside me......regardless of model? :-/
  10. Just pulled the trigger, thanks all, especially Davis for the link!
  11. OK! I get it, I'm ordering now...you guys don't get a kick-back do ya
  12. Sounds like a done deal, thanks for the input guys 8-)
  13. I know the xts seems to be the choice of guys here, but I'm trying to keep my spending around 100.00. Is this reel worth the money?
  14. I guess I meant it had no incremental magnetic brake...
  15. Yup, I have one.............fished it all last season. Does anybody else own one or any Okuma BC reel???? :
  16. I have two Quantum energy reels that are 10 yrs old, still kicking!
  17. Anybody else own one of these? I bought one last year, it has no fine tune braking like a good quantum etc, just the spool brake knob. I'm having trouble with back lashes with it.
  18. Well...here we go, That reel is based on the Quantum Code. It is made for Dick's and lacks some of the bells and whistles of the real mccoy. It probablt was never worth 119.00 dollars, but that doesn't mean it's a bad 69.00 reel. If it's your first baitcaster reel, you could do worse, I'm tempted to pick one up myself.
  19. That's a great question!
  20. I'm cleaning and spooling reels......seem to remember oil goes on some parts, grease on others...which be which? :-?
  21. Before I moved up NW Jersey, I lived in a town with a large Korean population. Seems there's a Korean company, that makes woman's shoes called MOOK. There was a store on the main drag, that had a big Mook sign in the window..........yeah I know, I'm easily amused ;D
  22. I've been using it for about 12 yrs now. Took a little hiatus for the last two years and used some Trilene and Stren. I honestly think the Excel has less memory and you can't beat the price. I bought three jumbo spools today of 6lb, 8lb and 10, still have some 12 and 20 leftover from two years ago........
  23. Thanks everyone! Yeah, Brooklyn would be the birthplace of mookdom. If I didn't know better Muddy, I'd say that was Monksville (Mooksville if you prefer) Reservoir in Jersey in your sig picture... 8-)
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