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Everything posted by bilgerat

  1. As a kid growing up in the Seventies, I can relate. I had trouble learning the "new math" as they called it. Thank God for my dad. I remember him looking through my math books and saying "What a load of crap this is", then he would show me how to figure the problems out his way, which most of the time was easier and a lot less steps involved. The kicker was when I would go into school and do the math his way and get the correct answer, but still get a load of crap from the teacher because I wasn't using their method. That only happened a few times until he paid a visit to the school. I don't how the conversation went, but whatever he said worked Now I'm a dad and it's the same thing all over with my youngest daughter (My oldest daughter is a math whiz). I work with my young one on her math every night and I can't believe the steps they make them go through to do simple arithmetic. At least when when my wife and I go to parent night at the school and discuss this with her teachers, generally they don't care HOW she gets the correct answer, as long as she gets it. Who comes up with this curriculum ?
  2. When the @#$% is Boondock Saints 2 (All Saints Day) due out ? >
  3. Rather than try to explain it, I Googled "trailer wheel bearing installation" and came up with this. It's actually a fairly simple job. Yell back if you have troubles. http://sierranevadaairstreams.org/owners-guide/maintaining/bearings/index.html
  4. Post back if you are not familiar with installing the hub - as in the correct way to set the axle nut. I'll be back online tomorrow.
  5. If it is just an axle and a simple hub (no brakes) maybe you could remove the whole wheel / hub assembly by removing the cap at the center of the hub, then remove the cotter pin and axle nut. Then the whole thing should come off. Good time to inspect and or replace the wheel bearings and grease seal.
  6. A word of caution - After you get the wheels off, have the studs replaced (along with new lug nuts). It sounds like someone has overtorqued the nuts, likely stretching and weakening the studs. There is a chance they could fail, causing wheel loss. Lug nuts can be installed with an impact gun, but it's easy for someone to go crazy with an air gun and over tighten the lugs. They should be tightened with hand tools so you can get them off later.
  7. Man, I'm sorry to hear what you are going through. I've been a mechanic for 20 years (diesel) and it twists my nads when I read a story like this. Now you have learned a very expensive lesson. 1) In the engine world, as with the rest of the world, cheap does not = good. We lose jobs because we're "too expensive". Then sometimes we get the job later after the first "bargain job" went to s*it. Now the owner paid twice. Where's the value in that ? 2) The fact that they give you the runaround says it all. I'll bet you don't get squat from this guy. 3) Telling a customer that just paid you to "tighten every thing up and replace gaskets" ?! Huh ? :-? I don't want to kick you while you're down, but it seems like you have a trashed motor and no recourse.
  8. The Mighty NFL is next. There is no way those freaks ain't on the juice. Greedy hypocritical owners are to blame.
  9. Give Trilene XL (extra limp) a shot. It's been around forever because it works. Another one to consider is Sufix Elite mono.
  10. What do you think GM's Onstar system is ? It's already here. Maybe that's how they'll pay back their bail out money, by helping Uncle Sam collect taxes via Onstar :
  11. Yeah, better stay away from them Floogers. They'll make your hair fall out, your teeth will rot, your wife will leave you, your dog will bite you.....
  12. If you hate Maryland, try New Jersey for a year or so, then let us know what you think.
  13. Pflueger Trion 4725gx reel BPS Microlite rod 6' Trilene XL 4# Hey sqhertz, how do you like that Flooger ? I remember when you posted asking opinions on what to get, I see you went with the President.
  14. I've had a compost pile for the better part of twenty years now, this is my advice to you. Don't put it anywhere near the house. You risk unwanted critters getting into your house - termites, ants, spiders, etc. My compost pile consists of nothing more than "chicken wire" fence to contain the contents. I've tried the wooden frame thing. Unless you want to spend top dollar on pressure treated lumber, it will rot quickly. I've found the wire fence to work the best, as it allows airflow around the pile. Now you're wondering how do you keep worms in a chicken wire enclosure ? It's all in what you put inside of it to attract and keep them. DO use grass clippings, leaves, any organic kitchen waste such as coffee grounds, eggshells, fruit rinds, stale bread, etc. You get the idea. Tip - worms love cornmeal. Shredded up newspaper is good also. DO NOT use meat scraps, bones, dog crap or anything like that. It will make your pile stink and attract critters you don't want. It also will produce harmful bacteria that can damage any plants you may end up putting the compost on. Make sure you "turn" the pile often, once a week should do. This is nothing more than using a pitchfork to work the undecayed matter from the top down towards the bottom. Compost piles generate a lot of heat that helps break down things faster. You will notice little to no odor at all. You don't want plastic on the bottom, as the worms need to go underground at times to escape the heat. If it's been a while since rain, soak the pile with a hose a day before you need the worms. Doing this ensures me a steady supply of worms throughout the season, generally April through October here on the east coast. I rarely use worms for fishing, but getting a dozen or so for taking the kids out is never a problem, especially since bait shops are far and few between where I'm at.
  15. Way to go, Dr. Muddy. So does your fancy new associates degree mean you don't associate with the likes of us anymore ?!
  16. LED cap lights (the ones that clip to the bill of your hat) are all you need. Green or purple light makes mono glow in the dark, tying knots is a breeze. I also have a single AAA battery Maglite clipped to my hat for regular light.
  17. 6lb LMB on a 1/8oz ballhead jig with a no name generic 3" shad body. The best part is that I got her on a bad cast. I was casting toward the shore from about 25' out and overshot badly, getting hung up in the grass on the bank. After 2 or 3 tugs to try and free it up, it plopped into the water about 3' from the bank and was immediately nailed. At first I thought "good job, you got out of the grass and snagged a log" but then she started to run and the fight was on....
  18. Are they paid officials or volunteers ? I can't speak for basketball officials in Virginia, obviously, but I see the same thing with softball up here. Some of them are so blatant with their bias towards one team it's disgusting. Interpretation of strike zones is a whole other story. My daughter is learning that she just has to deal with it and make adjustments. It's the same everywhere,
  19. A word of warning about spin drying your bearings - don't do it with "shop air" pressure (high pressure). Example - placing the bearing hub on a dowel or pencil and then using compressed air to rotate the bearing at high speed. The bearings weren't designed to spin at these speeds, plus they aren't lubricated. There is a risk of the bearing "exploding", you don't want that in your eyes.
  20. I'm the father of two girls ages 10 and 12. The oldest was the first girl child in 38 years from either side of the family, then 22 months later along comes her sister. They are killin' me, they know it and I think they enjoy it. The boy stuff hasn't started yet, but it's coming. A guy I work with raised three girls, all he does is laugh at me. I've seen hell on earth. We took them to a Jonas Brothers concert this past summer. Nothing like being in a crowd with 10,000 of them screaming at the tops of their lungs for two hours.......
  21. Hey Muddy, here's the tank you get to pick your Jersey fish stick out of : http://www.techtickerblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/07/fishnflush.jpg
  22. I put it in my work truck five years ago. Best investment I ever made. The guys that broke my stones about paying for radio back then all have it in their trucks now. I work from Connecticut to Virginia. Nothing like not having to search for stations every 75 miles. I'm as bad with the remote in the truck as I am in the house. Many times I've gone through every channel on long trips just to see what's going on.
  23. I still have a box of them..... BPS, mid eighties
  24. Ok, I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice......
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