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Everything posted by bilgerat

  1. Make my living laying in bilges repairing marine diesels.....click on the various links. No, that's not actually me. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.russdell.com/images/BilgeRat.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.russdell.com/otherpix.html&usg=__g3NvwzCUhwMpKvMM1N_CKMx8NZ4=&h=403&w=537&sz=158&hl=en&start=8&um=1&tbnid=BcKdNl0FfNG4IM:&tbnh=99&tbnw=132&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbilgerat%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4ADBR_enUS231US242%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1
  2. Remember "Chocodiles" ? Chocolate covered Twinkies. I still may have a box or two around from the eighties and they're probably still edible.......
  3. Touche'
  4. 1) You're preaching to the choir. Of course it's insanity. 2) As much as I'd love to go fishing, I can't because the aliens won't leave me alone while I'm out there. I'm gonna go put on my aluminum foil hat to keep the government's radio waves from getting to me...........
  5. I have some very old Wagner skillets and some by Griswold. Nothing like a well seasoned iron skillet.
  6. Here in certain parts of New Jersey, especially coastal areas, we have greenhead flies that will take chunks out of you. Bug spray to them is just salad dressing.
  7. The weather. Tonight at 10:00 pm on the History Channel - "That's Impossible / Weather Warfare". A show about man's attempts to manipulate weather and looks into allegations that Hurricane Katrina and other major natural disasters were deliberate events. Also the military's role in all of this.
  8. I assume you have a sand filter ? : I know, I know where else would the sand come from ? I have one of those Intex steel frame Kwikset pools. I upgraded to a sand filter. Inside the filter under the sand is a strainer assembly. It's connected to the valve assembly via a length of hose (all of this is inside the filter). Sounds like perhaps one of the hose clamps failed OR the strainer failed allowing sand to be pumped into the return. s the flow of sand constant or just at filter startup ? Either way, you'll probably have to tear it down to inspect it.
  9. Go here and there is a phone # you can call. http://www.pfluegerfishing.com/warranty.html OR sweep a magnet over the carpet like a metal detector and maybe, just maybe you'll get lucky. That'll teach ya to open a reel near carpet.
  10. Right on. I believe there is an "it" factor that defies any logic as it applies to this subject. You can't pin it down, but it's there. For example, everyone looks at Tiger Woods and his training regimen. I'm sure that it's a major part of his success, but then again a lot of pro golfers have a similar program. What puts him ahead ? Substitute Kevin Van Dam for Tiger and it's the same thing. Lot's of guys put in as much time on the water yet they can't touch him. Why ? If you could figure it out, you'd rule the world my friend...
  11. Read up on and start out with the rubber worm. Learn how to rig it weedless with the proper size hooks and go out on your boat without anything else. Use it until you get comfortable with it, then go on to other baits. I say this because a lot of newbies (I was guilty of this as well) get frustrated easy and start tying on every bait they have for 4 or 5 casts which accomplishes nothing. I say start with the worm because it requires patience and discipline to learn (should be no problem if you chased trout for years) but is probably one of the most productive baits out there.
  12. That looks like something one of the crew over on the tacklemaking section of this site could make up. Have you ever seen any of their work ? Amazing.
  13. As a father of two girls myself, I feel your pain...... just kidding of course. Congrats !! (hi Fourbizz ) Both of our girls were C section also. Glad to hear Mom and baby are doing OK. As for you Stripes, the gray hairs are on their way.......
  14. Just as a side note - The wood rotted out of the transom on my '84 Alumacraft. I replaced it with sections of synthetic decking material (ala "Tech Deck") that I had left over from building my porch. It aint going anywhere now
  15. My Triumph is going on five years old with no troubles at all. My fix for reel nuts that loosen up is to back the nut all the way toward the butt of the rod, then a few wraps of teflon tape on the threads. Make sure you wrap in a clockwise direction so as not to unravel it as you are tightening the nut. The tape takes up the clearance between the nut and the threads. The nice thing about it is teflon tape has no adhesive, so no sticky residue is left when you remove it.
  16. About a henway
  17. Got some at Sam's club. Man, this stuff kicks like a mule! If you like this kind of stuff, check it out. It's like no other horseradish mustard I've ever had. WARNING go easy at first, it's potent
  18. They trap and release air bubbles, plus I guess it's a different feel for the fish.
  19. The only thing that I would add to what's already been said is after spooling I open the bail, lay the rod down, grab the line coming out of the top guide and walk it out at least 50 - 60 yards. Then drop the line, walk back to the rod, close the bail and reel in the line using my thumb and forefinger to keep tension on the line. This works out any twists or coils in the line. Also, get into the habit of closing the bail by hand after every single cast. Using the handle to close the bail will lead to line misery :-[
  20. I guess I'll make due with Fig Newtons....... :-/
  21. I know here in New Jersey it's illegal to transfer fish from one body of water to another. I'm sure that's the case in most states. I guess the best you could do is get his license plate # and report him to the Fish and Game (or whatever they're called in Ohio) and see if they will pursue it.
  22. While I can't relate to your disc troubles, I understand the frustration of not being able to fish. Best of luck to you. The fish will still be there when you get back
  23. On the water about 6-7 pm, then well into the night, sometimes until 3 am if the bite is on. I rarely fish during daylight hours, the exception being if it is a cloudy or rainy day.
  24. UPDATE 7/19/09 These things work !! Went out last night to a sand quarry that is known for huge fish. My buddy had fished it his whole life and said it's the kind of place that you get skunked a lot, but when you do hook up it's worth it. Had one of these rigged on a 1/8oz tube jig. Felt a subtle hit, set the hook and away she went. Had her going good. Then she jumped, did the head shake and she was gone :'( She was a beast, easily 7-8 lbs. Other boats were around, everyone saw it. Oh well, I'll be back. So I guess I answered my own question about these baits.
  25. I hear ya Mook. I lost my father in 1977 when I was 12. He too was a WWII vet (Pacific theater). That generation of men and women was truly great. He grew up poor in the Depression as did most people. He had an unbelievable work ethic. I miss him terribly and I wish he were around to see his grandkids.
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