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Everything posted by bilgerat

  1. I'm not pickin' at ya. Really I'm not. But when you use the 'wink wink' smiley next to the word ' legally' and refer to working in the financial world as the 'hustle' it kind of makes my eye twitch. It really does not present the best image. Serious question : Are ethics discussed during your classes or is it just something that's glossed over quickly while everyone rolls their eyes ?
  2. I rather be on the CPA side of the hustle ripping the IRS off legally. God I hope you're kidding. Just who I want tending to my investments. Some Gordon Gecko wannabe playing fast and loose with my money. Were you in a coma at the beginning of this year ??
  3. Well said. That's exactly where I'm coming from. While I'm sure people who fish large bodies of water have seen their share of garbage in the water and have removed countless yards of mono from their trolling motor shafts, the problem is compounded up here where the water is smaller. So in that respect I'm a little (lot) defensive about it. I have no problem introducing someone to fishing, but have no time for people who don't even understand that littering is wrong.
  4. You could not be any more incorrect, sir. My daughters enjoy fishing in addition to other outdoor activities such as field hockey, softball, soccer, etc. If I came across as harsh as it concerns the guy in the golf gallery, so be it. It does not mean I don't want others to enjoy the outdoors. If that's the message you got, my mistake for not being clearer.
  5. I kind of like that fishing is off of the radar for most people. Fishing for me is to get away from it all. I agree with you about what happened to golf. I cringe whenever some bufoon yells at the top of his lungs "GET IN THE HOLE!" after every tee shot or putt. Uttering that phrase should get you beaten with a club of the player's choosing. I don't want that guy fishing near me.
  6. My 10 year old daughter is CONVINCED the world is going to end by meteors and asteroids pummeling the earth in the year 2012. What? You dont think the Mayans were wrong do you? ;D ;D This whole mess started back during her last school year. She had free time in her computer lab and some kid brought up a YouTube video that showed the destruction of the earth. She's a bright kid who gets A's and B's, but she's still just a ten year old kid. Sooner or later (hopefully sooner) this will pass and she'll go back to worrying about what ten year olds worry about....
  7. Sooooooo......A college degree = entitlement to a full time job with all of the perks and bennies and not having to consider a job that you think is beneath you. Or working your way up to prove your worthiness. Wow. I guess all of the s*it jobs I've had in the past didn't count for anything. Who do I sue ?
  8. My 10 year old daughter is CONVINCED the world is going to end by meteors and asteroids pummeling the earth in the year 2012.
  9. What ? No Shimano Fightin Rod ? ;-) Mark The Bullwhip was a Fightin' Rod. I don't remember if Fightin' rods were part of a series and the Bullwhip was just one of them or what. It's a conversation starter for sure
  10. Is that a small jig hanging out of it's mouth ?
  11. Ahhhhhh, but you had a good run. Go home, relax, recharge and get out there. They're waiting.
  12. I own those EXACT models and have had zero troubles with them. If you bought them new I would not hesitate to return them for exchange. If the problem persists, it's not the reels. Shimano is the only brand that I'm aware of that adds or removes shims under the spool to adjust line lay.
  13. I still have one of those Quickfires mounted up on a Shimano Bullwhip rod. Anyone remember the Bullwhips ? They were shaped like pool cues!
  14. http://*.com/disctube When you open the link, the color shown is Black / Blue laminate. Go to the color selection dropdown box and select Huckleberry. I know it's not black mixed with the emerald, but it's a very dark purple. I just got some as a matter of fact. BTW, these are top notch tubes
  15. ;D ;D I believe you. Years ago we were fishing a small pond out of my boat. We were not getting anything. One of those days when you throw everything you have. There's a kid and his dad on the bank. The kid kept asking if he could put a piece of hot dog on his line and the old man kept saying "No". This went on for an hour until dad caved in just to shut the kid up. You know how this ends. My buddy and I packed up and called it a day.
  16. Worms can be tricky in that fish sometimes just pick them up and 'carry' them instead of inhaling them. It can be fine line between a fish doing this and aggressively attacking the bait. Set the hook too fast and you yank the worm out of it's mouth. Wait too long and you risk gut hooking the fish. As for the guy pulling a fiver from where you were at, you could have had a bunch of smaller bass or panfish playing with your bait. The big boy showed up and chased them away. That's when the other guy showed up and got the big one. It's an old trick catfishermen use. They load up the hook with a big ball of worms knowing the little fish will gather around and peck at it. The bigger fish will notice this and move in to see what the fuss is about, chasing the little ones away.
  17. This is obviously a joke thread. Nobody can be that stoopid I'll bet it's someone we know just yanking our chain.
  18. Not really a blues tune, but a good one just the same.
  19. Besides the obvious things mentioned: 1) an old ice cube tray makes a good place to keep screws, clips, etc. 2) don't take it apart anywhere near carpets or rugs. Lose a small piece there and it's game over.
  20. Work a weedless frog (Spro, Scumfrog, Snagpruf, etc.) through that mess. When they bust through and take it, WAIT a couple of seconds until you feel the weight of the fish, then set your hook.
  21. Anyone ever deal with these guys ? http://trollingmotorparts.com/default.aspx/MenuItemID/184/MenuGroup/Home.htm I have an older (early nineties) Minn Kota that I need parts for.If you have a better source, I'm all ears
  22. I'll make you a bet he's probably got at least three kids out there somewhere......
  23. If my crabs taste like crap from eating that stuff you're gonna hear it from me ;D
  24. Yeah man, that's a classic for sure. That's definitely one of those "If you could have only one bait" deals.
  25. I swim 2" sections of senko style baits (Trick Sticks, Dingers, etc.) on 1/8 or 1/4oz jigheads. They dart around like little minnows. A good way to get more mileage out of torn up baits.
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