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Everything posted by bilgerat

  1. Adult film stunt double. I'm known as 'Beef Jerky'...
  2. Greed has been around since caveman days. Oog beat Trog about the head and face with his club to get Trog's food and his woman. It's been going on ever since.
  3. Whatever hook you go with, don't unscrew the hangers to get the old ones off. Cut the hooks off and install the new ones with split rings. Owners are a good hook. Match the original size or go up one. Make sure they can't hook themselves together.
  4. Yeah, ok. That's why half of you were planning to meet online for a rousing round of Playstation or X box or whatever ;D. Next time you all meet up at the comic book store, have someone snap a pic and post it so our cougars know who to be on the lookout for
  5. Red less visible underwater? hmm,,,don't manufacturers like Gamakatsu make red hooks to supposedly attract fish? Seems kind of contradictory. The whole red hook thing is snake oil IMO. For PP fans, it's in Cabela's Bargain Cave now, even the red stuff.
  6. Toughest $40 reel out there. When the naysayers come along, ask them if they actually own one. That usually shuts them up. Mine is going on three years old and literally hundreds of fish. The only thing I don't like too much is the rosewood handle as it can get slippery in the rain. Pflueger's Sure Click bail is solid. Line management is good, drag is more than adequate. A very well made reel, especially for $40. A thorough clean and lube every year is all it needs. Beware of this crap that always comes up on these threads "For an extra $50 you could have a blah blah blah" Ask them to send you the fifty bucks.
  7. I don't know about poop, but when my oldest daughter was an infant she had a gastronomical disorder known as gerds. She could vomit straight up quite a ways. You develop very quick reaction times....
  8. Well, I'm a cheap b*stard and a tinkerer to boot. Two kids and a mortgage will do that to you. So mine gets saved until cabin fever season. Some of them get repaired and some gets fabricated into jig trailers, creatures, etc. And yes they catch fish.
  9. That was me in my freshwater submersible. I was scouting structure and forage and wasn't paying attention. Sorry.
  10. Seems like a waste of time to me as I never had an issue with knot failures to begin with. Now hooksets are a different animal, you are always going to miss a percentage of them. Using the sharpest hooks possible is one way of putting the odds in your favor. I also don't see how hookset capability improves as, to me, that's determined by the geometry between the hookeye and the point. You are still pulling from the same place. BTW, I have snelled bait hooks in the past and it is a royal p.i.t.a.
  11. Lifelong Vikings fan (that lives deep in the heart of Eagles country) It should be a great game. I have tons of respect for the Saints, they didn't get where they're at by suckin'. Neither did the Vikes. It's no fluke they're in it, I wish those blowhard "experts" that had Dallas cakewalking would get it. Then again most of the people that cover the NFL have an infatuation with Dallas, so it's no suprise.
  12. RW and I had a heated discussion a while back about Tru Turns. I like 'em, he doesn't. I'll be the first to admit that they're made of cheap crap, but man do I stick fish with them. If they would make them out of quality wire and charge a little more, they would have the market nailed.
  13. Old people are cool.
  14. How big is your boat ?
  15. I own a boat (14' flat bottom) but have never had it in there. I never saw any signs saying you couldn't. I guess as long as you could get it over the guardrail it would be ok. I always parked on the other side of the road where the shoulder is wide without any problem. Did you notice the stumpfield way out yonder ?!
  16. Agreed. Back in ancient times (the 70's) most two piece rods had metal ferrules at the joint that killed any sensitivity. Today's worst two piece rods are far superior to anything back then. Like was said, assemble the sections securely and occasionally check for movement and you'll have no problem.
  17. Anything that puts that look on Jerry Jone's face makes my day. Now he can go sit in his billion dollar stadium and sulk like the big baby he is :'(
  18. Looks good to me. Nice work Dave. Were you trying for that slight arc on the lateral line that follows the contour of the body ? Maybe a pipe cleaner pre - bent to the desired arc and then somehow get the paint onto the pipe cleaner and then lay it on the body to 'transfer the image' so to speak. It may at the least give you the line you wanted and you can freehand from there. Anyhow I think it looks good.
  19. x2. Add to that day OR night.
  20. Thanks guys. Catt, you were so close with "Rattletron". At least if I lose mine I can get another. Here's some info I found: "Lunker Lure made a big splash in fishing in the 80's with the Triple Rattleback jig. No other jig combined the great big bass reputation of the jig and 3 very loud rattle chambers at that time. Of course Lunker Lure is most noted for creating the Original Lunker Lure Buzz Bait that is still a top producer for anglers across the country The creations that Don and Brent Gentry built are legendary. Lunker Lure merged with Hawg Caller, another successful regional company, and they are still in business today. Lunker Lure had a who's who in pro staffs in the early days with Denny Brauer, Tommy Biffle and Gary Klein. Those in the know know that those three revolutionized flipping and pitiching as we know it today and Lunker Lure was right in the middle of that. They created jigs for casting, flipping and pitching and the hard work during the design phase made them the best in the industry for fishing heavy cover. Don Gentry is a tinkerer and his love of fishing and what makes them go goes into every product. Taking a good lure and making it better or coming up with an entirely new design has been part of the reputation of Lunker Lure since they opened the doors. The Rattle Back Spinnerbait is another Don Gentry design. He created a patented unique blade style (Vibratron) that combined the flash of a willow leaf blade with the vibration properties of a Colorado blade. This blade puts out more vibration than a peg legged washing machine in spin cycle and on tough days it gets bites. To the best of our knowledge there were 3 different sizes of that blade made. A small one for a single spin Tiny Tron, an intermediate for the lighter weights and a larger one for the heavier models. Gary Klein told us "Its the best spinnerbait ever made. Great flash, great vibrations and a true runner right out of the package. It has made me a lot of money along the way." The Rattle Back Spinnerbait has a rattle chamber built into the bullet style head of the bait that allows it to not only put off a ton of vibration but attract bass from long distances because of the rattle as well. Combined with either a number 4 willow or a Colorado blade this bait works well around and over grass and can even be buzzed with a gurgling and sputtering not seen on other baits without the patented blade. We have found it particularly effective paralleling rip rap and on blow down trees."
  21. Catt had posted this pic last week on another thread. I have one with the exact same main blade, mine does not have the willow blade. Mine is at least 25 years old. I contacted Catt, he wasn't quite sure the name of it. Anybody ever seen one and know what it's called ? http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j274/catt951/Tackle/trip_rat_vib_spin.jpg
  22. bilgerat


    I'm fair skinned and despise shaving. So years ago I got a fogproof shower mirror and started shaving in the shower. No more pimples or skin irritation. Shaving in the hot steamy shower softens your beard thus giving you a very close shave. Also no sink mess to deal with (your mom will love you). Don't waste your money on fancy shaving cream, get the plain Barbasol. It's what barbers recommend.
  23. Proper lubrication of any knot is crucial for knot strength. If it's not 100% smooth when pulling it tight, it will fail even if it looks good externally. That's why the Good Lord gave you plenty of spit.....
  24. The handling is incredible. One of the test maneuvers is called a J turn, which is done at full speed without slowing down at all. Then there is an E (emergency) stop inwhich the boat comes to a complete stop from full speed within 7 seconds. The G forces are crazy. As far as cost, I don't have an exact figure but it's safe to say it's well into seven figures. Everything is top of the line. On one of the trials we went well into the night. The night vision cameras were stunning in their detail. Next round of sea trials are not scheduled until spring. We'll see about fishing then . One of the Coast Guard guys I met was an avid bass fisherman from Mississippi. If anyone will go for it, he will.
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