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Everything posted by bilgerat

  1. And you still married her? Boy, did I ever set myself up for that one : Well played, slonezp. Insert none existant "golf clap" smilie here.
  2. My best fish (4 - 5 lb range) with the exception of 1 all came back in the spring before this heat set in. Overall my numbers have been down this season compared to previous years. I'm optimistic about the next few months, though. I fish until the bitter end until the water gets hard.
  3. First date with my (now) wife over 20 years ago. Ate a bad clam. Destroyed the delicate little powder room in her parents house several hours later after the restaurant when it kicked in. What they must have thought : Oh, and Glenn, got my first and hopefully last kidney stone several weeks ago on vacation. My first ambulance ride too, as I had no idea what was happening. I thought my appendix exploded or something. That's a whole other level of pain there.
  4. http://www.***.com/Falcon_LowRider_XG_Casting_Rods/descpage-FLRC.html Specifically, model # LFC- 5-168. An excellent all around rod that would work out very well for you. A steal at $109.99. Falcon makes a nice rod. 5 year warranty also.
  5. My kind of woman.....see if she's got a sister and we'll make a party out of it. A couple bottles of Boone's Farm and a few boxes of Ho Ho's and who knows where it will go....
  6. Someone posted this here a few years back but it's worth a second look... http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://tkeiger.com/images/walmart%2520bingo/walmart_bingo_card.jpg&imgrefurl=http://tkeiger.com/humor/parodies/Wal%2520Mart%2520Bingo.html&usg=__j2cshGREeF_e3-F29AOgjZLROiU=&h=661&w=510&sz=205&hl=en&start=6&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=c3ESGYIVhTdnSM:&tbnh=138&tbnw=106&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dwalmart%2Bbingo%2Bcard%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26tbs%3Disch:1
  7. Just like we can't get real Southern BBQ here in the Mid Atlantic, you can't get good pizza anywhere else but here. And even then you have to know where to go, as there are pizza places every mile here and most are pretty bad. I don't care for chain restaurants period. One exception I found is in Ft. Lauderdale. There's a place called Anthony's. They cook theirs in coal fired ovens at some ridiculous temperature but they are gooood.
  8. Didn't you get the Caster ? :-? http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1281472205
  9. I'm thinking it was schools of young bass chasing the baitfish. That explains the small size. Big bass tend to be loners. I've caught bass the same way by throwing a tube into the boil. I never got anything big this way but it's still fun.
  10. St. Croix. Excellent rods and second to none customer service.
  11. Now here's a light line story. I saw this on an episode os "Man vs Fish" http://www.spiritofpilar.com/ Interesting side note... On the same episode, the host was trying to catch a tuna out of a dugout canoe (hollowed out tree trunk) He started out trying to catch baitfish first, which he successfully did by putting small strips of a white t shirt on a hook and jigging them by hand. Some type of mackerel I believe. Just goes to show ya...65 lb braid and $20 baits for bass...LOL ;D
  12. That's a rubber hatch cover. Removing it accesses the inside of the hull for storage. Lots of room in there. Also note the two black circles, one in front of the seat and one behind it. They're screw on lids for two smaller compartments, each with a nylon mesh bag. Just a side note, this particular kayak is rated for 400 lbs.
  13. A sit on top kayak is VERY stable and does not require exceptional balance or agility. I'm about 215 lbs and fish from one of these: http://www.sierratradingpost.com/i/1448E,,_Perception-Caster-125-Fishing-Kayak-Sit-on-Top.html I have no trouble getting in or out, and I can sit on it like a bench with both feet in the water if I choose. Like any small boat or canoe, it can be tipped but the kayak will usually self right itself. Sit on tops are generally easier to get in/out of as opposed to getting yourself inside the hull of a sit in. Most fishermen by far prefer the sit on tops. There are many seating options. As you can see in the pic, the stock seat provides wrap around lower back support. I can fish 8 -10 hours no problem (of course occasionally getting out to stretch and water the bushes). As far as someone with back problems being comfortable, that would probably vary with each individual.
  14. Just an extremely shallow running crankbait made by Mann's: http://www.cabelas.com/p-0044158122040a.shtml
  15. The only sound I like to hear is a fatty crushing my topwater bait
  16. One of last winter's cabin fever ideas has been working very well for me this season. All I did was lay 4 coats of gloss black enamel plus a topcoat of clear sealer on a Mann's Baby Minus 1 crank. Similar action as in the wake but no gurgling. The rattles provide the noise. It's a killer in the same conditions you would use the Jitterbug, but with the option to run it under the surface or just cruise it on the surface as fast or slow as you want to. I also have a better hookup ratio than with the Jitterbug.
  17. You can spin in heavy cover, provided the rod is stout enough. Braid, either by itself or with a suitable leader would raise your success rate in cover a bunch. Braid also performs very well on spinning gear as it doesn't twist and coil like FC or mono. I fished spinning only for over 30 years before getting a bc rig last winter. Don't let anyone tell you you can't spin in cover, it's done every day. Your Pfluegers are fine reels with very good drag systems. Now go fishing and have a blast.
  18. Thank you , the truth should be heard , instead the people in power cover everything up . It really is all about the money and they'll continue to rape ole mother earth as long as its resources hold out. They're all liars, each and every one of them. Never, EVER believe a word any of them say, as it's all scripted BS. That goes for government officials and the corporate crowd. Our founding fathers have likely reached China by now from spinning in their graves so quickly. >
  19. You're gonna love the Supreme...It's not going on the Emmrod, is it ? ;D
  20. Ditto on the kayak. Light enough to load and unload from the car yourself and gets you back into areas many boats can't. Also much quieter than aluminum.
  21. Replacing the rear treble with the next size up (make sure it's dressed) will give it that "tail down" position. It gives a nice tail dance in choppy water.
  22. Glenn enjoys himself a nice Spongebob episode from time to time... Spongebob is Masterpiece Theater compared to the Teen Choice Awards...
  23. No. A tight fitting tarp won't allow air to circulate and it will have a constant layer of condensation on it, which will lead to mildew. Also it will become a magnet for all kinds of critters, which you don't want to discover out in the middle of the lake. Wanna guess how I knew that one ?
  24. Congrats. I got the same one from Dick's back before Memorial Day. If you don't like the water coming through the scupper holes, get a pack of foam practice golf balls. They're the perfect size to plug them. You can even get fancy and pierce a hole through the ball, then thread a thin cord through and tie a knot in one end, leaving a length of cord to use as a handle. Makes removing the balls easier. Pay attention to the storage instructions in the owner's manual. Plastic kayaks + prolonged exposure to the hot sun = a warped hull Don't worry, it won't happen in a day, but with the brutal heat we've been having it's best not to chance it. I store mine hanging on it's side by straps attatched to my fence, with a loose fitting tarp over top.
  25. ...were good enough to go to jail over: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/08/10/mcnugget-fight-mcdonalds_n_677415.html
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