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Everything posted by bilgerat

  1. Here's how I deal with it. Fuel efficient car and zero emission* fishing vessel * If the previous night was beer and wings, zero emission does not apply.
  2. Better hope it wasn't a galvanized garbage can lid they cooked it on....
  3. You need to remove the side plate OPPOSITE of the handle side first. Unscrew the knurled screw, then turn the plate counter clockwise about 1/4 turn and lift off. Remove the spool and there's likely another Phillips screw that was behind the spool that needs to be removed in order to get the gear side plate off.
  4. "You want frys with that ?"....
  5. Also be sure to check for and weed out any pale sickly looking ones. Leaving them in there will wipe out the whole neighborhood.
  6. Liquor in the front and poker in the rear ??
  7. Good Grief. Two years ago my youngest daughter (then 10) was convinced asteroids and meteors were on their way to destroy the earth. She's been acting weird the past week and we finally got her to tell us whats up. It's this stupid end of the world crap. We explained that since the beginning of time there have been lunatics and other extremist types screaming this to further their agenda. She's fine now. I'm sure as hell not looking forward to 2012....
  8. Drag strength means squat when dealing with a bass reel. Drag SMOOTHNESS is what you want. What good is all of that alledged strength if the bass surges and snaps you off because your drag chattered ? All Pfluegers have decent drags. The carbon fiber ones in the higher end models are really nice. Any drag can be greatly improved by polishing the metal plates on both sides with a dremel type tool and metal polish.
  9. Find a body shop in your area that repairs plastic bumpers by plastic welding. It will have a battle scar, but it will be as strong and flexible as new when done. Best of all, it's permanent. Offer the guy cash and he'll probably hook you up - (no tax) Be sure to save the broken piece. I repaired my kayak when it cracked by using polyethylene welding rod and a small handheld butane torch. It worked like a champ, and I've been out in some rough conditions since. If you're not mechanically inclined, take it to the body shop.
  10. I think what he means is NOT where the handle screws in to the sideplate, rather where the wooden knob connects to the end of the handle. The knob spindle on those is riveted to the handle. There is no bushing or bearing. Mine has a little play side to side, but not excessive. A drop of heavy oil will do it a lot of good. Trions are bad **** little reels. I have the 25 size going on 4 years now and it's literally got hundreds of fish to it's credit. The $40 reel that thinks it's a $140 dollar reel...
  11. Probably a perk for the riders so their phone would be charged when they got to their destination.
  12. ....is for people who don't know how to fish.
  13. ^^^^^^^^ What he said. Make an announcement when it's ready to fly.
  14. I don't recall ever doing ANYTHING for that long at one time, except breathing. For God's sake, even after 12 hours of fishing I'm ready to pack it in. What the %#@$ could you possibly talk about for 16 hours ?
  15. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/43078616/ns/technology_and_science-wireless/t/cops-kick-cellphone-blabbermouth-train/?GT1=43001
  16. Was the cop's name Phil McCracken ?
  17. My buddy is a master of Slider fishing (you youngsters can Google it) and I've seen him pull many, many quality fish in over the years. Me ? I can count on one hand how many Slider fish I've caught. Early on I used to break his balls about it, he shut me up quick. But it all evened out two years ago when I turned him on to tubes...He used to laugh at them until I lost an absolute beast of a bass 20' from the boat. She torpedoed out of the water for all to see and threw me. He became a tube convert right then and there.
  18. Well done, sir.
  19. You could try smashing the hook barb down with pliers. Lots of guys do this and swear their hookups stay the same.
  20. As a member of the service industry, I'll put in my $.02... There are 8 of us mechanics on our road crew. We rotate in 8 week intervals for 1 week of "On Call" in which we have to be available to go where necessary at any time. My phone stays on 24/7/365, but that doesn't mean I'll answer it. I'll talk to one of my fellow techs at 3 am if need be, even if I'm not on call. He may not be familiar with something and I am. It works both ways. I will also talk to certain customers, mostly chief tugboat engineers and other guys like that whose safety depends on the equipment they're on. They remember things like that when I come on board to work. They'll hump heavy parts and make sure I get fed (Some of the best food I've eaten was on large tugs. Those guys don't play !) Caller ID is a beautiful thing. Another thing you may not be aware of, dialing *67 before you dial the number blocks your number from showing up on their phone. As a matter of fact, my phone rang today and it was the answering service looking for a callout. It's not my week so I ignored it. Simple as that. It's completely up to you whether or not you let a phone run your life. As for the rudeness factor, people were rude before cell phones and they'll find ways to be rude when the next technology comes along.
  21. My G Loomis stick is more gooder than your stupid stick...
  22. I get the same feeling in my kayak at times, although there are several bass boat guys I cross paths with at several different lakes. We've come to know each other but keep our distance on the water. The one exception may be if one of us passes another on our way to a different spot, we'll stop to see how they're doing and then be on our way. No offense, but some of the worst offenders are the local club guys fishing tourneys. I actually think some of them are convinced since they're in a tourney they have supreme rights at the ramp and on the lake. It's not all of them, usually the KVD wannabees. You cant miss them. They're the pathetic looking ones. Thank God there are no water or jet skiers on my waters. The stories I hear from some of you guys....
  23. The lure doesn't work unless you're wearing a magnetic ion bracelet...
  24. Other than gunk that can be picked off, leave 'em alone. Often "beat up" looking hardbaits produce better than the pretty ones.
  25. I just got this set, under $43 with free shipping. It's ridiculously light and fits me well. The material is not as cheesy as it's made out to be, they've upgraded from previous versions. I'm not so sure about walking through heavy brush, but for the kayak they should work fine. Earlier versions had issues with the quality of the zippers, the zippers on mine are nice and heavy. The cut of the bibs is nice, no binding in a seated position. My only beef is the absence of pockets on the jacket and bibs. The breathabilty of the fabric was the main thing for me. Supposed to be windproof also. Rain in the forecast tomorrow, we'll see how they work out. I'll post a follow up.
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